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Punt Near Endzone
I'm not a football official and am just looking for a quick answer.
What is the key as to where the ball is placed with a punt down near the endzone? Is it where there feet are at the time they touch the ball or is it like baseball and it doesn't matter where the person is only where the ball was touched at the time? Also does the ball just have to be touched, or in secure possession? Thanks for helping. |
NCAA football rules, it is where the BALL is.
Dont watch much NFL, but I seem to recall NFL is about where the players feet are? |
The only key that matters is where the ball is "first touched" and where the ball becomes dead. The feet play no role in if the ball is considered in the EZ, only the ball matters. We have a rule called "first touching" and that is a spot where the kicking team first touches the ball. That spot might be used or the dead ball spot might be used, which is advantageous to the receiving team. The bottom line is we try to be on or near the goal line so we can determine where the ball goes in the EZ or not.
Peace |
You don't mention what ruleset, so mileage may vary, and I'll specifically state that NFL rules are completely different from what I'm about to say.
NCAA rules (and I believe Fed is same or close): All that matters is the ball. Period. Nothing else. A player laying completely in the endzone that stops the ball from crossing the plane of the endzone is not a touchback. You ask about possession - if the ball is possessed by the kicking team, the play is dead. If not, it's not. So you could have multiple touches by the kicking team - the receiving team (assuming they don't eventually pick up the ball and then get a penalty) will get to pick the most advantages spot of the many touches. Also, if the ball remains motionless and no one is attempting to recover it, it's dead at that point as well. Hope that answered your question. |
NFL Rule 9, Section 2, Article 2 Item 2: If a player of the kicking team touches the goal line with any part of his body while touching the ball, the ball is dead, and the result of the play is a touchback. Note: The spot of first touching is normally the yard line at which the ball is at when touched. If the first touching occurs while the ball is in the air above or beyond the goal line, and prior to the ball touching the goal line or the ground beyond the goal line, the spot of first touching is deemed to be the spot from which the touching player left the field of play, but in no event inside the receiving team's one-yard line. |
Peace |
Not trying to be difficult, trying to make sure I understood you correctly. (And I did mention in my response that it was NCAA only and that I THOUGHT Fed was similar ... apparently similar but not identical!) PS - if I had to suspect anything, I suspect the OP was actually asking about an NFL game - of which I have very little rules knowledge other (again) than what I learn here. Glad to see that the 3 of us have covered all 3 rulesets for him. |
I had to read his question again to make sure I did not misread anything that would have affected my answer.
Well the rules on the NF and NCAA level are very similar. Of course NCAA has a different situation as to when a ball is dead in the EZ, but for the most part the rules are the same. I was not trying to get into penalties that are possible with this as well as those are rare and not something you would have to rule on in most plays. You could have illegal batting, but it legal to bat the ball back towards your goal on kick. But just because someone bats the ball does not mean it is illegal either. That is why we have the first touching rule and that spot must be marked and let the play continue for what might result. Maybe he did think of the NFL, but he is an official in another sport so I suspect that he has some knowledge that most officials here are not pro officials. Peace |
NFHS 6-1-6: If any K player touches a free kick before it crosses R’s free-kick line and before it is touched there by any R player, it is referred to as “first touching of the kick.” R may take the ball at the spot of first touching, or any spot if there is more than one spot of first touching, or they may choose to have the ball put in play as determined by the action which follows first touching. 6-2-5 has the same language for scrimmage kicks. |
You did not say anything different than what I said at all. I just did not get into all the scenarios of the rule or when the rules apply or do not apply. And I would not do that considering that is not what the question was about. Oh, I should have said that if the spot of first touching is one spot and R muffs the ball that R can take the ball at the spot of first touching? Or should I have said that if the ball is touched first touched and the ball goes into the EZ that if the spot of first touching is in advance of the touch back spot (the 20), R can take the ball at the advanced spot when the ball is declared dead? Maybe I should have said that R does not have to take the spot of first touching if they advance the ball beyond the spot of first touching? Or better yet, what about penalty enforcement? What about inadvertent whistles? What about PSK enforcement that might apply to this situation as well? Sorry but this is why some of you guys amaze me. The question is what we look for to place the ball near the EZ, not what first touching means and all the situations it applies or does not apply. Now we look for a lot of things, but I do not think he wanted to know all the rules or would necessarily understand all the rules as he is not a football official. If a fan asks you a question you start chapter and verse with every situation or rule that applies in your explanation. If you do WOW is all I can say. It only makes me wonder what those you actually work with think of you if that is the case. ;) The man asked about a how to make a turkey sandwich, he did not ask how to shoot the turkey, how to take the feathers off and where to cut the turkey and store the turkey. My Lord, people here really need to answer the question that was asked, not all the situations all the rules apply. Peace |
