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Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
  2. Freddy
    Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:06am - permalink
    On that other Facebook website you expressed LGP in a way that caught my interest. I've been trying to digest the implications of your use of the term "in the path of...", whether helpful or not to the discussion. It struck me oddly but I didn't want to rise to object to it until learning the context intended.
    Was your use of that phrase "in the path of..." intended to be synonymous with "facing the opponent"?
    You can respond on my private email: [email protected]
  3. Mark Padgett
    Sat Apr 18, 2015 03:23pm - permalink
    Mark Padgett
    Oh yeah - my email is [email protected]
  4. fullor30
    Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:55am - permalink

    A new(two year) young official(24) is moving from Chicago area to work for trail blazers after getting his masters. he played DIII ball and is a passionate official who is non stop hustle and is all ears to improve. I'd have no problem giving him a boys varsity game. He's in great shape and is non stop enthusiam. I'm reaching out to you if you may have contacts in your area for him to do games at any level. As good a ref as he is, he's a terrific young man.

    Jim Kauss (fullor30)

    Thanks in advance
  5. Mark Padgett
    Sun Mar 04, 2012 05:44pm - permalink
    Mark Padgett
    Camron - do you know if there's anywhere around here that sells Fox 40s with the rubber guard? I've looked at Dick's Sporting Goods and Big 5 and I think Dick's carries the "standard" Fox 40s but not with the rubber guard. I really don't want to buy by mail order if I don't have to. Thanks.
  6. Mark Padgett
    Sun Jan 22, 2012 04:54pm - permalink
    Mark Padgett
    Camron - I worked two games for TBA yesterday with a guy named Royce Hampton. Apparently, he just moved to Portland from Philadelphia a few months ago where he reffed for a few years. He just joined PBOA; and had your patch on his jersey. Just thought you'd get a kick out of this. About two minutes into our first game, he called his first foul. What was it for? OVER THE BACK!!! Of course, I spoke with him about it. Actually, he did a pretty good job even though he called the games quite a bit tighter than I did.
  7. JugglingReferee
    Mon Mar 07, 2011 09:50pm - permalink
    Congrats on 5,000 posts.

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  • Last Activity: Wed Feb 26, 2025 11:55pm
  • Join Date: Mon Aug 09, 1999

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