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Top Baseball/Softball Rules Myths, 2010 Edition
I usually post this eariler in the season, but just haven't gotten around to doing it. This is based mostly on the Eteamz "40 Baseball Myths" article, but has been modified to include both OBR & FED baseball and NFHS & USSSA softball. Sorry, ASAers, but ASA doesn't have much of a presence in this area anymore, so I have not included their rule set.
I'd love any input or corrections. PLEASE REMEMBER that these are MYTHS and therefore all FALSE unless otherwise noted by high school or local league rules. The Batter #1 The hands are part of the bat. FALSE. The hands are part of the batter. The rules state that a touch of any kind is contact with any part of the person or body. The hands are not exempt from this rule. If a batter is hit in the hands by a pitch, he/she will be allowed to go to first base provided that he/she did not swing, the pitch wasn’t in the strike zone, and he/she made an attempt to get out of the way of the pitch. If the batter does swing at the pitch and is hit in the hand, the pitch is ruled a dead-ball strike, not a foul ball. #2 If the batter breaks his/her wrists when swinging, it is a strike. FALSE. It is a strike if, in the umpire’s judgment, the batter attempted to hit the ball. Wrist motion has no bearing in this decision. #3 The batter cannot be called out for interference if he/she is in the batter’s box. FALSE. If the batter has reasonable time to vacate the batter’s box, he/she must do so or risk interference being called. #4 The batter may not switch batter’s boxes after two strikes. FALSE. The only time the batter may not switch batter’s boxes is when the pitcher is in position ready to pitch. #5 The batter who batted out of order is person declared out. FALSE. The proper batter is the one called out. Any hit or advance made by the batter or runners due to the hit, walk, error, or other reason is nullified. The next batter is the one who followed the batter who was called out. #6 The batter may never run to first base on an uncaught third strike if first base is occupied at the time of pitch. FALSE. If there are two outs, the batter may run even if first base is occupied. #7 The batter may not run to first base if the catcher cleanly catches a pitch for strike three that hits the ground first. FALSE. A catch is defined in part as, “The act of a fielder in getting secure possession in his hand or glove of a live ball in flight.” A ball that bounces or hits the ground is no longer in flight. #8 The batter is out if he/she starts for the dugout before going to first after an uncaught third strike. FALSE. In leagues using professional baseball rules, the batter is declared out once he/she leaves the dirt area surrounding home plate. In high school rules, the batter is not declared out until he/she enters the dugout. #9 If the batter does not pull the bat back while in the bunting position, it is an automatic strike. FALSE in baseball, but TRUE in softball. A strike is defined in part as, “A legal pitch that is attempted to be hit by the batter and is missed.” In baseball, merely holding the bat in the bunting position is not to be interpreted as the batter attempted to hit the ball, but in softball, holding the bat in the strike zone is to be interpreted as a bunt attempt. #10 The batter is out if a bunted ball bounces back up and hits the bat while the batter is holding the bat. FALSE. If the batter is still in the batter’s box when this happens, it is ruled a foul ball. #11 The batter is out if his/her foot touches the plate. FALSE. In leagues using professional baseball rules, but TRUE in high school rules. In leagues using professional baseball rules, a batter is called out only if the batter's foot is entirely outside the batter’s box and is touching the ground outside the box when he/she contacts the pitch with the bat. He/She is not out if he/she does not contact the pitch with the bat. There is no statement about touching the plate. The toe could be on the plate and the heel could be touching the line of the box, which means the foot is not entirely outside the box. In leagues using high school rules, a batter would be declared out if his/her foot is touching the plate, but again, contact must be made with the pitch by the bat or otherwise no call would be made. #12 A pitch that bounces to the plate cannot be hit. FALSE in baseball and fast pitch softball, but this is TRUE in slow pitch softball. #13 The batter does not get first base if hit by a pitch after it bounces. FALSE. No such rule exists. The pitch hitting the ground means nothing. #14 The ball is dead on a foul tip. FALSE. The term “foul tip” is often misused. The definition of foul tip is, “A batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher’s hands and is legally caught.” If the ball is not caught, it is a foul ball and the play is dead. However, a foul tip remains a live ball just like a swinging strike. Running to First #15 The batter-runner must turn to his/her right after over-running first base. FALSE. The batter may turn in either direction and not be in jeopardy of being tagged out unless, in the umpire’s judgment, attempts to advance to second base. #16 The batter may not overrun first base when he/she gets a base-on-balls without liability to be put out. FALSE in professional rules baseball and all softball codes, but TRUE in high school baseball. #17 The batter-runner is always out if he/she runs outside the running lane after a bunted ball. FALSE. The batter is declared out only if he/she is outside the running lane and interferes with the defense fielding the ball or receiving a throw at first base.