Canadian Ruling
A punt that enters the EZ is live. |
You stated that there are only 2 spots that matter. FIRST touching, and the dead ball spot. Since that differs from NCAA (and is apparently wrong according to mb), I asked you if the ball was initially touched at the 1 and rolls back to the 4, at which point it was touched AGAIN and then rolls to the 2 - does FED only give the 2 options you stated - FIRST touching at the 1, or dead ball spot at the 2 - ignoring the 4. You then railed on me for asking you a question about your answer that didn't jive with what I knew from NCAA, and now you say you were not only not wrong, but ignore the 2nd touch completely again. Not trying to be a jerk here - I was just trying to understand the FED rule, which apparently you stated incorrectly. |
In your situation, R has the option to put the ball at the spot of first touching (either one) or at the dead ball spot. The ball could end up at the 4, 2, or 1. Technically, the statement "the only key that matters is where the ball is "first touched" and where the ball becomes dead" is true. I'm not sure why people are having so much trouble with it. |
I would love to see that reference in a mechanics book or training. Quote:
Peace |
(Kind of a dumb term for 2nd, 3rd, etc touches, don't you think?) |
(I hesitate to ask, but I'll risk you being you again in hopes that someone else will answer the question without being a jerk... If you don't bag relevant spots, how would you know to spot this ball at the 4?) |
And if you are asked to work a FED game and you do not use a rulebook to learn a rule, you are in bigger trouble than I would have ever thought. I was answer a question for a person that does not work football, not to clarify something for you. It is not my responsibility to give you rules to understand. I will bet I work more sports and levels than you do and it is my responsibility to learn rules, not anyone on this board. I am even having to learn some NCAA Rules that I have never had to apply because of a position change and I have never come here for clarification. That is my responsibility to learn. Maybe you need people to hold your hand, I tend to look in other places. Quote:
Peace |
although I've vowed to not get in the middle of pissing matches here any more, I think here is the problem with your original post. Quote from MOOfficial: Quote:
I also teach a football class (and a basketball class I designed for an organization for the third year starting in October) every year and have been doing it for years now. Most people have never officiated a single sport when they come to the class. We still use the proper terms off the bat and explain the definitions when appropriate if need be. I think we should let MOofficial speak for himself and what he was confused by or understand. He might not have been looking for a rule as much as a mechanic. After all he did ask about the feet and touching the GL. I give him a little more credit than some here are giving him. Peace |
So, just to make clear that I understand that you rule this different from the other FED folks here... you're saying that in the situation I describe (again... ball first touched by K at the 1, tapped backward to keep it from going into the EZ, touched again by K at the 4, rolls to the 2 and is dead there) - you only look at the 1 or 2 as possible spots? Or am I again misunderstanding you? Sounds like your brethren would view the 4 as a potential spot as well. |
For the record, the spot of first touching would be the 1 (which is the only place you have a bean bag). The dead ball spot would be wherever the kick ended or the play was over (receivers taking the ball and running). The other touches in your case are not relevant unless these are the places the ball is ruled dead. I do not know what others do and actually do not care. But I am bagging the spot of FT with a bean bag and bagging or killing the play where the kick ends if necessary. I do not understand why this is difficult to understand or why the explanation is contentious. And if the receiving team picked up the ball and ran and fumbles (or muffed the ball) you give the ball back to R at the spot of first touching. Peace |
as a teacher, I think you better review this statement of yours: "For the record, the spot of first touching would be the 1 (which is the only place you have a bean bag). The dead ball spot would be wherever the kick ended or the play was over (receivers taking the ball and running). The other touches in your case are not relevant unless these are the places the ball is ruled dead". Specifically rule 6-2-5 |
