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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2004, 11:19am
JEL JEL is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 910
Just got home from this mornings game, it had to be the most fun one yet.

The local elementary school, last day of school, 5th grade classes vs. teachers. We (wife and I) have volunteered for these games fo a couple of years now. All 4 of our kids have attended this school, and one is a 4th grader this year. Teachers still remember, and speak highly of our older girls who are about to graduate college. Have called many of the kids rec games, and know all the teachers.

Game was fun, about 20 kids on the field, modified the rules slightly, and played with an ASA approved rag ball. First pitcher for the kids was a 10U rec pitcher, who my wife keeps during summer (she is child care provider). This girl couldnt be hit! How am I supposed to hit that?,can you slow her down? and such were the questions from the teachers! She tired out after 4 innings, heat and humidity were rough. Last inning teachers up 5-2, 2 outs 2 on, bloop to F6, and error after error (on purpose maybe?) and all runs scored. Game ended in 5-5 tie, all were happy.

We earned more than I earned in last state playoff BB game. We each got a cafeteria hamburger plate, missed a half days work (read pay, we are both self employed), and got tons of smiles, high-fives, and hugs from all the kids.

All this was done also under the approval of our association, so recognition was given there. I guess you could call this a "community service", but I call it a partial re-payment to all those teachers who gave our kids such a great head start in their educational endeavors!

I really got to say, It was the best one of the season. If you get the, call up the school and MAKE the chance, you won't regret it!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2004, 11:40am
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The school board here runs a softball day for the elementary school kids each June. Kids from all over the city and local country side bus to the complex and play 4 or so 1 hour games, a little picnic lunch in the middle somewhere. Very relaxed, sometimes the buses from outlying areas are late so we just play whoever happens to be there regardless of what was scheduled. Kids from one of the local high schools do the umpiring.

Sent two teams from my son's school last year. Gym teacher coached one I had the other. A beautiful day about 35 degrees (C) not a cloud in sight. The kids ran the team, who would pitch, who sat out, who played where, coached the bases, called the plays. All I had to do was a little encouragement to a few, some tips on swinging a bat and make sure it stayed safe. Better than a day in the office thats for sure.

The rules were a little weird and the kids doing the bases had their off moments but who cares. The only down scene was the last game of the day when the coach (parent/teacher?) on the other team started being aggresively loud at the ump for calling things differently than the game before. Kid comes over to my side after about it and I told him to just call what he wanted the kids camne to play ball not to listen to a bunch of adults argue.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 21, 2004, 04:41pm
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: woodville, tx
Posts: 3,156
Originally posted by JEL
Just got home from this mornings game, it had to be the most fun one yet.

The local elementary school, last day of school, 5th grade classes vs. teachers. We (wife and I) have volunteered for these games fo a couple of years now. All 4 of our kids have attended this school, and one is a 4th grader this year. Teachers still remember, and speak highly of our older girls who are about to graduate college. Have called many of the kids rec games, and know all the teachers.

Game was fun, about 20 kids on the field, modified the rules slightly, and played with an ASA approved rag ball. First pitcher for the kids was a 10U rec pitcher, who my wife keeps during summer (she is child care provider). This girl couldnt be hit! How am I supposed to hit that?,can you slow her down? and such were the questions from the teachers! She tired out after 4 innings, heat and humidity were rough. Last inning teachers up 5-2, 2 outs 2 on, bloop to F6, and error after error (on purpose maybe?) and all runs scored. Game ended in 5-5 tie, all were happy.

We earned more than I earned in last state playoff BB game. We each got a cafeteria hamburger plate, missed a half days work (read pay, we are both self employed), and got tons of smiles, high-fives, and hugs from all the kids.

All this was done also under the approval of our association, so recognition was given there. I guess you could call this a "community service", but I call it a partial re-payment to all those teachers who gave our kids such a great head start in their educational endeavors!

I really got to say, It was the best one of the season. If you get the, call up the school and MAKE the chance, you won't regret it!

Good Job Jel, sounds like you had a great time. Our area
has what they call county meets. Have done a couple of those
games. They do modifiy the rules somewhat, but heck of a lot of

glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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