Anybody watching the LL Softball World Series on ESPN2?
I caught the last 3 innings of the game on Wednesday. It was, by far, the worst color-commentary game I've ever watched. The little "game tracker box thingy" that has the score and other things was never right. It was rough to watch. The umpires were alright. Navy shirts and grey ball bags with grey pants... ugh. The PU had a big strike zone vertically, but called a decent game. I don't know the pitching regulations for LL, but I thought I saw some illegal pitches like shifting back that weren't called. Today's PU is using the "pointing" strike call instead of the ASA recommended "hammer" strike call. But, other than that, is calling a good game. Any comments?
"If you want something that is fair in life, hit a ball between first and third base." John Palko Pittsburgh, PA |
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