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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 28, 2004, 10:09pm
Nic Nic is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2


To give a little more focus and specificity to my research question, I'd like to restate it. I initially explained that I was requesting input from officials in response to a debate question I must answer. I would really appreciate any response to the folowing question. Are women officials qualified to officiate in men's sport. I am very much in support of women officials in men sport but would like input from both sides of the argument if possible.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 29, 2004, 01:43pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by Nic

To give a little more focus and specificity to my research question, I'd like to restate it. I initially explained that I was requesting input from officials in response to a debate question I must answer. I would really appreciate any response to the folowing question. Are women officials qualified to officiate in men's sport. I am very much in support of women officials in men sport but would like input from both sides of the argument if possible.
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Within the last 6 or so weeks,there was a very interesting article about this subject with some interviews with female officials in my local paper. Check the archives in "The Monterey County Herald", John Devine was the author( I am 99% on that)....hope this may help out
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 06, 2004, 12:30pm
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Posts: 11
I am primarily a soccer referee. There are few women at the higher levels (USSF Grade 7 and up) in Michigan, but the few I have had the honor to work with hagve been very good. Again this is a sport where women have played at the highest levels and can have a good practical knowledge of the game.

The higher the level the matches are, the more attitudinal problems I have seen these women face when they are the center referee. They have to prove themselves more that their male counterparts it seems when they have the center.

There also is a bit of affirmative action going on here in terms of getting some assignments to get their game counts up for upgrades which has ruffled some feathers. But they have to pass the fitness test as I do and pass their assessments as I do so ultimately they are facing scrutiny and are holding up.

Just as I have refereed with men who were awful, I have refereed with women who did a disservice to the game, but the vast majority of my time refereeing with female referees has been a good refereeing experience.
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