Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
That's ludicrous. If the P & C don't want to be charged with errors, they should improve their respective skills.
No, ASA is not specific which is why I just threw it out there for consumption.
I don't know how much latitude a scorekeeper has, but I would assume that if a runner took off on a pitch and fell flat on their face (and, in the scorekeeper's judgment was a dead out) while a WP or PB went out of play, that could be considered. Like I said, they are not specific in the rule book. I do not know if there is an extended scoring manual published elsewhere.
I was reading the NCAA scorekeeping rules
http://www.ncaa.org/library/rules/2005/2005_softball_rules.pdf, and according to them:
No error is charged as a result of an illegal pitch, wild pitch, passed ball or hit batter, even if more than one base is gained from the initial misplay.
Think about it for a minute. If you were reading a scorebook after a game, and saw a wild pitch or passed ball, etc., you would know that the pitcher or catcher screwed up, and you would have a scored reason for the runner(s) advancing. Why would you also need to score it an error? Also, except for passed ball, they DO count as earned runs, so it does count against the pitcher's record.