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Had the "if" game of league playoffs last night. Supposedly one of the top leagues in the county.
Top of 7th, runner on 1B with 2 away and a RH batter in the box. B hits sinking liner toward SS. I get around batter to see what I believe (but not totally sure) the ball being shorthopped by F6. I hesitate my safe signal a second to see the reaction hoping the players will give it away. Well, R1 keeps running, F4 heads toward 2B and F6 fires the ball passed him and into DBT down the RF line. I allow the runners to finish up while the SS is jumping up and down, now screaming he caught the ball in flight. I turn the the catcher standing next to me and tell him, "Ask me the question." After repeating this, he finally asks if the SS caught the ball in flight. I tell him, no problem, I'll check with my partner. My partner has the ball hitting the ground. After they got the 3rd out on the next batter, F4 tells me we got the call right. R1 echoes his sentiments. Guess who the lead-off batter was in the bottom of the inning? That's right, the SS who has been known to be a royal pain in the tail. Every game and play is like we were in game 7 of the World Series. He is running at the mouth about how terrible every umpire in the world was, especially me. It got so bad, the opposing catcher started on him to give it a rest. I figured there would be some things said, but I expected it as the play was close and without the players and my partner telling me so, I would still be wondering whether the ball hit the ground or not. I'm willing to give the players a little room in situations like that. Second pitch is a liner to RC, easily grabbed by F9. My new best friend picks up his bat, proceeds with the obligatory "you suck" and "I'll see you in the parking lot" bit which got him tossed. Actually, the first statement got him tossed, the second one may get him a little extra suspension time at the beginning of next season. When I asked for a substitute, guess what? That's right, no more players. They wasted all their subs earlier in the game. Now, not only am I blind and the best defender for the other team, I am the reason people don't like to play ball any more. Go figure. And they wonder why we have a hard time getting umpires to work their games.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
What I've never understood is why do the teammates that know the umps got it right rarely ever seem to speak up when they see a teammate about to voluntarily decide to go home early.
Tom |
![]() It was Men's Adult Open league play.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Down in this area, if a AA wants to make a threat, like I'll see you in the parking lot, it's time for the police. That is a Class B Misdemeanor. I believe that is now a minimum of a $500 fine. As one judge put it," ... threatening an umpire on the field or physically accosting them is just like threatening a court official or police officer." While I'm not sure that I understand or agree with the comment, I can sure appreciate it. Then, after the police, you go to the Board and the AA or parent or whoever, is probably banned from the park for a few years. Of course, you may be a little more tolerant than me. In today's times and climate, take no chances. If someone's gonna make the threat, take it seriously and act accordingly, ie the police. I gotta go to work the next day, after having fun on the field. Can't do that if I'm wearing someone's bat on my head. Or if I'm in jail for unruly behavior in a parking lot. Cut it off and nip it in the bud.
I had a friend doing the Mexican League Baseball in Dallas about 8 years ago. He loves to tell this story. His partner made a call that did not meet with approval from the batting team. The runner who was called out kept on yelling and arguing with the BU. Finally, the BU tossed him. The guy then went to the bleachers, pulled out a beer bottle and started drinking it and yelling some more. The BU told him he had to leave the park. The guy took offense at this, came back on the field, breaking the beer bottle on the post in the door of the dugout and said he was gonna cut up the BU. Did I mention the BU was huge? The guy took one swing at him with the beer bottle, then the BU hammered him, pulled out some handcuffs and drug him to the fence, lifted him up and hung him from the fence with the cuffs, where just the balls of his feet were touching the ground. He then pulled out a cell phone and called 911. Now you gotta wonder ( as my friend was) what the BU was doing with a cell phone and cuffs on a ball field. When the cops got there, they were pretty upset about the guy hanging from the fence, barely touching the ground, until the BU identified himself as a SAC for the FBI. The dude was under arrest for assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon. My friend liked to passed out, he had no idea. Take no chances, ever. It's better to be safe than sorry. [Edited by TexBlue on Aug 11th, 2004 at 01:10 PM]
Rick |
My version is a state tourny where there's a play at the plate and the ball rolls out on the ground in the cloud of dust. PU calls and signals "safe" but apperently the runner thought he had been called out and when he got up he took a swing at the PU, a recently retired Marine Master Sgt. He only took one swing. His teammates charged and the PU just danced without hitting anyone else until order was restored and the original combatant was escourted off by the police.
Besides, never guess an out.
Officiating takes more than OJT. It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be. |
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