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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 09:28am
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Just a curious poll more than anything..

Me- I use the Franklin 3-4-3 metal model...its the one endorsed by MLB...nice big numbers...nice size...I DO NOT need an innings counter...I usually have a pretty good idea without asking anyways,and only REALLY want to know around the 5th....The innings ones are also too damn big for me! I prefer metal,as I think they last a touch longer-I have noticed that plastic ones,once you get dirt in them (which you will),tend to stay bad...I find it easier to get the dirt out of metal ones....I think metal will stand more 'step on' abuse too (which will happen also...)

I also like having all 4 balls 3 strikes and especially 3 outs on the clicker....somehow seems more natural to me...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 09:56am
JEL JEL is offline
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I like the All-Star indicator, the bigger metal one with the innings counter. I have modified it somewhat by easing the non reverse springs a bit. It wont "back up" but it is easier to turn. I also dulled the finish with sandpaper, the sun or light reflection can blind you (so what's new?). This is the "Braille model" with notches in the wheels so you can feel them, but my fat hands aren't that educated. I like the heaviness cause I can feel it in my hand. The lighter ones don't feel as if they are there.

BTW, I use the innings indicator to keep up with runs in the half inning. In the rec stuff I do, there is a 7 run limit in some games. You can also use it for a home run tally. Mine has 3 balls, 2 strikes, 2 outs, and 9 innings. Works well for me.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 10:05am
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This is my favorite so far.
Has a loud enough and distinct enough click, so I don't have to "see" the count is properly recorded.
I don't have to transpose the count and I never use 4th ball, 3rd strike or 3rd out anyway.
Suits me.

Price: $4.95
Honig's large plastic indicator. 3 ball, 2 strike, 2 out display

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 10:15am
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I have the big heavy Marquart one. I've probably got a dozen others, but this one is indestructable. The plastic ones seem to break too easily. I take mine apart once a year & clean it, touch up any worn numbers, ...
Steve M
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 02:20pm
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Originally posted by Steve M
I have the big heavy Marquart one.
Funny..the one I have is a Markwort.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 03:33pm
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I like the one's with innings. But I don't use it for innings, rather to keep track of runs scored. Very useful!!!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 03:41pm
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with timer?

I saw one with a small timer on it during an ASA tourny a couple of weeks ago. I failed to ask where the person got it, but would be interested in picking one up. Anyone know where I could find one of these? Seems better than using my old fake Tag watch purchased on the streets of NYC. I had to break the band off so that it wouldn't be too bulky in my pocket.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 03:52pm
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Re: with timer?

Originally posted by streamdoc
I saw one with a small timer on it during an ASA tourny a couple of weeks ago. I failed to ask where the person got it, but would be interested in picking one up. Anyone know where I could find one of these? Seems better than using my old fake Tag watch purchased on the streets of NYC. I had to break the band off so that it wouldn't be too bulky in my pocket.
Honig's has one the costs around $18. I use a variation of that where I bought a $5 plastic digital watch with a stopwatch feature, broke the band off and velcro'd it to the back of my indicator. The watch part fits perfectly in the palm of my hand as I hold my indicator. It does the same thing as the Honig's model but for a lot less money.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 08:21pm
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I always wondered why umpires have this need to know the inning. I couldn't care less what the inning is, the game isn't going to go any faster if I do.

I figure the winning team will tell me when the game is over.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 11, 2005, 11:07pm
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Personally I use the cheap plastic ones. Part of this is habit - the indicator I used when I first started umpiring was the cheap 3-4-3-9 one. When one gets dropped in the dirt and jammed or broken or misplaced, I know that it didn't cost me much money. I don't really understand why there is 3 strikes or 4 balls, but it's what I'm used to. I won't switch because it would mess me up everytime I went to reset it. As others have said, I use the innings to count the run (if necessary).

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 12, 2005, 09:30am
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I have a plastic one that has Strikes - Balls - Outs only simular to the one pictured about. The wheels are colored one red, one green and one white. It is the same counter I used from day one and has held up for better then a dozen years. Interesting though, mine has the strikes on top with the balls in the middle. I have bought a few throughout the years but superstition keeps me going back to my same old one. I did buy two a couple of years ago that have the balls on top without realizing it when I ordered them. Something to watch for if you are getting a replacement.

I have tried each year to use a counter with innings but just can't get use to it. I would like know the inning simply to record next to a courtesy runner. Has never been an issue though. I'm with Irish. I figure someone will tell me when the game is over and I can go home.

[Edited by Duke on May 12th, 2005 at 10:34 AM]
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 12, 2005, 09:43am
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Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
I always wondered why umpires have this need to know the inning. I couldn't care less what the inning is, the game isn't going to go any faster if I do.
Actually, I use the inning indicator to keep track of runs crossing the plate when I have a run limit per inning. That's why I like them.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 12, 2005, 10:43am
Ref Ump Welsch
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I use one of the steel ones, as they sure last a lot longer than the plastic ones. I do keep my old plastic ones, as I always keep one in my pocket. Use it to keep track innings (see next paragraph why). I also keep that plastic one in the pocket that's on the side of the field in which the visitor team's bench is located, so that way I don't screw up who's home or who's visitor.

Mike, you ask about why we need to know innings. Some of these lower level rec leagues, you as an umpire better know what inning it is in order to make sure the run rule is enforced correctly. I've actually heard of games being protested because the umpires didn't enforce the run rule correctly as they didn't keep track of the innings. I don't know if those protests were upheld or denied, but was told that there were a few.

All of my little quirks with the plastic indicator in the pocket is to cover my *** so that I don't end up with a protested game because some idiot couldn't give me the right info. If I have at least a knowledge of which inning, and who's home and visitor, then when they give me the score, I'll know where we are at in the game.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 12, 2005, 12:45pm
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One question.

Are you all writing down how many runs score each half inning on the back of the lineup cards? That's how I know what inning it is.

Again, on the indicator, I only use the innings to keep track of runs scored. It's not my job to know, but sure makes me look more professional when inning after inning me and the score keeper or in complete agreement.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 12, 2005, 02:09pm
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I use the +POS BB169 plastic indicator:

Quoting their marketing hype:
- LARGER NUMBERS - easily readable under poor lighting
- Ball & Strikes IN PROPER ORDER - the way you announce them.
- UNUSED NUMBERS ELIMINATED (strike 3, Ball 4 Out 3)
When was the last time you used these digits on your old indicator.
- EASIER OPERATING KNOBS - ends struggling to change count with sweaty fingers.
- SHADOW-PROOF WINDOWS - no more twisting and turning to read in poor light.
- LARGER to fit in umpireĀ¹s hand more comfortably.
I find all of this to be true. I have no complaints with it. I found a copy-cat from Honigs at $1 more that I bought as my backup since I was placing an order there anyway. It feels just a little more cheaply built than the original +POS. The +POS one has taken more than a few whacks from wild pitches and the like, been stepped on, etc. Just knock the dirt out and it keeps on ticking. Ruggedly built.

Having the ball-strike indicators in the opposite order from most other indicators feels more natural once you get used to it. It would make it a PITA to borrow another kind from someone else in a pinch, however.
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