The leagues I work have a similar process. We don't use lineup cards during league play. If a team wants to protest the eligibility of a player they need to notify the umpire at any point prior to the last pitch of the game. The umpires are then to determine which player is being protested and get the name an identification from that player. One of the leagues asks us to ask the player in question some of the information from the id, normally birthdate and street address. We have caught players using incorrect id's in the past by asking these questions. If the player doesn't have ID on them, we are required to collected their name, address and birthdate. At that point they have until the end of the next business day to take their ID to the league office to verify the information. Failure to do so results in the game being declared a forfeit. In the rare occurrence the tourney will have multiple rounds on the same date, an official from the league office is present at the event site with team rosters and registration forms which have the required information such as name, address and birthdate.