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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2010, 09:13am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lone Star State
Posts: 117
Sophomre Slump?

Is there a sophomore slump for umpires? I'm kinda ranting here, and blowing steam...
So, my rookie year was pretty good. I felt a lot of satifsaction and really enjoyed my work. I was calling 2, 3, 4 nights a week (SP Rec ball, Co-Ed, Men's D, Men's C). I spent a lot of time reading and reviewing the rule book, listened to the feedback I received, and really worked hard to improve. I had high expectations for myself moving into my second year.

We have a large number of rookie umpires this year (over 20, I think), and, I can understand the need to provide them with many opportunities to work and learn. However, I feel I've been on the short end of the scheduling stick, as I've only had one night a week scheduled regularly, and every now and then I can pick up a second night. And, yes, I have discussed with my scheduler, but I keep getting the answer that the rookies need the work. I'm irritated that I don't get games on the nights I can work, when I see other guys working 3 - 4 nights a week.

It seems I just can't find the same groove I had last year. Every week I find myself having to really focus and get my mind set where it needs to be. Last year, this started to feel "second-nature", but this year is a struggle. I know I've had some positioning skills to work on, and I feel I've made some progress, but it's difficult to improve with so little work. I feel I've missed more calls already than all of last year. I find myself making really stupid mistakes (clock management, run rule [I tried to call "Ball Game" when the Visitors exceeded the runs-ahead rule, and the Home still had their half-inning to bat] etc., etc.), and, well, I just feel really frustrated.

Perhaps, I just need to pull out the rule book again, and start putting in more time. I have to find something to make me feel "sharp" again. I think there's an opportunity to start working FP league games, and get involved in tournament ball. That will at least satisfy my want and need to call games.

Can any of you vets provide some advice to a struggling sophomore?
Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2010, 10:41am
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Originally Posted by Umpteenth View Post
Is there a sophomore slump for umpires?
Perhaps, I just need to pull out the rule book again, and start putting in more time. I have to find something to make me feel "sharp" again. I think there's an opportunity to start working FP league games, and get involved in tournament ball. That will at least satisfy my want and need to call games.
As the old Gillette commercial said, "Look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp."

Pull out the books, read the message boards, start calling FP and tournaments, and you'll soon pull out of your "slump."

(And ask yourself if you're doing it for the money, or for something more.)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2010, 11:43am
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Glendale, AZ
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I don't know anything about your area, but if you are limiting yourself to one assignor and/or association, get out and scout around for some other opportunities.

I would definately encourage you to start working the FP side of the game. We need more umpires that know both sides well.

Otherwise, just hang in there. With the economy as it has been the past couple of years, lots of people are turning to or coming back to officiating as a way to make the economy gets better, the ones in it for the money will start to taper off and leave the serious ones to stay with it.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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