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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 09, 2012, 07:00pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 109
Short scrimmage kick scenarios

Friday night we had an interesting scenario unfold during a scrimmage kick play. The way it ended up playing out was very cut and dry, but after the game on the ride home we discussed a few more potential scenarios that could have occurred. With that let me describe the play.

It's 4th and 8 and K attempts a scrimmage kick. Due to a strong wind the ball only travels about 10 yards beyond the LOS whereby it hits the ground and bounces backwards behind the LOS. K1 immediately grabs the ball and then proceeds to drop it to the ground. R1 is standing right next to K1 and after looking at me for about two seconds he realizes that I have yet to whistle the play dead so he picks up the ball and attempts to advance it towards the goal line only to be stopped after a gain of two yards.

As presented this was a very cut and dry play. But what if it unfolded with these twists instead:

1. R1 picks up the ball and during his attempted advance he retreats 3 yards towards his own goal line and is tackled there by K2.

2. R1 picks up the ball and during his attempted advance fumbles it five yards later and then it's recovered by K.

3. K1 picks up the ball and advances it three yards beyond the LOS only to fumble it and have it recovered by R2 who then attempts to advance it only to fumble it back to K3.

4. K2 touches the ball beyond the LOS before it bounces back behind the LOS and K1 recovers the ball and advances it 15 yards for an apparent first down.

We discussed how we thought each situation should be ruled but I thought it would be fun to throw these out there for everyone else to discuss as well.
Yo Lama....How about a little somethin' for the effort...
--Carl Spackler
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 09, 2012, 07:07pm
Medium Kahuna
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: At home
Posts: 791
For the OP: since K recovered the ball behind the NZ, they may advance (pass, run, kick), but since R never touched the kick beyond the NZ, K is not entitled to a new series unless they advance the ball beyond the LTG. Since the down ended with R in possession, they will put the ball in play next. R 1/10 @ spot where R is downed, clock on the snap.

1. Same as OP: R 1/10 @ spot where R is downed, clock on the snap.

2. K 1/10 @ spot of recovery, clock on the snap.

3. K 1/10 @ spot of recovery, clock on the snap.

4. R 1/10 @ spot of first touching, clock on the snap.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 09, 2012, 07:21pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,906
Actually in cases 2 & 3, I say play on, the ball's not dead.
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