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade." |
Base Running
#18 A runner is out if he slaps hands or high-fives other players after a homerun is hit over the fence. FALSE. A runner is only out if a player (who is not a runner) or coach physically assists a player in running the bases. A high-five or any other congratulatory gesture is not considered a physical assist. #19 Tie goes to the runner. FALSE. It doesn’t go to the fielders, either. The umpire must judge either the runner beating the throw or the throw beating the runner. Ties do not exist. #20 The runner gets the base he/she is going to plus one on a ball thrown out-of-play. FALSE. The “1+1” myth that is often quoted does not exist in the rules. The runner is awarded two bases from time of pitch if the ball thrown out of play is the first play made on the infield. If the throw is the second or subsequent play made from the infield or is any throw from the outfield, then the runner is awarded two bases from the last base the runner occupied from the time of throw. This means, for example, if a runner is returning to first base to tag up on a caught fly ball and the fielder throws the ball out of play, the runner would be awarded third base. #21 Anytime a coach touches a runner, the runner is out. FALSE. Again, the runner must be physically assisted with his/her base running to be declared out. #22 Runners may never run the bases in reverse order. FALSE. In some cases, the runner is required to run the bases in reverse order, such as when he/she must tag up on a particularly long fly ball that is caught. The only time the runner is declared out is when he/she is doing something to deliberately confuse the defense or is making a travesty of the game. #23 If the runner doesn’t slide on a close play, he/she is out. FALSE in most written rule sets including high school rules. The runner only needs to seek to avoid contact, and if he/she can do so without sliding, then that is allowed. Contact between the runner and the defense can still occur and no call may be made. However, if a runner is judged by the umpire to have maliciously contacted a defensive player, that runner can be called out and ejected from the game. Some local leagues do have special slide rules for some age groups, but again, these rules are not written in either professional baseball or high school rules books. #24 The runner is safe when hit by a batted ball while touching a base. FALSE in baseball, but TRUE in softball. In baseball, the runner is declared out if struck by a batted ball at any time unless it is first touched by a fielder or has passed an infielder (not including the pitcher) and no other infielder has a chance of fielding the ball. If the runner is hit by a batted ball while on base during an infield fly situation as determined by the infield fly rule, then he/she is not out, but if he/she is off a base and this occurs, then both the runner and the batter are out. In softball, the runner is allowed to remain on base and will not be declared out if struck by a batted ball. However, in all codes, if the runner intentionally interferes in any way for any reason, he/she will be declared out. #25 A runner is out if he runs out of the baseline to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball. FALSE. The runner is required to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball. If he/she does not avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball, he/she will be declared out. The runner is only ruled out for being out of the baseline when he/she is trying to avoid being tagged. The runner’s baseline is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely. The baseline is not defined as a straight line between two consecutive bases as some people assume. #26 It is always okay for a runner to contact a fielder who is standing in the baseline. FALSE. As stated above, the runner is required to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball. The baseline does not belong to the runner. If the fielder is not fielding a batter ball and contact occurs between he/she and the runner or if the runner has to alter his/her path, then defensive interference (obstruction) is called. #27 Runners may not advance when an infield fly is called. FALSE. An infield fly ball as determined by the infield fly rule is a live ball, and runners may advance after tagging up when the ball is caught. They may also advance without tagging up if the ball is not caught. #28 Two runners may not touch the same base at the same time. FALSE, however one of them is in jeopardy of being put out. If a runner is forced to advance to the next base, the lead runner is out if tagged. If the lead runner is not forced, then the trail runner is out if tagged. Fair/Foul, Foul Tips, and Others #29 If a batted ball hits the plate, it’s a foul ball. FALSE. Home plate is in fair territory just as all the other bases. A batted ball that hits first or third base is a fair ball, and home plate is no different. #30 If a player’s feet are in fair territory when the ball is touched, it is a fair ball. FALSE. It is the position of the ball that determines whether it is fair or foul. If a fielder has his feet in fair territory but reaches over the foul line and touches the ball in foul territory, then it would be a foul ball. #31 A runner may not steal on a foul tip. FALSE. As previously stated in the section entitled, “The Batter”, the ball is live on a foul tip. Runners may steal because the ball is live. #32 If a fielder holds a fly ball for two seconds, it is a catch. FALSE. A catch is determined when a fielder has complete control of the ball in his/her hand or glove. Time is not a factor in an umpire’s judgment in determining a catch. #33 If a fielder catches a fly ball and then falls over the outfield fence, it is a homerun. FALSE. This is an out. However, if a fielder enters dead ball territory with the ball, all runners will be awarded on base unless the catch was the third out. #34 The ball is dead anytime the ball hits an umpire. FALSE. A thrown ball that hits an umpire is live. A batted ball that hits an umpire is dead unless the ball was deflected off a defensive player or has passed a defensive player other than the pitcher. Umpire’s interference may also be called if the umpire interferes with a catcher’s throw. #35 The home plate umpire can overrule the other umpires at anytime. FALSE. No umpire (including the home plate umpire or umpire-in-chief) has the authority to set aside or question decisions made by another umpire within the limits of the respective duties as outlined in the rules. An umpire may request help from another umpire in a decision, but ultimately it is the requesting umpire who will make the final decision.
