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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:26pm
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some high schools have tenths of seconds on their clocks for football.

Now the nfl???????????? i have to watch for that now. I never paid it no mind before.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:27pm
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derock if youre keeping a clock on the field must timer watches have tenths on them
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:37pm
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Originally posted by HighSchoolWhiteHat
derock if youre keeping a clock on the field must timer watches have tenths on them
Not sure what the rule book says about the type of clock to use but I use a Casio sports watch with the time winding down by the second. It says 1 second or 0 second. Even if it says 1 second, the actual time could be tenths of a second. But if the coach or player asks, the official time remaining will be given in whole seconds and not tenths of a second.

Now before someone beats me up, this is how "I" run "my" game clock. I'm not quoting anything from the rule book so if you want to know what the rule book says, you will have to look it up.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:45pm
KWH KWH is offline
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Cool Do you ever get out much?

Originally posted by Derock1986

I have never seen an official football clock with tenths of a second.
Is that because all 500 of your games have been worked on the same field?
Is the only clock you are familiar with that portable temporary clock your PEE WEE league provides?

Originally posted by Derock1986
I don't use tenths of a second in my games.
Is that because all of your BIG games are timed on your wristwatch?

Hey Derock -
Under Maryland Modified By County Rules, when a clock is stopped at 0:00.9 is the period over?
How about when it reads 0:00.2?
Please advise!!!
"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:53pm
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Re: Do you ever get out much?

Originally posted by KWH
Originally posted by Derock1986

I have never seen an official football clock with tenths of a second.
Is that because all 500 of your games have been worked on the same field?
Is the only clock you are familiar with that portable temporary clock your PEE WEE league provides?

Originally posted by Derock1986
I don't use tenths of a second in my games.
Is that because all of your BIG games are timed on your wristwatch?

Hey Derock -
Under Maryland Modified By County Rules, when a clock is stopped at 0:00.9 is the period over?
How about when it reads 0:00.2?
Please advise!!!
did I piss in your oatmeal or something?

Why are you trying to bait me into a debate?

Everything I post is picked apart and tossed back at me.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 04:06pm
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If you want to know what happened, here it is.

R awards the TO because he could tell there was .2 sec left. Because there is no way to run the clock down to 0:00.2 and stop it, they run a play with no time, although both coaches were informed what was going on, so that's not a big deal.

Team A throws the ball into the endzone where a defender bats it down, right into the arms of a receiver. Touchdown. PAT good, Overtime. There the team that was ahead on that last, disputed play, ended up winning.

Personally, I say game over. Football, unlike basketball, does not stop on the whistle, so blowing the whistle is not key to it, from my point of view.

Also, we view the field clock as official unless there is a problem, then it will be kept on the field. There was no clock on the field that night, although the field clock was being run by an official.

To expand my point. The delay of a second or two is part of the game on every other play. Like a holld on the last play should be a hold on the first, so too is the running of the clock. Secondly, there is only one stadium in my area with a clock on both ends of the field. If this play had happened any other way, the R would not have known there was 2 tenths of a second left when the TO was requested and the game would have been over.

My biggest concern, however, is that the rule book does not address it. If NFHS rules one way or the other, I'm OK with it. I'd just like to see it in there.

[Edited by White hat9 on Dec 30th, 2002 at 03:13 PM]
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 04:20pm
KWH KWH is offline
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Cool Do you have an "L" on your shirt for Loser?

Originally posted by Derock1986
Everything I post is picked apart and tossed back at me.
Simple answer: You are a joke!
More Complex answer: You don't take the game of football serious enough to even buy or read a rulebook. You may have found a crack in the system that lets you wear a striped uniform and mascarade as a "Line Judge on a three man crew". (Your words not mine!) But you will never be a Football Official Derock simply because you don't have what it takes! You have proven that to all of us on this board.
Do us all a favor and take up officiating Tiddly Winks! But buy the rulebook first!

