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Conversation Between LIUmp and TexBlue
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. LIUmp
    Sat Jun 06, 2009 05:20pm
    Thank you! That was very nice of you!

    Another can I eventually do PONY or ASA Nationals? I would love eventually to get there. I've been umpiring for 7 years.
  2. TexBlue
    Fri Jun 05, 2009 04:06pm
    I called my 20th National for PONY last year in Harlingen, TX. There is no rule against cheering. Now, of course, if they yell or scream just as the pitcher releases the ball and you think it is obvious enough, you can warn them.

    I'm good at the rules and if you have a question about this, contact Dan Vaughan. He is over all the Softball in the South and Southwestern United States. He is also the tournament director for the Nationals down here.

    [email protected]

    He will usually reply on the weekends.


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