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade." |
#36 It is a force out when a runner is called out for not tagging up on a fly ball. FALSE. Failing to retouch is not a force. If a runner is called out for the third out on appeal for not retouching (tagging up), any preceding runs score unless the appeal is made before the runners cross the plate. #37 An appeal on a runner who misses a base cannot be a force out. FALSE. A runner who missed a base they were forced to and is properly appealed for the third out can nullify any runs the would have scored. #38 No run can score when a runner is called out for the third out for not tagging up. FALSE. If a runner is called out for the third out on appeal for not retouching (tagging up), any preceding runs score unless the appeal is made before they cross the plate. #39 You must tag the base with your foot on a force out or appeal. FALSE. Any portion of the fielder’s body or glove may be used to touch the base. Even if the fielder has the ball in his/her hand and touches the base with his/her empty glove, an out would still be recorded. In high schools rules, the defense may also make an appeal on a runner during a dead ball. Any defensive player or coach can to this by requesting time and asking the umpire to appeal the infraction. In any case, an appeal must be made before the next pitch or play. #40 The ball must always be returned to the pitcher before an appeal can be made. FALSE. Appeals may either be made at anytime during a live ball by touching a base that a runner failed to tag up on a fly ball or for missing a base. In high school rules, the dead ball appeal procedure described above could also apply. Pitching #41 The ball is always dead on a balk. FALSE in professional baseball and softball, but TRUE in high school baseball. In high school baseball, the ball is immediately dead, and all runners will advance one base. If the ball is pitched and the batter hits it, play does not continue. In professional baseball, a balk is a delayed dead ball, and the batter may hit the pitch. If he/she does and all runners and the batter advance successfully to the next base, then the balk is ignored. If they do not, then play is stopped, the runners advance one base from their position at the time of the pitch and the batter is returned to the plate to continue his at-bat with the previous ball and strikes count. In softball, the term “balk” is replaced with the term “illegal pitch”. In softball, an illegal pitch is still a delayed dead ball and the batter may attempt to hit the pitch. In softball, after play ends, the batting team may elect to either take the illegal pitch penalty and have the batter return to the plate to continue his/her at-bat, or they may take the result of the play. #42 With no runners on base, it is a ball if the pitcher starts his windup and then stops. FALSE in professional baseball, but TRUE in high school baseball and softball. In professional baseball, this is just a no-pitch. #43 The pitcher