Originally posted by James Neil
Good stuff RU. I agree with all rulings. In Oregon for the past two years we'd let the play go in # 5 and have A replay the try from the B-1.5. Not sure if we'll go this way again this year. One question I have for #6. Since we're replaying the down wont we go back to the previous clock status even thou the play ended up as an incomplete pass? [/B]
I'd like it if they kept the ball live on tries, but oh well.
To my knowledge, there is only one situation where the clock status after play #1 will affect the clock status after play #2: if the clock expired during play #1 and something happens causing play #2 to be an untimed down, then play #3 (the "replay") will be an untimed down
because play #2 was an untimed down.
The case where play #2 is a free kick is similar, but even if play #3 (the "replay") is also free kick, its clock status is the way it is solely because it's a free kick, and not particularly because of the clock status before play #2.
Re-reading this, it looks confusing as all get out. The short answer is: no, the clock status before the last down doesn't affect the clock status before the next one. Only the action during the last down matters.