Fri Oct 10, 2014, 01:16pm
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Originally Posted by ajmc
I'm in total agreement with what you suggest, accept that I don't work basketball, so I don't pay a lot of attention to what basketball rules, or officials, decide is appropriate for THEIR sport, as well those decisions may be.
State Associations absolutely make decisions about requirements, procedures and interpretations that apply WITHIN their State, and it's smart to abide by those decisions when working WITHIN those States. ("When in Rome, do as a Roman" - BUT that doesn't automatically mean that whatever Romans decide, applies OUTSIDE Rome.)
I'm no where near sure, " what is required by States outside Texas or Mass", but in NYS, unless and until NYS has decided to do something different, NFHS Rules apply as written, just as NCAA rules apply to collegiate level games. DIFFERENT doesn't necessarily mean there has to be a "Right and Wrong". Different just means DIFFERENT.
What works well for NCAA, or NFL may work equally as well for NFHS, then again that's up to the NFHS, or the individual governing board within each NFHS State, to decide when (or if) to adopt practices or "philosophies" accepted by other governing bodies.
Following the instructions, policies and decisions of YOUR State governing board is sound advice, but until MY State decides to agree with those decisions, I hope you'll understand, I'm doing my best to follow that same "sound advice".
If you are doing something your state wants or suggests, that is fine with me. My point is that many people try to assume that everyone that is a NF member (states) agrees on every interpretation or philosophy. Better yet, I do not know of a policy or interpretation that really contradicts with the philosophy of surviving the ground or hit to acknowledge a catch. I have yet to see anything that says that is in appropriate for the NF level. Even the targeting and defenseless player stuff that we have talked about, my state took a different position than what a current NF committee member was saying about the current rules and interpretation. The NF will not even answer most rules or interpretation questions from officials directly, they ask the individuals to contact their state organization for clarification. If that is the case, then what do you think is going to take place if people adhere to this philosophy? Obviously nothing as I have been using this for years and never had anyone complain about a call or situation where I used this philosophy or my crew used this philosophy. And we worked the highest of levels and one of the calls took place in a state final. Never heard the state come up and say, "That was an incorrect application of the rules." Trust me, I was waiting for that to take place in my situation and it never happened.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)