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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2006, 08:24am
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 78
Equipment/Uniform Replacement

As officials we tend to take pride in what we look like, regardless of cost. That being said, what do you make sure to replace on a yearly basis?

Myself, I buy a new pair of shoes every year. The previous year shoes become my rain shoes, and the previous year my pop warner shoes. Its a 3 year rotation, and you probably couldnt tell any of the 3 pairs apart I keep them so clean.

I also like a new flag, whistle, and at lease 1 pair of knickers. Thinking of it, I usually get a new hat each year too.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 28, 2006, 12:24pm
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boy - big money each year

I can't afford to buy new shoes every year and it's OK - I don't wear these shoes enough to wear them out anyway. With more fields going to FieldTurf, I don't have to worry about 'mudders' as much.

Between high school associaition dues, college association dues, money for clinics and hotels/gas, my budget is busted by the time it comes to buy new stuff.

I replace socks the most of all. Got to buy a new clip this year as the knucklehead chain crew from my last high school game last year busted my old one.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 28, 2006, 09:04pm
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Originally Posted by ABoselli
I can't afford to buy new shoes every year and it's OK - I don't wear these shoes enough to wear them out anyway. With more fields going to FieldTurf, I don't have to worry about 'mudders' as much.

Between high school associaition dues, college association dues, money for clinics and hotels/gas, my budget is busted by the time it comes to buy new stuff.

I replace socks the most of all. Got to buy a new clip this year as the knucklehead chain crew from my last high school game last year busted my old one.
you should have made them pay for it! LOL
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 28, 2006, 10:05pm
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Knickers I replace every second year or so, I've had the same shirts for 3 or 4 years now.

I get a new flag and whistle every year.

The shoes last a long time and I've had my spotbilts for 4 years now. Great shoes.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 29, 2006, 08:05am
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This year I plan on purchasing all kinds of new stuff. I need to get two new shirts, short and long sleeve, since I've picked up by a college crew. I also plan on getting some new knickers as well. I need to get one or two new hats. Maybe even a new belt since I no longer fit in my old one, it's too big.

Usually I don't have to purchase too much. A pair of socks, maybe a shirt or knickers, that's about it. The stuff I usually buy each year are the study guides. I plan on getting almost all of them this year.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 29, 2006, 10:44am
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Originally Posted by grantsrc
This year I plan on purchasing all kinds of new stuff. I need to get two new shirts, short and long sleeve, since I've picked up by a college crew. I also plan on getting some new knickers as well. I need to get one or two new hats. Maybe even a new belt since I no longer fit in my old one, it's too big.

Usually I don't have to purchase too much. A pair of socks, maybe a shirt or knickers, that's about it. The stuff I usually buy each year are the study guides. I plan on getting almost all of them this year.
I don't buy too much new stuff each season. Socks get the most wear/damage!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 30, 2006, 06:34am
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I have OCD! I have about 7 uniforms, 5 pair of shoes that I alternate. I have about 15 shirts that I just pick for lower level games and yes my wife doesn't mind at all.

I think that the way I alternate my stuff, it last longer, I have them numbered (OCD) and my shoes as well. I even have a "muddy" uniform just for those torrential down pours.

I have a lot of sock as well but usually will buy a hat, well come to think about that, I have 10 or 12. I am spending way too much money, it was an up front cost and now I may replace a pair of shoes only. Guys, don't laugh, my unis are not getting yellowed.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 30, 2006, 01:09pm
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Usually a new hat every season. I've got three pair of socks that I rotate through so I only buy a new pair very 3-4 years. I've still got my original shirt from 12 years ago though it is getting snug. I'll buy a new pair of pants every 2-3 years and rotate the older ones down to sub -varsity games.

