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Just to give our resident UICs my view to support / correct...
Tom |
Dakota, I have time to answer yours but not enough for all of WMB's questions. I will get to that later. If she puts foreign substance on the ball nothing she can do (such as stepping back) can make that legal. A pitch does not have to be delivered for that to be illigal. At that point she has committed an illigal act and it should be called. You should not give her time to get on the rubber and step back.
Jay Garner |
Tom |
I think you are correct. As long as she can correct the illegal act, she has every right to. Those acts that are illegal, such as going to the mouth and not wiping, adding a foriegn substance etc.etc.etc.. cannot be corrected, so you have an illegal pitch right than. Other wise, you have to wait until the pitch starts.
Bob Del-Blue NCAA, ASA, NFHS NIF |
Now a real winger. (#4) ASA pitcher with both feet in contact with plate, hands apart, takes signal, brings hands together and raises them together over head, shifts weight back and picks up pivot foot and sets it down in front of the plate. Is she illegal (crow hop) right now? Then stops her motion, steps back with stride foot and follows with pivot foot and separates hands, thus removing herself from pitching position. Did she committ an illegal pitch?
I think the 1st three are covered, but #4 is interesting. ASA Rule 6-3-G, last sentence, states " Raising the (pivot) foot off the pitching plate and returning it to the plate creates a rocking motion and is an illegal act." I'm gonna call it until someone convinces me that isn't the intent of the rule. ![]() [Edited by TexBlue on Jan 23rd, 2004 at 04:18 PM]
Rick |
I think you and I read the description slightly differently. WMB said she put the pivot foot back down in front of the plate. I took that to mean off the plate in the dirt. I think you took it to mean at the front of the plate, but still on the plate. In that case, I agree with your ruling. If it was in the dirt, though, I don't think your rule applies - but the one I quoted that she cannot take a step forward does. Either way, it is an illegal pitch right then and there.
Tom |
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