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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 01:14pm
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My life revolves around food (which explains why I have not seen my belt for several years) and umpiring (which explains why the grass in my yard is a yard). But my beloved wife actually goes to almost every game I work. I got to tell you that if she did not I would have stopped umpiring some time ago. She is my one constant supporter at the game. While she will not umpire, she is very knowledgeable about the rules and mechanics involved. But she will also tell me when I am off or ask why I made a particular call. How many of you folks have spousal involvement in your umpiring?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 01:24pm
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My better half prefers not to be at my games. She would take fan criticism far too seriously.

My DD sometimes makes an appearance. It's usually to hear some of the clueless comments that the parents make.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 01:50pm
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I have been a sports official for close to 20 years. My wife has occassionally come to games with me, but usually does not. She is very much a go-getter, and to her, sitting and watching a game that she does not have any type of involvment in (except me) is a waste of time that she could spend doing something else.

That being said, our last two family summer vacations have been to Park City, UT for the Triple Crown Nationals. My wife and daughters have come to watch me work a few games there, but it's mostly to sit and relax in the cool mountains.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 03:09pm
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Originally posted by Andy
I have been a sports official for close to 20 years. My wife has occassionally come to games with me, but usually does not. She is very much a go-getter, and to her, sitting and watching a game that she does not have any type of involvment in (except me) is a waste of time that she could spend doing something else.

That being said, our last two family summer vacations have been to Park City, UT for the Triple Crown Nationals. My wife and daughters have come to watch me work a few games there, but it's mostly to sit and relax in the cool mountains.
My wife does not come to my games as she isn't that interested in softball.

Even though I started umpiring at the age of 14, my parents only saw me umpire when my brother was playing on one of the teams.

I always told them (parents and wife) that "officiating" is not a spectator sport. Of course, for most of us, it is.

The fact that my wife isn't there does not bother me. Then again, there's a fair amount of "give" when it comes time to do some shopping.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 03:25pm
JEL JEL is offline
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Ain't got no problems getting my wife to the ball park. A lot of the times she is calling with me !! Our area UIC and his wife call together, and we also have an engaged couple (to be wed this summer) in our association.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 03:38pm
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My wife tries to bring the kids to one game per year, per sport (1 softball, 1 football) - usually as big a game as possible, meaning it's usually one of the last of the season.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 03:47pm
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My Spouse is also an umpire and we a very much supportive of each other. She was raised at the ball fields because her Father was an umpire and her mother is also one that was very supportive of her father. My daughters are very supportive also and some times help with rule interpretations. If we are not working we are usualy at the field watching the others games. I am very blessed with a family that is very much behind all the officiating that I do year round.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 05:53pm
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My spouse also umpires so we have some really unique discussions that normal married couples do not have. When I was still officiating basketball, she would travel with me on most Friday nights.

Now that I coach basketball, she is my book keeper and number 1 fan.....even though our kids don't play for me.

In short, I am very very lucky.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 08:36pm
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My husband is a baseball guy. He umpires some games but basicly runs the baseball tournaments in town and is the travel team manager.

We also have rules discussions and unique umpire conversations.
He is very supportive of my officiating and is happy for me if I am able to move up to a new level of ball. I have seen way too many people lose there marriages because their spouse doesn't get it. I feel pretty lucky to have that support.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 09:06pm
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Originally posted by Rachel
My husband is a baseball guy. He umpires some games but basicly runs the baseball tournaments in town and is the travel team manager.

We also have rules discussions and unique umpire conversations.
He is very supportive of my officiating and is happy for me if I am able to move up to a new level of ball. I have seen way too many people lose there marriages because their spouse doesn't get it. I feel pretty lucky to have that support.
Agreed......Most spouses argue about Money, Sex, Ect.....We argue about rules and who blew what call.

Even though we both umpire it is still tough because in the spring we maintain separate NCAA schedules and the travel apart is very difficult. The summer is easier, because we mandate that we travel together.
We Don't Look for Problems.....They find Us.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 27, 2005, 09:45pm
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My wife does not attend games in which I umpire as she has her own "things" that she enjoys such as crafts and assembling "memory books" for example. She is very supportive of my "many" umpiring assignments which involve high school, Little League and local Catholic League softball games. A family friend even bought my wife an "Umpire Widow" pin a couple of years ago while I was working during a Little League State Tournament. By the way, our 24 year old daughter umpires and it is great when we umpire together. Thanks for listening.
Perfection is a goal which we work to attain
NFHS/Little League
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 28, 2005, 02:11am
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many years ago......

When I was a rookie, my ex-wife(then wife) would come to games to pick me up(we was po only had 1 car). Problem was, crowd would talk smack, she was such a bitc*, she'd be arguing with crowd. I ended that quick, got a cell phone and told her I'd call. Then I'd just walk to nearest McDonald or whatever..........
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 28, 2005, 10:01am
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After coaching for 15 years, my wife has lost a lot of her interest in softball. One thing remained constant, she was always sympathetic to the umpires - no matter what. Imagine that - a coach's wife would always side with the umpire.

When I announced my intention that I was going to umpire, I also told my wife that this would be a great opportunity to reduce the number of arguments in the house.

I also said, that if she started siding with the coaches that I would give up - but keep on umpiring! lol
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 28, 2005, 03:11pm
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Back in the day-- my wife went to
one of my men's fast pitch games
(local ASA league).
That was enough for her-- she told
me she could not tolerate the way
some of the fans talked about me !!
Props to those ladies who have thicker
skins and can put up with it !!
Keep everything in front of you
and have fun out there !!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 30, 2005, 06:13am
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The moments my wife and son (3yrs) come to see me at the games I feel better! Can't point out why, but I do.
I "feel" I do a better job having them behind the backstop, but a day at the softballfield is still to long for my son, so they don't come often.
We always talk about my games afterwards, it helps me "closing the book". If we don't the game will be in my head for several day's. I still have problems after a missed pitch, I can't let that go. And it works trough several pitches long... When I blew a call as BU, well I know there will be another good call afterwards. That I can let go, a missed pitch not (yet)...
Having my own fans behind the backstop makes it easier to let a mistake go. Though after the game I aways feel very stupid, when I blew a call. I can't forgive myself.

Players (m/f) are mostly very nice to the wife and kid. The other fans never know she's the umpires wife. If they do she will be respected! After all, she doesn't blew a call. Her husband did(in the people's eyes)! She ain't responseble... The moment she's mistreated at the fields, I'll quit!

Ik ben niet gek, doe alleen alsof! Gaat me goed af toch?
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