If the shorts length would remain standard, I wouldn't have to buy them so much

I'm a shoe freak - I'll buy a pair on sale that I think will work well and just put them away.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 30, 2006, 03:21pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by irefky
I have OCD! I have about 7 uniforms, 5 pair of shoes that I alternate. I have about 15 shirts that I just pick for lower level games and yes my wife doesn't mind at all.

I think that the way I alternate my stuff, it last longer, I have them numbered (OCD) and my shoes as well. I even have a "muddy" uniform just for those torrential down pours.

I have a lot of sock as well but usually will buy a hat, well come to think about that, I have 10 or 12. I am spending way too much money, it was an up front cost and now I may replace a pair of shoes only. Guys, don't laugh, my unis are not getting yellowed.
well, I don't have OCD but I have 6 short sleeve shirts, 4 long sleeve shirts and 8 knickers. One pair of spot-built, which I love. I just bought them last year and I will buy another pair this season. Socks and shoes are my weak point. Shoes can be real expensive!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 31, 2006, 06:53am
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Originally Posted by tpaul
well, I don't have OCD but I have 6 short sleeve shirts, 4 long sleeve shirts and 8 knickers. One pair of spot-built, which I love. I just bought them last year and I will buy another pair this season. Socks and shoes are my weak point. Shoes can be real expensive!
tpaul, you mentioned a cadet program in NJ? I heard you had it for baseball, but I assume you use that program for football too. What does it entail?
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 31, 2006, 10:31am
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I don't have as much stuff as some of you guys but I always mark the year I bought the item somewhere on it so I can tell, for example, my good knickers from my back up pair, etc. It's handy when your packing to easily pick out the good pants or the good short sleeve shirt.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 31, 2006, 05:28pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Jim D
I don't have as much stuff as some of you guys but I always mark the year I bought the item somewhere on it so I can tell, for example, my good knickers from my back up pair, etc. It's handy when your packing to easily pick out the good pants or the good short sleeve shirt.
that's a good idea! I always do that on things around the house. Like I put in a new hotwater heater. It always seems like yesterday that I installed it and the years fly by!!! LOL
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 31, 2006, 05:42pm
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Originally Posted by BigJWalt
tpaul, you mentioned a cadet program in NJ? I heard you had it for baseball, but I assume you use that program for football too. What does it entail?
Big J,
I don't know about baseball but for football it is a program for the new officials and they keep doing it until they pass the written exam. For my area it was a total nightmare before my umpire and I took it over.

We start June 7th and run for 13 straight weeks, then 8 more classes during the season. We cover 3, 4 & 5 man mechanics. ECO operation. Chain crew mechanics. Uniforms and equipment. Cover rules 1 to 10. Many many different test! Test prep for the final state exam. If the cadet does not make it to the test or fails the test he can repeat in the program. Currently you have basically three years to pass the test before you are dropped.

We averaged 2-3 guys passing each year before we took over the program. In the last three years we have had 24 guys pass. Last year we passed 100% 7 for 7!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 31, 2006, 09:33pm
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The one thing that I do to help me, I number my uniforms, top 1 with pants 1, top 2 with pants 2, and so on. I just keep my stuff paired, I learned this by collecting baseball memorbilia. I have a couple of Pete Rose shirts from his Philadelphia career, 1981, it has 81 1 in the tail. Of course that is set 1 of 1981.

OCD, I have about 5 pair of spot bilts, numbered also, they are the best officiating shoe for me as well as the New Balance (basketball).

Yes, my socks are numbered, and hats marked with a S for spring, and F for fall, W for colder games. This method has just kept me straight with my gear. I plan on buying a pair of Honig pants, 36 with the athletic cut. The one thing I do buy new each year is flags, two at the most.

I agree, the shoes are the big buy, you wear them out quick with the rough games.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 02, 2006, 08:25am
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We averaged 2-3 guys passing each year before we took over the program. In the last three years we have had 24 guys pass. Last year we passed 100% 7 for 7![/QUOTE]

I was one of the 7 and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the excellent and persistant training by tpaul
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