must come to a set position before a pick-off throw. FALSE. The pitcher must come set only before pitching to the batter. This is a baseball rule only as pickoffs are not used in softball. #44 The pitcher must step off the rubber before a pick-off throw. FALSE. The pitcher may remain in contact with the rubber during a pick-off. This is a baseball rule only as pickoffs are not used in softball. #45 The pitcher’s foot must remain in contact with the rubber until the release of the ball. FALSE. Coaches teaching the proper technique encourage pushing off the rubber during the pitch. In softball, the pivot foot (the one doing the pushing) must drag and remain in contact with the ground. #46 In softball, the pitcher must release the ball after the first time it passes the hip toward the plate. FALSE. By rule, the pitcher is not allowed to make more than one and one-half revolutions on a pitch, but starting behind the hip, wind milling, and releasing the ball is not one and one-half revolutions. Internet Sources Official Rules | MLB.com: Official info http://www.usssa.com/usssa/usssa-gen...010FPRules.pdf Top 40 Baseball Rule Myths | eteamz http://www.eteamz.active.com/softbal...all_myth’s.doc Printed Sources 2010 National Federation of High Schools Baseball Rules Book 2010 National Federation of High Schools Softball Rules Book 2010 National Federation of High Schools Baseball Case Book 2010 National Federation of High Schools Softball Case Book
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade." |
Offical Baseball Rules
#1 2.00 PERSON, TOUCH, STRIKE, 6.05f #2 2.00 STRIKE #3 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.06c #4 6.06b #5 6.07b(1) #6 6.09b #7 2.00 CATCH, 6.09b #8 6.09b comment #9 2.00 BUNT, STRIKE #10 6.05h, 7.09b #11 6.06a #12 No rule exists #13 6.08b (not an exception) #14 2.00 FOUL TIP, STRIKE #15 7.08c, 7.08j #16 7.08c, 7.08j #17 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.05k, 7.09k #18 5.02, 7.05a #19 No rule exists #20 7.05g #21 7.09h #22 7.08i, 7.10b #23 No rule exists #24 6.09f, 7.08f #25 7.08a, 7.09j #26 2.00 INTERFERENCE(a), 7.08b #27 2.00 INFIELD FLY, 6.05e, 7.10, not listed in Rule 5.00 #28 7.03 #29 1.05, 2.00 FAIR BALL, FOUL BALL #30 2.00 FAIR BALL, FOUL BALL #31 2.00 FOUL TIP, STRIKE #32 2.00 CATCH #33 2.00 CATCH, 5.10f, 6.05a, 7.04c #34 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 5.09b, 5.09f #35 9.02b, 9.02c #36 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09 #37 2.00 FORCE PLAY, TAG, 7.08e, 7.10b #38 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09,7.10a #39 2.00 FORCE PLAY, TAG, 7.08e #40 2.00 APPEAL, 5.11, 7.10 #41 8.05 Penalty #42 2.00 PITCH #43 8.05m #44 8.05 #45 8.01 #46 No rule exists National Federation of High Schools Baseball #1 8.1.1d (not an exception), Casebook 8.1.1D #2 7.2.1, 10.1.4a #3 2.21.1a, 7.3.5 #4 7.3.3 #5 7.1.1 Penalties #6 7.4.1b(1), 8.4.1e #7 2.9.1, 7.4.1b(1) #8 8.4.1i, Casebook 8.1.1B #9 Casebook 7.2.1B #10 8.4.1d(2) #11 7.3.2, Casebook 7.3.2A, B, & C #12 No rule exists #13 