The definitions of first touching are covered in Rule 2-12: ART. 1 . . . During a free kick it is first touching if the ball is touched in the field of play by any K player before it crosses R’s free-kick line and before it is touched there by any R player. ART. 2 . . . During a scrimmage kick it is first touching if the ball is touched by any K player in the field of play and beyond the expanded neutral zone before it is touched there by R and before the ball has come to rest. There is nothing in the definition that states there can only be one "first" touching; any touching within the definitions above is considered first touching. Technically you should have multiple bean bags down if K touches it in multiple places during the kick. Too bad all the other sillyness here has clouded what should be an excellent lesson for all officials. |
If any K player touches a crimmage kick in this manner (talking about first touching) R may take the ball at the spot of first touching, or any spot if there is more than one spot of first touching......" |
I do not know how many here are Back Judges, but I doubt or have never seen one bean back 5 different spots. You bean bag one and you put the ball at the furthest most point if the kick ends without a return. The same thing on a free kick. You bean bag the spot of first touching in the neutral zone and then you keep officiating. Then whatever is the most advantageous spot is what we are going to put the ball. That is what I am looking for (which was the question) and let my Referee know what is that spot or if the ball is behind the spot. I think this conversation is asinine. It is silly beyond belief because I would bet that most individuals have not worked the Back Judge position at the level I have and had to make these decisions on a regular basis as I have. Many here are making it complicated by trying to split hairs which the spot is. In almost all the situations that take place the K team touches the ball they are not trying to bat the ball all over the place. If the ball goes toward R's goal they are going to try to keep it going towards that goal. If the ball goes back toward K's goal line K is likely to possess the ball and if they don't it will be pretty obvious where we are going to put the ball. Is this really that hard? Peace |
He is slowly seeing the light but not admitting it. Obviously he subscribes to the premise that a good offense is a good defense or vice versa. If all else fails, dazzle them with footwork.
I did not lose a single game or position by what those want to think as we are having this conversation. ;) Peace |
JRut...I think the issue here is when given the scenario with K first touching the ball the R1 then the R4 and finally possessing it at the R2, you said R's options were the R1 and R2. Based on your last comment, do you now agree their options are the R1, R2, and R4 and they will obviously take the R4? This could easily happen if a K player tries to bat it back toward their goal line at the R1 and then in an attempt to possess the ball another K players muffs it at the R4 and eventually possesses it at the R2. This isn't K "batting the ball all over the place".
I have a dead ball spot and a first touching spot. I am only marking first touching once with a bean bag (as a Back Judge and only having so many bean bags to begin with) and the ball will be place at one spot or the other in most case. If you need someone to give you all the possibilities, then you either do not know how to read the rules (because there are many rules with exceptions and different situations that apply) then I do not know what to tell you. And still the OPer has not said they had a problem understanding what they asked. ;) Peace |
Anyone ever see the episode on Happy Days where The Fonz was uttering.....
"I was wrrrrrrrrrrruuunnnn.... I was wwrruuunnnnnnn....." ???? :D:D:D He just couldn''t bring himself to admit it. |
For the record, at varsity I AM a backjudge. And yes, I've seen the ball do exactly as I've described in this play. One player trying to save the ball from the endzone bats it backward from around the one. Beanbag. The ball then hits one of the other guys coming down a little further downfield (in this case the 4). Beanbag. It then rolls a bit toward the goal line from that guy before it's either downed or stops on it's own. I will admit I'm not likely to start chucking both beanbags, my hat and a shoe to keep all the spots if it goes further than this. In THIS case, I would probably not throw a 3rd thing (my hat) unless another K touching happened further upfield than the 4. Not sure what I'd do if a 4th was needed - it's never happened. But the need for 2 bags happens rather often - a few times a season. One official's insistence that he's going to ignore the rules because it doesn't suit him really takes a LOT of credibility away from his other posts here - something I previously thought that poster had a lot of. |
I personally carry three bean bags, but most people here claim they only carry two (if you read and pay attention to this board). So I guess marking multiple spots is going to be difficult for most people as we must mark 5 different first touching spots according to you. :D Peace |
Peace |
Let's try this again and not worry about bean bags, hats, shoes or anything else. Pretend this was a test question. How would you answer it?
Scrimmage kick and ball first touched by K22 at the R1, tapped backward to keep it from going into the EZ, touched again by K40 at the R4, rolls to the R2 and is possessed by K33 there. Where is R going to next snap the ball? R1 R2 R4 If you say R2, you are ignoring the first touching that also occurred at the R4. If you say that's not first touching then you are ignoring the part of the rule that states any touching by K before R touches it is first touching. |
Peace |
I don't understand. Please help me understand what you are doing on this play......
