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Runner on third. Batter hits line drive and it's heading foul, straight at the on-deck player, who doesn't know it's coming. Ball hits on-deck player, so interference, and ball stops on foul side (although I doubt that matters at this point). I believe the rule states that the "runner" closest to the interference is called out. Two questions: a) At our recertification clinic this year, the clinician told us we would call the on-deck player out. Anyone heard of this rule ?? b) While on the topic, what if there's no runners on base and the on-deck batter gets hit ... is the batter out or, again, would the on-deck player be out?? Thanks in advance for any comments/answers/etc. Regards.
bobbrix |
You better replace that "clinician" who said the on deck batter would be out. There is nothing an on deck batter could possibly do to get himself called out. Even if the on deck batter ran out on the field and tackled F5 as he was attempting to catch a popup, the on deck batter would not be called out (though he would be thrown out—of the game). And "runner closest to the interference"? Where did they dig that one up?
greymule More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men! Roll Tide! |
I've got a foul ball.....Some needed medical attention.....A Concerned parent(s) and possibly a defensive coach who will try to convice me that someone HAS to be out.
We Don't Look for Problems.....They find Us. |
Actually the on deck hitter would be called out if he doesn't get up before a count of ten with the defense in a neutral corner. Sorry about this but I just couldn't resist. Jim
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