8.1.1d (not an exception), Casebook 8.1.1D #14 2.16.2 #15 8.2.7 #16 8.2.7 #17 8.4.1g #18 3.2.2, 5.1.1f(4), Casebook 3.2.2A #19 No rule exists #20 8.3.3c, 8.3.5 #21 3.2.2 #22 8.2.2, 8.4.2n #23 8.4.2b(2) #24 8.4.2k, Casebook 8.4.2K #25 8.4.2a, Casebook 8.4.2E #26 8.4.2a, Casebook 8.4.2E #27 2.19, Casebook 2.19.1 #28 8.2.8a #29 1.2.10, 2.5.1, 2.16.1 #30 2.5.1, 2.16.1, Casebook 2.16.1C #31 2.16.2 #32 2.9.1 #33 2.9.1, 5.1.1i, 8.3.3d #34 2.21.2, 5.1.1f, 5.1.1g, 5.1.2c #35 10.1.4 #36 8.2.6h #37 8.2.6k #38 8.2.6h #39 8.2.6b, 8.2.6c #40 8.2.6b, 8.2.6c #41 5.1.1k #42 6.1.2 #43 6.1.3 #44 6.1.3 #45 6.1.1 #46 No rule exists National Federation of High Schools Softball #1 8.1.2b #2 2.56.1, 7.2.1b, 10.1.4 Note #3 2.32.1, 7.4.4 #4 7.4.3 #5 7.1.1 Penalties #6 7.4.7 Note, 8.1.1b #7 8.1.1b, Casebook 8.1.1C #8 Casebook 8.1.1A #9 2.8.2 #10 7.4.13 Exception, Casebook 7.4.13 #11 7.4.8, Casebook 7.4.8A & B #12 5.1.1k (slowpitch reference) #13 8.1.2b, Casebook 8.1.2D #14 2.25.2, Casebook 2.25.2 #15 Casebook 2.40A #16 8.8.9 #17 8.2.5 #18 3.5.4, 5.1.1f(4), 8.4.1g #19 No rule exists #20 8.4.3f #21 3.5.4 #22 8.3.2, 8.6.7 #23 8.6.13 #24 8.6.11 #25 8.6.1, 8.8.1 #26 8.6.1, 8.6.10, 8.8.1 #27 2.30.1 #28 8.3.3, 8.3.7, Casebook 8.3.3A #29 1.2.2, 2.22.2, 2.25.1 #30 2.20.2, 2.22.2, 2.25.1, Casebook 2.25.1D #31 2.25.2, Casebook 2.25.2 #32 2.9 #33 2.9.4, 5.1.1i, 8.4.3i #34 2.32.2, 5.1.1f(1), 5.1.2c #35 10.1.4 #36 2.1.12 #37 2.1.11 #38 2.1.12 #39 2.1.3a, 2.1.3b #40 2.1.3a, 2.1.3b #41 5.1.2a, 6.2.3 Exception #42 6.1.4a #43 No rule exists #44 No rule exists #45 6.1.2c, Casebook 6.1.2B #46 6.1.4d, Casebook 6.1.4A & C USSSA Fastpitch Softball #1 10.1 Note 2 #2 7.5C, 14.8 Note #3 3.39A, 7.12 #4 7.10 #5 7.2 #6 8.17I #7 7.14D #8 3.14 Note, 7.14D #9 3.13 #10 7.14F Exception #11 7.14G, 7.14H #12 No rule exists #13 10.1 Note 1 #14 2.30 #15 8.10 #16 8.10 Note 2 #17 3.39A, 8.17E Exception #18 8.14A(1), 8.18AA, 10.3F(4) #19 No rule exists #20 8.14C(3), 8.15C #21 8.18AA #22 8.6B, 8.18Q, 8.18U #23 8.18B #24 8.18N Exception #25 8.18A #26 8.18F, 8.18G #27 3.35, not listed in Rule 10 #28 8.6F #29 1.2, 3.23, 3.28 #30 3.23 Note #31 3.30 #32 3.14 #33 3.14, 8.14D(6), 10.3I #34 3.39B, 10.3F(1), 10.4D #35 14.8 #36 3.26, 9.1B #37 9.8 #38 4.2B(1) #39 9.2, 9.3 #40 9.2, 9.3 #41 10.4A #42 6.1G(1) #43 No rule exists #44 No rule exists #45 6.1E(3) #46 6.1F(4)
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade." |
RE: 19...
I maintain that the book stipulates that the defense must get the ball to 1B before the runner gets there, ergo: Tie goes to the runner.
Just Tryin' to Learn... |
Not to mention that there's no such thing as a tie.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'” West Houston Mike |
It is true that one of the books (USSSA) reverses (and another, NSA, goes ambiguous) on the runner (as compared to the batter-runner). But, the preponderence of the rules say the defense must act before the offense gets to the base. No, the book doesn't use the words "tie goes to the runner," but the words used have the same meaning.