Are you throwing a bag at the 1 and then once the touch at the 4 happens picking your bag up at the one and dropping it at the four? Are you simply getting the spot at the 4 without a bag? I'm mainly a WH, so my bag rarely (if ever) comes off my belt (I had a momentum exception on a kickoff earlier this year, the only time I needed my bag). It is my understanding of the relevant rules that you need *every* first touching spot because R gets its choice of any of them. You also need the end of the kick. I understand that practically only one of the first touching spots will ever be used, but you certainly *need* the one at the four on this play, don't you? |
I'm a very humble person because I know I have a lot to learn and I make mistakes on the field and in my understanding of the rules all the time. I see a fellow official who I guess does an excellent job on the field and understands the rules and philosophies better than most. If you are saying R would get the ball at the R2 in this play then you are wrong. This is not a judgment issue or a philosophy issue. The rule is very clear that R will get the ball at the R4 and I think you'll find others agree. |
Peace |
I'm sure it doesn't concern you at all - your ego is big enough that it won't matter, but I'm sure there are several on here who previously respected your posts and felt you were a rather knowledgeable and helpful poster here, and who no longer feel that way at all. I include myself in that group. Defending a clearly wrong position, and refusing to admit you simply made a mistake way back 3 pages ago have cost you a lot of credibility. But again - your opinion of you FAR supercedes ours, so I'm sure you don't care. I do know that several will now read your responses with considerably more than a bucket of salt. PS - "Everybody" in my previous post referred to EVERYBODY, except you, who is participating in this discussion. And you who have so much disdain for the use of a hat - what would you use if you ran out of bags? Sorry coach ... didn't get that spot because I think dropping my hat looks silly. |
Peace |
Guys....give it up. You will NEVER get him to admit he was wrong.
And the fact that a troll had to do so by joining today is telling. If you cannot be man enough to stay who you are, then what are you afraid of? :D Peace |
Peace |
Peace |
OK Mr. Big Time State Finals Back Judge who is an instructor and coordinated may clinics around Chicago...... Do you stand by your claim that the other touches are not relevant? |
I am still trying to figure out why you need 8 bean bags to make that determination? Oh, you probably use a white bean bag for one thing and another for the end of the kick. <a href=http://www.thesmilies.com><img src=http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/silly/rollingeyes.gif border=0></a> Peace |
Actually, you were wrong. Despite all your bluster, resume posting, excuses, & insults, you were painfully wrong. It's just you can't admit it. And that's where you tragically fail.
mcomber asked "So, just to make clear that I understand that you rule this different from the other FED folks here... you're saying that in the situation I describe (again... ball first touched by K at the 1, tapped backward to keep it from going into the EZ, touched again by K at the 4, rolls to the 2 and is dead there) - you only look at the 1 or 2 as possible spots?" and your answer was "For the record, the spot of first touching would be the 1 (which is the only place you have a bean bag). The dead ball spot would be wherever the kick ended or the play was over (receivers taking the ball and running). The other touches in your case are not relevant unless these are the places the ball is ruled dead." |
I only bean bag the first spot, and move the bean bag when the play is dead if I have a better spot of first touching. I not the "best spot" in the same way that I note the yard line if I miss the spot of a foul when I toss my flag. I reserve my second bean bag for the end of the kick if I need it.
I was looking in the AHSAA mechanics guide and they offer no additional guidance for multiple spots of first touching. They do note "if bean bag falls on wrong yard line, after the play is over, immediately move it to the correct yard line." |
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but when you say you're only marking 2 spots it makes it difficult to comprehend. Assume a punt is grounded at R's 10. K1 bats the ball at R's 2. The batted ball hits K2 at R's 8. The ball rolls out of bounds at R's 4. Can you tell me where you're dropping your bean bags and what options are offered to R? |
HE KNOWS HE WAS WRONG. That is why he won't answer this directly. He's simply sitting in his mother's basement, getting excited about how much he's stirred things up. Thus, Jeff has landed in troll-landia. This teaches me who I should and should not ask when requesting enlightenment regarding FED rules. |
I haven't visited this board since June, and probably wouldn't have tuned in tonight either except that posters on another board told me I just had to read this if I wanted a good laugh before going to bed. This thread reminds me once again why I've stayed away. Now I'm certain I'll be ridiculed and insulted for this post, and I just hope that whoever might choose to do that asks to compare FB resumes with me. |
Peace |
I will be waiting? Peace |
Again, I have a dead ball spot and a first touching spot. It is not that hard to figure out which those are. Never had a problem in my entire career, I do not think this conversation is going to change that. Do you; do not worry about what others do. I learned to pick up pennies a long time ago. This is one I will leave on the ground. Peace |
This board can't get enough about the topic of touching...whether it is the phrase "is touching" or "first touching"....