Nuff said

[Edited by KWH on Dec 30th, 2002 at 03:33 PM]
"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 05:32pm
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My 2 cents:

In the situation described A gets a play! If I am facing the "wrong" direction then I'm having a conference with my crew (4 man for rec ball) to see if they had time on the clock when the QB asks for time. If no one can confirm the time status then game over. Having said that, except for championship games, rec fields do not have a field clock. The LJ will keep the game clock and most likely the game would be over. That would be dependent on what has occured during the rest of the game; a hard fought, tight contest will have less "creative timing" than a game where the outcome is obvious by the middle of the third quarter. (I may hear from some of you purists out there, but in this one instance, Derock is correct: You officiate rec games differently than high school. Don't read too much into this Derock, sounds to me you have one years experience seven times!)

As far as game clocks with tenths of seconds, here in Northern Virginia we have several schools with these type of clocks (some you can disable and some you can't). Generally, they are multi-pourpose keyboards that can be used for several different sports depending on the start up code entered.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 06:29pm
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Originally posted by HighSchoolWhiteHat
my thought on this play was that I know this time out call is coming so I want to be ready to call it as soon as a player asked for it. When he asks for it I blow and give the time out signal. if im looking at the clock when I signal time out and I see time left, he gets that time. he can run another play.

derock, why do you as a ref have the clock? do some associations have their ref's running a clock also just like the linesmen and linejudge 3 man games??
Usually, I'm the line judge but whichever position I work, I keep the clock. Not trying to brag but I run a pretty tight and efficient clock. Most crews fall behind schedule sometimes more than an hour late. Not me, my games start on schedule. The only time I'm ever late is when we have to stop the game for a emergency medical vehicle (which is not often--twice in 7 years).
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 11:14pm
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Re: Do you have an

Originally posted by KWH
Originally posted by Derock1986
Everything I post is picked apart and tossed back at me.
Simple answer: You are a joke!
More Complex answer: You don't take the game of football serious enough to even buy or read a rulebook. You may have found a crack in the system that lets you wear a striped uniform and mascarade as a "Line Judge on a three man crew". (Your words not mine!) But you will never be a Football Official Derock simply because you don't have what it takes! You have proven that to all of us on this board.
Do us all a favor and take up officiating Tiddly Winks! But buy the rulebook first!

Nuff said

[Edited by KWH on Dec 30th, 2002 at 03:33 PM]
Well not quite enough said LOL ,

I couldn't have said it better myself KWH (although I've certainly been trying)
But you don’t think I'd let "The Anti-Ref" off that easy do you?You guys must know that no matter which position Derock works he MUST be the one with the clock . He's got to get these games completed within the 25 minutes allotted per game dag-nab -it!!! If not for "The A-R" how else would these games be played fairly in this time, with no team gaining an unfair advantage…huh , huh, tell me ?
If not for the Anti Ref and his superior fan-officiating game sense, time management ability who knows what chaos would occur
Bt really guys ,you don’t really think he'd actually allow another official to hold the clock do you?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 08:17am
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derock , derock , derock,

what the hell? you take the clock to make sure the games are over and you don't fall behind schedule? what kind of official are you. derock these are kids,give them a fair clock even if theres a blow out. in blow outs this is when the coaches can get their subs in. most games will still get over in 1 1/2 hour.(youth ball)so derock works for the money and he runs the clock to make sure his games get over on schedule. good job derock. please stay in maryland youth ball because you couldn't cut it in pa.

derock doesn't your association have mechanics??? I never heard of you taking the clock no matter what position.

as for the time out for b ball and the time out for football, the time out for b ball is on the whistle yes(thats because the stop stops on every whistle in b ball)

when a player calls time out in football towards the end of the game and you know its coming(because most coaches will be screaming to their players to use it)its also on the whistle. most clock operaters are officials they know whats going on inthis situation.

