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This occurred in an AFA Championship game Sunday. (ASA rules should be same.) 18U
Bases juiced, 1 out, 2 & 2 count on the batter. She swings, ball hits dirt, catcher delays, umpires states "strike 3", then catcher throws the ball towards 1B. Ball ends up in RF, with runner from 3rd scoring. Runner from 2B comes in also. Misses the plate, umpire signals nothing, runner that had just scored from 3B, picks runner that was on 2B up, and moves her to HP. Runner is called safe by PU, time is then called. At this point, what would your call have been. (Yes, there is more to the story, however, would like to hear reactions to the above events first.
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
I agreed with you until I reread the stitch for a third time. The runner from 3rd scores. When the runner from 2nd misses the plate, the previous runner (the one that just scored) picked her up and moved her to the plate. That would be physically assisting a runner would it not? I know it's illegal for a coach to do so, I'm assuming it is for a fellow player to physically assist as well. If she would have told the other runner to go back and touch the plate all is well, but she physically assisted the runner in going back and touching the plate. My line on the play: -Batter out, D3K with first occupied less than 2 gone. That makes 2 outs. -Runner from 3rd scores -Runner from 2nd is out for receiving physical assistance from a teammate for the third out, end of inning. -Josh |
Would the run score?? If I read it right R1 on third scored no issue, R2 from second was assisted back to the plate so she is out, so my question now is does R2's run score? R1 woudl be on 3rd and BR on 2nd(?). I get R2 out, but does her run get taken off the board?
Dave --- how did BR get to second. Put her back in the dugout.
Both of you - re-read (and perhaps post if handy) the physical assist rule. Look, in particular, for who is not allowed to do this. This all comes down to an argument I believe we've had earlier. Is R3 still a runner after she scored? Consensus here (and in my clinic) was that she's still a runner until AFTER R2 scores legally, and in this sitch, would still be a runner when she assisted R2. (PS - one other thing - if R2 was out at home for some other reason ... wouldn't you still score R1? Of course you would. So even if I'm on drugs and R2 is in fact out, R1 scored, and R2 is not a force out.) |
BR is out: less than 2 outs with 1B occupied.
R2 scores, since physical assist by a runner is legal (8-7-E), and R1 is still legally a runner (Rule 1 - RUNNER). Then, let the protest committee sort out if R1 is legally still a runner. Why was TIME called?
Tom |
Once R2 reaches and passes the plate, even though she missed it, would R3 still be a runner? I say this because it would be an appeal play if, for instance, she simply went on toward the dugout. At first blush (and without rule book in hand) R3 could no longer legally assist R2.
John An ucking fidiot |
It's a nice 5-page thread of it's own, isn't it?
I believe the last time this was discussed here, R3's status as "runner" remained just that until R2 legally scored (and, according to some, remained "Runner" until after the play has ended). Consider the definition of runner - it does not exclude R3 in this sitch. Consider the physical assist rule - doesn't specify whether said runner could have already scored. (Other rules (like interference) where it wants this runner treated differently DO specify a difference between a runner who has already scored and one who has not). Try the converse. Try to show, via the rulebook, that R3 is NOT allowed to physically assist R2. I believe you would lose that in a protest (a long, drawn out one, admittedly). So - I'm curious to learn what happened in the real-life sitch. Who got themselves ejected over this one? ![]() |
The inference case can be made from Rule 8-7-P, where the retired runner is lumped together with a runner who has scored. But, as I said, I'll let the protest committee make that inference. On the field, I'd allow the R3 assist of R2.
Tom |
But, for AFA, Glen, you may actually have a different ruling, since the AFA rule book does not contain a definition of a runner (at least my 2004 book doesn't).
Tom |
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Tom |
This was a rule change in 2003 to clarify the runner assistance rule.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
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