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Old Sat Apr 17, 2004, 04:24pm
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
to handle check swing appeal plays. This is one mechanic that irritates me to no end. One umpire makes a call, and the other umpire sees it differently and his call is right, and the initial call is wrong. Why is that so?

Most issues of whether an umpire had a poor angle are handled with private discussion. The result is based on two upires agreeing on what they saw, then the original umpire signals the call - either overturn, or stay the course. But a checked swing appeal is public; no discussion, the BU makes the call, and he can, and ususally does, override the PU. Why is the call made from 75' - 80' always correct, and the one made from 4' is wrong?

Earlier today I was PU in the Championship game of a JV tournament; two good teams, late innings, things starting to get a little tight. Two strikes on batter and pitch throws a beautiful change-drop. The ball floats up there and then dives to the plate and bounces past the catcher. The batter's hands have driven out past the plate, the bat is back at a 45 deg angle, the barrel of the bat is over the plate when she pulled back. In nobody's world is that a swing. I sell a very emphatic "BALL" call.

I hear "appeal" call from the dugout, but I ignore it. Finally it is too loud and I have to turn and look (as if I had never heard them before!). So now I have to point to partner, and of course he goes up with the hammer!

This is very unfair to the batter. Had I called a strike, she could have run and most likely made 1B. But she is just standing there when the delayed strike is called, and the catcher, who has retrieved the ball, steps over and tags the batter for the out.

It seems to me that the umpires have put this player in jeopardy with their calls, but I just couldn't think fast enough to correct it, or prevent it from happening at game time.

What do you think?

BTW - how many of you agree to signals that say (a) "give me a call, I am not sure whether she swung or not;" or (b) I've got the call, don't you dare overrule me!"

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