example: qb calls time out, i blow my whistle and then signal time out. time out was giving when i blew my whistle not on my signal.(LineJudge knows when to stop clock in this situation) i call my crew in and ask the linejudge if there is any time left. yes or no. then I go explain to the coaches that we either have time left or time expired.

derock casio watches all have tenths of seconds on them. unless you have one from 1960
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 08:23am
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KWH and Mr Neil
You two have convinced me that I don't deserve to wear my stripes. I am officially retired as of today. I will never attempt or even think about stepping on the field again. I will leave the officiating to those who truly knows what it is to be an official (like KWH and Mr Neil--the "true", one and only officials). I know you two will be living legends before you're done and at least I can say I was shown the light by two of the greatest officials I have never seen.

Having said that, could you two please stop attacking me. If you disagree with my posts--its OK. If you want to continue to post insulting statements about me--it's OK too. But don't you think this stuff is getting a little childish.

Continue as you please but I will no longer respond to any insulting posts directed towards me so don't waste your time.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 09:29am
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continue to officiate but do thr ight thing and get better. listen to what you are saying sometimes

my games get started on schedule? so what most do

i always have the clock? mechanics dictate who has the clock not you.

you sound like when youre the linejudge its your game and nobody can stop you. if you think game sense dictates games then youre wrong. thats like letting a parent officiate a game. as long as you wear the stripes go by the rules. game sense??? no way, game sense is for people watching on tv and in the stands. preventive officiatating? yes yes yes.
keep officiating derock but try and get a better feel for what the game is about. I know youth ball can get crazy at times. and if a game is 55-0 like you say and you find a penalty each time, what good is that doing. most leagues have fines for running up the scores. if the starters are still in yes find a hold because you always can, but if its the subs don't take a td away from a kid because you didn't want to see the score 62-0. its not your problem what the score of a game is , let the leagues handle it. most leagues also have a running clock after a team is up by a certain amount of points. you do know that if the team down scores, the receiving team(team winning at this point) can elect to kick off if they choice. thats what most good coaches would do anyway in a youth game. give the ball right back to the team down. don't take a td away from a sub because you didn't want a blow out derock. would you like that to happen to your child if he was running for a td?

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 09:36am
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I am officially retired as of today

Well, I guess that settles it. Happy retirement.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 10:15am
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Originally posted by Derock1986
"KWH and Mr. Neil
You two have convinced me that I don't deserve to wear my stripes. I am officially retired as of today. I will never attempt or even think about stepping on the field again."

Hey KWH, what you want to bet this is another of Derock’s lies?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
"I will leave the officiating to those who truly knows what it is to be an official (like KWH and Mr Neil--the "true", one and only officials)".

You can’t count either I see. Just how can the two of us be the "one and only”? Especially with all the other REAL officials posting here who (I'll admit a little less caustic) have been telling you to get a clue.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

"I know you two will be living legends before you're done"

Before we're done what Derock? Exposing you for what you are? You're an imposter and a liar Derock and I cant in all good consonance let you get away with your regatta of bombastic dribble.
(Besides, I’m already a living legend. you see, I am Batman and must fight crime and injustice when and wherever I see it!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

"And at least I can say I was shown the light by two of the greatest officials I have never seen".

Just tell them Batman and Robin did it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

"Having said that, could you two please stop attacking me. If you disagree with my posts--its OK. If you want to continue to post insulting statements about me--it's OK too. But don't you think this stuff is getting a little childish."

No derock, what’s childish is you're pathetic attempt at trying to make us and all others concerned believe you know what you're doing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

"Continue as you please but I will no longer respond to any insulting posts directed towards me

We'll see won’t we? Betcha can’t stop LOL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
So don't waste your time".

Hell Derock, I don’t believe it's been a waste of time .It’s been kind of fun. I haven’t had reason to post this much in years. Plus it's been good practice for maintaining my cool and proper decorum after reading your posts spouting your outlandish stile of working games as a fanofficial.

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