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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 22, 2006, 04:12pm
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Originally Posted by reccer
Games are won, not because of outstanding offensive production (with Michigan the notable exception) but because the losing team boots one more slap bunt than the winner.

Its a boring product. Please fix it.
Not that I'm a hockey fan, although I am from Minnesota, but how is that analysis different from top hockey programs? Or top baseball programs? It's the nature of the beast. What's the saying in pro football, offense sells tickets, defense wins championships?

I don't think it needs fixing, I think that is our game and either you like it or you don't.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 23, 2006, 01:32pm
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Originally Posted by reccer
You are using one of the top pitchers in the country as a baseline. That dog don't hunt.

Okay, lets use Alicia Hollowell, In the Championship game of the 2006 College World Series, she struck out 13 (8 looking) The remainder of the outs were 3 foul outs 3 grounders and 2 flies to outfield. Sure, she is another top pitcher, but I could research the stats of the UCLA kid or Arizona State kid or Tennessee kid (we already talked about the Texas kid) and find similar results.

The reality is that each of the major programs has 1 top pitcher and we see the same programs year after year in the women's showcase (nationally televised) tourney. The games are lifeless affairs with the batters helplessly flailing at balls. Games are won, not because of outstanding offensive production (with Michigan the notable exception) but because the losing team boots one more slap bunt than the winner.

Its a boring product. Please fix it.
Let's talk about the 800K other players for which the rules being discussed exist. For round numbers, let's assume 10% of these players pitch at one point or another. That is approximately 80K pitchers. Now, for round numbers again, let's assume 10% are 16 or older and play at the level of ball which are being watched for the purpose of advancing in their educational endeavors with the help of the game of softball.

Do you still believe the game would be the same if the pitching distance was moved back for all of these players not playing at an elite level?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 24, 2006, 10:01am
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Posts: 106
Do you still believe the game would be the same if the pitching distance was moved back for all of these players not playing at an elite level?

Actually, my comments were directed at increasing offense in D1 college games, not whether 16 year olds bodies were mature enough to pitch from the increased distance. So, to be clear, 40 foot for all but the elite works fine.

In high school games, there is plenty of action at 40', so no compelling need to change. If your DD doesn't want to have to adjust from 43 to 40, then don't play high school ball, they are two different worlds anyway On the other hand, if you are a legitimate D1 pitching candidate, blowing away high school hitters will not be a problem from any distance.

If the colleges want to see the prospects from 43', then make the change. Using your example, it will be easier to separate the 8K kids that are competing for the 80 D1 pitching slots.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 24, 2006, 10:12am
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My opinion that perhaps moving the pitching distance would improve the scoring and perhaps make it more appealing to the televised masses is absolutely only directed towards the top level play. I love softball and even I find myself bored at times watching it on TV.

Make it higher scoring or put them in bikini's.. one or the other.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 29, 2006, 07:42am
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Location: The Land Of The Free and The Home Of The Brave (MD/DE)
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PONY will change

From PONY:
We have announced the following rule change for the 18 & Under program. We will now be pitching at 43' in 2007. This change was made after months of consideration and input. This change will align our program to the college pitching distance and other national softball programs.

We will allow our PONY tournament hosts to host 40' and/or 43' tournaments this season. The idea is to help transition the entire East Zone and Canada with the change. Please note that the 2007 PONY Nationals will be pitching at 43' in the 18 & Under age group.
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