Fellow umpires, my name is Rob Drake and I am a professional umpire. I have been in the minor leagues for 16 years now and have been working in the Big Leagues for 10 years. I have never posted here before, but I know that these umpire message boards are a great resource for everyone that uses them. I know some of you checked out my old basic BLOG site, but the
COMPLETLY NEW site is now up and running. I have some great content that I think you will really enjoy, as well as a message board and a daily blog. This blog will become the anchor of this site as the season begins. I want to give everyone a behind-the-scenes look at what the life of an umpire, working in the Big Leagues, is like. I will try to give you an on-the-field perspective that will make you feel like you were there. I hope this is something everyone will enjoy. The message board is also meant to be a sounding board for you guys to ask questions that I will try and answer personally. I know not many professional umpires post on these sites, so I want to give you a resource that can answer professional baseball type questions in addition to other umpire questions. I do not want you to stop posting on this board, but to instead, use both boards as a resource to your umpire growth. This is an incredible profession that I take great pride in. I have always wanted to do something that would help people understand the incredible passion that it takes to do this job. Umpires are umpires, regardless of what league you work in and I want to create a fresh, new place to help take your work to the highest level possible. Thanks for reading this and I look forward to responding to each of you that visit the site over this next season. I think you will enjoy the site tremendously! Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please check us out at
Rob Drake