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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 31, 2008, 12:18pm
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Originally Posted by PackersFTW View Post
ever notice how you have NEVER heard an nfl employee (announcers, analysts) say "nfl" but rather they ALWAYS say "national football league". this is one of those stupid things that bother me. i think it sounds so stupid. the only thing i can think of is they don't want people to confuse the nfl, the nfc, and the afc. my problem with that is that if you are confusing a conference with the entire league, you probably watch about 1 hour of football a year, and thus the nfl shouldn't give a damn about you.
Who cares?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 06:35am
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
Why are you asking football officials? Shouldn't this be asked on a broadcasting forum?

Do a search on 506 forums or DBS forums and you might find a more knowlegeable crowd.
go to any forum, and i guarantee they have slightly off topic threads such as this one.

Originally Posted by OverAndBack View Post
You're assuming this is an NFL "rule." It's not.


Wow. 100 games? Man.

How many clips of people saying "NFL" will it take to convince you, then?

Okay, then.

I do not have false information. I know more about certain things than you do. This is one of them.

This is an officiating forum, genius. Your question in the OP has zero to do with officiating. Therefore, it's in the wrong forum.

You are, seriously, about 15 years old, right?
i'm not 15, i'm 24, but a 15 year old would know that no forum on the web has 100% of it's threads directly on topic, or even probably 90%. officiating -> football -> various football topics. that's on topic to me. and your direct insults show that you should be the one asking yourself if you're 15.

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post

Life must be really good, you have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands if you concerned with what announcers call a specific league.

Or you are about 15 years old as stated.

Originally Posted by jaybird View Post
Who cares?
exactly. nobody cares but me, but all of a sudden people seem to know for a fact that they use the term "nfl" as in "he's the #1 rusher in the nfl". if you don't care about something, how would you know for sure something as specific as this has or hasn't occurred? honestly though, i would probably say of course they say "nfl", i mean they must, right? but it's shocking, they don't. i don't mean never ever, i mean 99% of the time they say "national football league". and somebody already stated above the reason why they do this is for marketing purposes, which makes sense.

now that i think about it, although i'm not 100% sure, i don't think i've ever heard them say "national basketball association" in the nba. so we have opposite leagues here. dunno, just something i notice. if you feel the need to boost your self-esteem by insulting me just for commenting on something like this, then go ahead, but you might want to look in the mirror before you call me 15. even if i was off-topic, which i'm not completely off-topic, that's no reason to insult somebody, especially if you're a 30+ year old official.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 08:44am
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Originally Posted by PackersFTW View Post
i don't mean never ever, i mean 99% of the time they say "national football league".
That's absolutely not true. You went from "never" to "99%" of the time when neither one is true. Just in watching parts of three games the weekend after we started talking about this, I found numerous times where announcers said "NFL" and not "National Football League."

You're just wrong. That's all I said. The percentage is much, much lower - to the point where it's simply not an issue. And it's sure as hell not worth starting a thread about in a forum about officiating.

As for the ever, my apologies. Now get off my lawn.
"And I'm not just some fan, I've refereed football and basketball in addition to all the baseball I've umpired. I've never made a call that horrible in my life in any sport."---Greatest. Official. Ever.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 09:06am
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Originally Posted by PackersFTW View Post
go to any forum, and i guarantee they have slightly off topic threads such as this one.
Yeah, but why are you arguing with people's answers as if they should know the "rule", if there even is a "rule"...If you truly wanted to know about this subject you would go to a broadcasting forum.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 09:40am
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Originally Posted by OverAndBack View Post
FWIW, Kevin Harlan, Matt Vasgersian and Jim Nantz all made multiple references to "the NFL" yesterday.
I routinely heard the term "NFL" used by those covering the game, including those from the NFL Network!
Pope Francis
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 10:17am
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Originally Posted by PackersFTW View Post
go to any forum, and i guarantee they have slightly off topic threads such as this one.
It's an officiating forum. About officiating. While discussions about plays or rules may digress into discussions about the BCS or whatever, we don't start topics to ask random, non sequitur questions like yours. Especially one which is flawed from the get-go.

i'm not 15, i'm 24, but a 15 year old would know that no forum on the web has 100% of it's threads directly on topic, or even probably 90%.
But you know that 99% of the time, "employees" of the NFL aren't allowed to say "NFL," but instead say "National Football League." You're a math whiz, that's what you are.

officiating -> football -> various football topics. that's on topic to me.
The Official Forum > Football. Where do you see "various football topics?"

It's an officiating forum. Mostly for officials to discuss topics about football officiating

and your direct insults show that you should be the one asking yourself if you're 15.
Been on the interwebs long?

exactly. nobody cares but me, but all of a sudden people seem to know for a fact that they use the term "nfl" as in "he's the #1 rusher in the nfl".
Had an inkling, based on years of watching football and some professional experience with the medium of television. Then I watched a few games and paid attention specifically to that to confirm my suspicion that you were wrong.

if you don't care about something, how would you know for sure something as specific as this has or hasn't occurred? honestly though, i would probably say of course they say "nfl", i mean they must, right? but it's shocking, they don't. i don't mean never ever, i mean 99% of the time they say "national football league". and somebody already stated above the reason why they do this is for marketing purposes, which makes sense.
Except there is no directive that they do this. It's probably no more than the random patterns of people's speech. Is it 50% of the time? 62.5%? I don't know. But I do know that, outside of maybe the commissioner who may feel it gives things more gravitas or some people who may want to get melodramatic from time to time, there's no conspiracy or directive about why it should happen or does happen. You're imagining something that isn't happening.

now that i think about it, although i'm not 100% sure, i don't think i've ever heard them say "national basketball association" in the nba.
Again with the "evers."

I guess the NBA just doesn't have the same marketing directives to its minions.

so we have opposite leagues here. dunno, just something i notice. if you feel the need to boost your self-esteem by insulting me just for commenting on something like this, then go ahead, but you might want to look in the mirror before you call me 15. even if i was off-topic, which i'm not completely off-topic, that's no reason to insult somebody, especially if you're a 30+ year old official.
Again, just get online this week?

A forum for officials to talk about officiating. Not for fans to throw random savant things out there. You want to ask about rules (like the 3rd QB rule), anyone who knows will be glad to lend their expertise. Unclear about why something was ruled a certain way in a game you watched? Again, that's that it's about.

But "nfl employees" aren't precluded from saying "nfl," you're imagining things that aren't happening. And if you're going to come in here and be so randomly and completely off-base and off-topic, expect to get nailed for it.
"And I'm not just some fan, I've refereed football and basketball in addition to all the baseball I've umpired. I've never made a call that horrible in my life in any sport."---Greatest. Official. Ever.
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