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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 17, 2004, 04:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
to handle check swing appeal plays. This is one mechanic that irritates me to no end. One umpire makes a call, and the other umpire sees it differently and his call is right, and the initial call is wrong. Why is that so?

Most issues of whether an umpire had a poor angle are handled with private discussion. The result is based on two upires agreeing on what they saw, then the original umpire signals the call - either overturn, or stay the course. But a checked swing appeal is public; no discussion, the BU makes the call, and he can, and ususally does, override the PU. Why is the call made from 75' - 80' always correct, and the one made from 4' is wrong?

Earlier today I was PU in the Championship game of a JV tournament; two good teams, late innings, things starting to get a little tight. Two strikes on batter and pitch throws a beautiful change-drop. The ball floats up there and then dives to the plate and bounces past the catcher. The batter's hands have driven out past the plate, the bat is back at a 45 deg angle, the barrel of the bat is over the plate when she pulled back. In nobody's world is that a swing. I sell a very emphatic "BALL" call.

I hear "appeal" call from the dugout, but I ignore it. Finally it is too loud and I have to turn and look (as if I had never heard them before!). So now I have to point to partner, and of course he goes up with the hammer!

This is very unfair to the batter. Had I called a strike, she could have run and most likely made 1B. But she is just standing there when the delayed strike is called, and the catcher, who has retrieved the ball, steps over and tags the batter for the out.

It seems to me that the umpires have put this player in jeopardy with their calls, but I just couldn't think fast enough to correct it, or prevent it from happening at game time.

What do you think?

BTW - how many of you agree to signals that say (a) "give me a call, I am not sure whether she swung or not;" or (b) I've got the call, don't you dare overrule me!"

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 17, 2004, 05:07pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: woodville, tx
Posts: 3,156

That is always the toughest call. Two strikes, a check swing,
that you as plate don't think the batter went on. What I have
done is immediately go to my partner on DTS check swings. "Did
she go." I don't wait for an appeal. At least the batter is award that
there is a possibly a strike may be called and she can attempt to
advance. It also alerts the catcher, so neither has an advantage or
Some time ago this topic was discussed at lenght on this board, but
have not looked for it as of yet. Signals were mentioned. Some
thought they were a good idea, others no, of course. Will look for the
previous thread on this later.

glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 18, 2004, 12:11am
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 508
In your situation, I would probably just eat my call and tell as quietly as possible that I'm not going to appeal on a play like this one. Not with two strikes, not with a passed ball. IF the catcher catches it, I'll definitely go for help.

If your partner was on the same wavelength with you, then he/she would have agreed with you. I just can't overrule that one from out there.

Several years ago I was a young pup working a baseball game. My partner (he wanted the plate) told me that if he used my first name on check swing appeals, then I needed to give what I saw. If he just came to me with "did he swing" I was to agree with him. I don't really like this idea, but I see his point.

Personally, when I'm on the bases, the batter definitely has to swing through to the point where there is no doubt in my mind that she swung.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 18, 2004, 10:18pm
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
"In your situation, I would probably just eat my call and tell as quietly as possible that I'm not going to appeal on a play like this one. Not with two strikes, not with a passed ball."

From the ASA and NFHS Umpires Manuals: "If the umpire calls the pitch a ball and the catcher requests help, ask for it. It is not a weakness to go for help."

I have always believed that going for help is a standard protocol in the diamond game; that when asked to check, you automatically do it, even though you may get overruled.

Now having suffered this little embarrassment, I will follow FUBLUE's advice and refuse the request in the future.

"Blue, she swung. Please check with your partner."

"No, Coach, I have the call and we are going to stay with it."

"Time, please. Come on Blue, the appeal is automatic; every umpire does it!"

"Coach, your catcher missed the ball. Had I called a strike, the batter would probably be standing on 1B right now. But because I called a ball, she is still standing here, and your catcher has retrieved the ball. If I go to my partner and he calls it a strike, then the batter is trapped and is going to be out. That is not fair to her, and we are not going to let it happen. Call stands, now let's play ball."

Wrap-up: #1 mistake; I should not have gone to partner.

#2, having done that, partner should have been smart enough to recognize the situation and not overruled me.

#3 - angry with my partner, and frustrated with the situation, I called the batter out and brought the next one up to bat.

BUT - Could I; Should I have rectified the situation. NFHS 10.2.3.m "rectify any situation in which an umpire's decision that was reversed has placed either team in jeopardy." (Same as ASA 10.6.B)

Could I have invoked this rule? Then what? Call it no pitch? Or just reverse the call back to the original BALL call and bring the batter back up?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 19, 2004, 03:32pm
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Glendale, AZ
Posts: 2,672
I agree with Glen's way of handling this play, even though I had a brain fart and didn't do it that way on Saturday!

If the pitched ball is uncaught on a two strike count and the batter makes any movement at all with the bat, go to the appeal immediately! Best we can do in a tough situation.

You asked in your initial post:
One umpire makes a call, and the other umpire sees it differently and his call is right, and the initial call is wrong. Why is that so?
Here is a link to an article about umpiring in priorities. Part of the article addresses the check swing issue. It may help answer your question as well as provide some other good information.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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