Where's the moderator with the lock when you need him? |
Peace |
Peace |
And I notice you still can't address the question and instead resort to some sort of comical threat. Truly, truly pathetic. |
He stated that touches between the time of the "first" first-touching and when the ball becomes dead "are not relevant". He's wrong. He'll never admit it. Time to move on from this one, in due time..... he'll do it again..... ...... and deny it again...... |
Not that this even applies here, but this is the kind of crap that kept me off of here for over a year. I led off a discussion about black pants two years ago and got lambasted about how dumb they were...yada yada. Now half the officials before too long here will be wearing them in lousy weather or cold conditions soon.
Guys come here for some discussion on things they've seen and dealt with and it turns into a pi$$ing match because an ego or two get chapped. For the sake of an argument...I'd bet almost anyone here working longer than a few years could watch the rest of us work and take up some sort of issue on their hustle, mechanics, positions at the snap, etc. You guys sound like a bunch of ladies *****ing at each other on The View. As we've all seen, having a ton of years in as an official does make a great official. Tooting your own horn about how good you are is classic....if you were that good you wouldn't be on here. You'd be on your way to wherever you're working this weekend. |
Then ask me how successful I am. ;) Peace |
Peace |
Peace |
Still no explanation regarding your incorrect answer above. Maybe you can use those 2 patches to cover up your mistake. |
guess whose back, back again, Jinx is back tell some B.......
Wow I got back just in time to see Rut runnin' his flap jack, last time I saw you Rut you were bein' a "Pioneer", how did that work for you? If your a man, be a man & say either you were wrong or the way you expressed yourself was wrong. If you have "only" a first touching spot & a dead ball spot you should clarify it for us. Since your the guy with the "patches" help out the lowly masses. Tell us how you would work the bag, what you would do. The whole point is funny to everyone because they know your wrong. Try & bring it to me, cuz your not better then ME, your not close to being on my level as a back judge or a football official in general. Your runnin your mouth in front of the w.... people & making B.... people look bad. Quiet your mouth, write you messed up a little explaining what you wanted to say & move. We can meet anywhere you want, I'll be in Joliet this weekend. You can't bring it to me, on here or on the field. |
I asked a person on my crew tonight that also worked a State Final with me and is the rules guy on our crew. We had a game tonight because of the Jewish Holiday and this was talked about in our pregame. He often will get into rules discussions with us and give his opinion. And when our crew chief sends out emails with rules and situations, he almost always responds and gives a through explanation. So if I was wrong he would tell me that is what he thought. I asked him directly several situations of different first touching spots. I did not tell him about this conversation or the context, I just asked him what would he do and how would you handle it. He did at first say he would mark all those spots, but then when he thought about it, he said, "If I do all of that, I will not have the spot for the end of the kick or the end of the related run that could occur." He even talked briefly about throwing his hat, but then said to me "Why?" Because he realized that they are not going to take the ball at the other spots anyway and the other spots would be more important. I did not direct him in any direction or try to tell him what I would do. The conversation only took a couple of minutes. BTW he is a college official as well. Sorry, not taking back a single word. I stand by what I said. And if you did not get it the first time, all those spots are irrelevant to me. There is a dead ball spot and a first touching spot. The furthest most spot for first touching is going to be used and I do not need to bag every single spot. And the vast majority of first touching spots are clearly identifiable. Better yet, I would not have bags for every spot even if I wanted to. I only take three and I have yet to use all three on a single play even with a first touching spots. I stand by what I say, call me wrong but that is what I am going to do. Do you!!! Peace |
YouTube - Sidestep - Charles Durning - The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.mp4 |
Rut riddle me this?: In the senerio we have where its touched at the 2 (you throw your bag) then the ball hits another K player at the 8 & then R picks up the ball at the 6 & starts running, & returns it to 80 yards. Are you going to drop a second bag or just remember the spot of the 8 in case they fumble & have to go back to that spot? Or are you just gonna stand at the 8 while the play goes on? |
Peace |
This is the quote of what I said. Quote:
Peace |
I even had two people PM me because they think I agree with them, but I did not use the language they wanted to hear to make them happy. Comical on so many levels. This is why I cannot, will not or refuse to worry about what people here say because if I did I would be paralyzed with not commenting on anything. Please stop saying what everyone would do or say when you cannot even get right what we “disagreed” on. It does not work when I used to say it; it is not going to work now. I do what the people around me do and approve not what some people I will never work with or deal with in my officiating. Even the guy that is in Joliet (as if I would care). Peace |
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