Conversation Between Camron Rust and Mark Padgett
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Camron - do you know if there's anywhere around here that sells Fox 40s with the rubber guard? I've looked at Dick's Sporting Goods and Big 5 and I think Dick's carries the "standard" Fox 40s but not with the rubber guard. I really don't want to buy by mail order if I don't have to. Thanks.
Camron - I worked two games for TBA yesterday with a guy named Royce Hampton. Apparently, he just moved to Portland from Philadelphia a few months ago where he reffed for a few years. He just joined PBOA; and had your patch on his jersey. Just thought you'd get a kick out of this. About two minutes into our first game, he called his first foul. What was it for? OVER THE BACK!!! Of course, I spoke with him about it. Actually, he did a pretty good job even though he called the games quite a bit tighter than I did.