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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 05, 2002, 09:34am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,305
>>>>>Does it matter if the penalty is occurs after the play is started? For example, Game situation: 4th down and 2 on Team A's 8 yard line, with 20 seconds left to play, Team A is leading. Team B takes its final time out following the third down play. When play is set to resume, Team A lines up for the kick and player A1 false starts (assume no intent on the players behalf). Is the rule such that the penalty is enforced, half the distance to the goal and the clock starts? Does it matter if the penalty is declined?>>>>>>>>

Since the clock was not running when Team A false started, then it will not start after the penalty is enforced. It will wait for the snap whether penalty is accepted or not.

>>>>>>>Another scenario: Team A has a third down and five on their 35 yard line. The clock is stopped with 50 seconds remaining. Neither team has any time outs and Team A leading. Team A runs a play and gains 6 yards but is called for holding. If I understand the rule, Team B has the option of declining the penalty and giving A the first down. After the chains are set and R signals the ball in play, the clock starts and Team A runs the clock out. The other option for Team B is take the penalty, have it assessed and third down played again. As soon as the R signals ball in play, the 25 second clock can run until a delay of game is called. At this time, penalty assessed and third down ran again, Team A takes a knee and game over. Did I miss anything?>>>>>

No, sounds like you got it all.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 02:12am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 58
Originally posted by Husker John
In any case though, he was very late in calling that penalty. If memory serves, the receiver was getting up and celebrating his play when the flag came in.
I am not sure what the NCAA mechanic is, but I can tell you that up here north of the border, we're *trained* to wait on a PI, for the reason that we have to determine if a ball is _catchable_ before a PI can be called. You'll almost always see a "late" flag for a PI in that case. I've thrown a flag in a touch football game some four seconds after the original "push" that created seperation.

Guys? What's the NHFS/NCAA mechanic on such things?
Am I just a three-down ref in a four-down world?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 07:54am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,305
If the ball is in the area and the official judges it is PI, he throws the flag. Then another official can come to him to discuss his opinion of catchability. They may agree and then tell the R to wave it off. In many cases of DPI we have to have the spot so the flag is thrown and then there is discussion. Same as we do for intentional grounding.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 04:35pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 58
Originally posted by TXMike
If the ball is in the area and the official judges it is PI, he throws the flag. Then another official can come to him to discuss his opinion of catchability.
Ah, interesting logic. In Canadian rules, the foul is either 15 yards from LOS and first down, or if less, first down at the point of foul.

Interesting thoughts presented, valid ones. I should bring 'em up at some future clinic/mechanics debate.
Am I just a three-down ref in a four-down world?
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