And as far as "no such thing as a tie..." the human mind has a lower time limit under which it cannot tell which happened first. I think you would have to consider this a tie. While you may attempt to force your mind to decide one happened first, you will be telling it to "make stuff up" and may begin to include information not relevant (such as "shouldn't have been that close," "that fielder made a good play," or "man, that runner is fast.") By allowing the reading of the rule to guide you, you don't have to do any of that. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go with "BUSTED" on this myth. Rule citations are below. I don't happen to have an NFHS rule book handy. If anyone would like... BTW, these are all fast pitch versions. OBR says the tie goes to the defense. Maybe slow pitch does too? ASA (2008): 8.2.B (batter-runner is out) When after hitting a fair ball the batter-runner is put out prior to reaching first base. 8.7.c (runner is out) When, on a force play, a fielder contacts the base while holding the ball, or tags the runner before the runner reaches the base. NCAA (2010): (batter runner is out) 12.4.1 When she hits a fair ball and is legally put out before reaching first base. (runner is out) Contacts the base while holding the ball; Touches the ball to the base; or Tags the runner before she reaches the base. NSA (2005): 8.7.b When after a fair ball is hit, the ball is held by a fielder touching 1st base with any part of his/her person, before the batter-baserunner touches 1st base. 8.8.c (ambigous on the runner... hmm, this reads like you could do it while the runner is on the base. ![]() When, on a force out, a fielder tags him/her with the ball or tags the base. ISA (2008): 7.2.h When, after a fair ball, a fielder holds the ball on first base before the batter-runner touches or passes that base. 7.8.c When, on a force play, a fielder contacts the base while holding the ball, touches the ball to the base or tags the runner before the runner reaches the base. USSSA (2008): 8.17.c If, after a third strike or a fair hit, any fielder, while holding the ball, touches the batterrunner before the batter-runner touches first base; or if any fielder, while holding the ball securely in a hand, touches first base or touches first base with the ball before the batter-runner touches first base. however, 8.18.M does reverse at the other bases: He fails to reach the next base before a fielder either tags runner out; or holds the ball while touching such base, after runner has been forced from the base occupied because the batter became a runner. WFC (2009): 7.2.b (batter-runner) When after hitting a fair ball the batter-runner is legally put out prior to reaching first base. 7.8.c (runner) When, on a force play, a fielder contacts the base while holding the ball, touches the ball to the base or tags the runner before the runner reaches the base. AFA (2008): 12.7.a When, on a force play, a fielder (1) contacts the base while holding the ball, (2) touches the ball to the base or (3) tags the runner before she reaches the base. USFA (2009)... ha ha ha... I guess the myth applies because there's no definition at all; you're just supposed to know this. ![]() IFA 11.3.1 (batter-runner is out when: ) She hits a fair ball and is legally put out before reaching first base 11.7.1 (base runner is out: ) When on a force play, a fielder: a) Contacts the base while holding the ball; b) Touches the ball to the base; or c) Tags the runner before she reaches the base. PONY (2010) 9.7.d (batter-runner is out) When, after a fair ball is hit, the ball is held by a fielder touching first base with any part of her person before the batter-baserunner touches first base. 9.8.c (runner is out) When, on a force-out, a fielder tags her with the ball or holds the ball on the base to which the baserunner is forced to advance before the runner reaches the base. DIXIE YOUTH (2006) 8:07.b (batter/baserunner is out) When after a fair ball, the ball is held by a fielder touching first base with any part of her person before the batter/baserunner touches first base. 8:08.c (baserunner is out) When on a force-out a fielder tags her with the ball or holds the ball on the base to which the baserunner is forced to advance before the baserunner reaches the base.
Just Tryin' to Learn... |
www.chvbgsoinc.org |
It may work, but it isn't supported by the rule book. In fact, read up a reply, the opposite is true.
Just Tryin' to Learn... |
If I ever have to give an explanation, I generally just say, "She beat the throw" or "The throw beat her".
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'” West Houston Mike |
#9 If the batter does not pull the bat back while in the bunting position, it is an automatic strike. FALSE in baseball, but TRUE in softball. A strike is defined in part as, “A legal pitch that is attempted to be hit by the batter and is missed.” In baseball, merely holding the bat in the bunting position is not to be interpreted as the batter attempted to hit the ball, but in softball, holding the bat in the strike zone is to be interpreted as a bunt attempt.
In NCAA softball, holding the bat in the strike zone is ipso facto considered "offering." Not so in ASA, unless there was a rule change in the past year or so. Another myth I've heard more than once is that if a pitcher is replaced during an at bat, the batter's strikes disappear.
greymule More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men! Roll Tide! |
Greymule, as ASA fastpitch has all but disappeared in this area, I didn't check their rule set. However, this is a rule that FED and USSSA implemented in the last year, so its possible that ASA has the same interpretation now as well.
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade." |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Top Baseball/Softball Rules Myths, 2010 Edition | TwoBits | Baseball | 11 | Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:21pm |
Top Baseball/Softball Rules Myths, 2010 Edition, Rules References | TwoBits | Baseball | 1 | Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:31am |
Top Baseball/Softball Rules Myths, 2010 Edition, Part 3 | TwoBits | Baseball | 0 | Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:13am |
Top Baseball/Softball Rules Myths, 2010 Edition, Part 2 | TwoBits | Baseball | 0 | Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:12am |
Baseball-Softball Rules Differences | dan_renninger | Softball | 10 | Wed Dec 19, 2007 07:34pm |