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bobbrix Mon May 12, 2003 01:05pm

Runner on third.

Batter hits line drive and it's heading foul, straight at the on-deck player, who doesn't know it's coming.

Ball hits on-deck player, so interference, and ball stops on foul side (although I doubt that matters at this point).

I believe the rule states that the "runner" closest to the interference is called out.

Two questions:

a) At our recertification clinic this year, the clinician told us we would call the on-deck player out.

Anyone heard of this rule ??

b) While on the topic, what if there's no runners on base and the on-deck batter gets hit ... is the batter out or, again, would the on-deck player be out??

Thanks in advance for any comments/answers/etc.


Smiley Mon May 12, 2003 01:17pm

Sounds like a simple foul ball to me.

Striker991 Mon May 12, 2003 01:42pm

No interference
Foul ball. Who was making the play on a line drive right at the on-deck batter? The first base coach? No interference.

Skahtboi Mon May 12, 2003 03:03pm

Under every code I know of, foul ball, nothing more!


greymule Mon May 12, 2003 03:05pm

You better replace that "clinician" who said the on deck batter would be out. There is nothing an on deck batter could possibly do to get <i>himself</i> called out. Even if the on deck batter ran out on the field and tackled F5 as he was attempting to catch a popup, the on deck batter would not be called out (though he would be <i>thrown</i> out—of the game). And "runner closest to the interference"? Where did they dig that one up?

kellerumps Mon May 12, 2003 03:23pm

I've got a foul ball.....Some needed medical attention.....A Concerned parent(s) and possibly a defensive coach who will try to convice me that someone HAS to be out.

gsf23 Tue May 13, 2003 11:02am

Why do you need to call an out on this play? Who is the On-Deck batter interfering with?

CecilOne Tue May 13, 2003 12:48pm

What about if the on-deck batter gets in the way of a ball that can be caught in the air by F3 or F5, like a base coach could?

ChampaignBlue Tue May 13, 2003 12:49pm

Actually the on deck hitter would be called out if he doesn't get up before a count of ten with the defense in a neutral corner. Sorry about this but I just couldn't resist. Jim

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