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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 01, 2004, 11:39pm
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Since the season is over, or almost over for some of you highly rated officials, I figure we can start this topic up to learn somthing. Maybe it will be funny.

What was the biggest mistake you made this year? Not asking to ridicule you(although if its really bad then maybe we will), but I think we can all learn from others mistakes.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 01, 2004, 11:48pm
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I screwed up an enforcement, which really pisses me off, when we had a defensive foul on the last play of the game and I forgot to tell the offense they could decline the penalty and the game would be over. The offense was ahead by about 20 and there was no bad blood, they just downed it, but I was kicking myself as we left the field and my wingman told me I screwed it up. Actually he tried to tell me before we ran the play, but I misunderstood what he was saying, so we ran the untimed down.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 01:21am
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Ok I got a good one! (Really a bad one) In one of our varsity games I was playing LJ (6 man crew), and the offense lined up to punt. After the punt, the returner comes over to my sideline, the BJ is covering the return. Well I see that he is coming toward me and I just KNEW he was going to get tackled, so I start yelling at the team on my sideline to move back so nobody would get hurt. Well by the time I looked up, the returner flew by me at moch 3 and kept going down the sideline. Now I KNOW I'm in big trouble. (I'm around the 50 yd line) So I start to run after him and "follow" the play, if that's what you want to call it. Sure enough, a defender is on his trail and I look at the WH amd he is scanning around like "who's covering the goal line?" (He's old so he wasn't about to run after him)
Anyway, the returner gets tackled around the 1 yard line. Uh oh, now we have controversy! Did he get in or not ??? I don't know ... the WH don't know, he thinks he got tackled at the 1, so I say OK! He's down at the 1. Well then the HL comes over and said he saw the guy cross the goal line and I proceeded to get my butt chewed on the field about how I should be down there yada yada yada... Boy that was a bad day !!! Good thing the game was a blowout. There's nothing worse than when you KNOW you messed up and you can't do nothing about it, especially when a score is involved.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 05:17am
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Worst I had was on an easy one. Kickoff. R touches the ball with one hand and it rolls OOB. WH flagged it (3 man crew) and we put it on the 35. I brain locked it which got rusted when the WH said it is still a kick and thus goes to the 35 or 5 yards back and rekick. Was not really my call that got pooched but I didn't help the matter any.

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 07:45am
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Boy this was stupid. I caused a "fire situation" on an extra point. We're running a JV game with 3-man mechanics. We don't use the recommended mechanics for 3-man, but rather we use a R and 2 wing officials to get coverage of the sidelines since the kids are faster.

K lines up for a PAT. The HL is on his own sideline. I'm lined up on to look at the post on the same side as the HL. The LJ also moves to that post and yells "Hey, Joe take the other post!" At that split second I moved over to the other post but in FRONT of the holder and as I was passing thru the plane the ball was snapped. The holder fumbled the ball and the kick was no good.

I look over to the sideline to see the coach of the kicking team (leading 56-6 - thank God) laughing out loud. I said "coach don't worry it won't happen in a varsity game." He was OK with letting the play stand.

Now I get to hear about it in front of 150+ people at our annual end-of-the-year banquet where we have a "blunders" section where you get called up in front of everyone and the MC tells everyone about your mistake where you get to turn read as a beet as he presents you with a surprise gift (probably a fire extinguisher for me) and a fox-40 whistle.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 08:14am
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I think my biggest mistake was being too far in on the sidelines.

The equivilant of a varsity game, I'm the Head Linesman. Ball scrimmaged from about Team B's 7 yard line. I see a fake hand off to a guy moving down the centre of the field, so I move in from the sidelines to cover this guy crossing the goal line. As soon as he crosses it but before I blow my whistle I notice that he doesn't have the ball. At this time I decide to take a look around to figure out where the ball is. I look to my left and see the player with the ball and the defender on him coming right towards me. I guess I was like a dear in the headlights, and I didn't move until they knocked me down. On the bright side, I covered the play and signalled a touchdown while flat on my a$$. Our AGM is this Friday and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some sort of gag award for that one.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 08:16am
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I was working as the R in a youth game earlier this year. One of the wing officials was a rookie. Second and 8 from A’s 10, A runs a sweep to the rookie's side of the field and dives for the pylon. I move to the pylon to 'help' as the wing is not giving any signals.

As I get there he's placing the ball on the sideline with about 1/2 of it on the goal line. I’m now concerned because the chain crew is comprised of the parents of team A and they can clearly see where he put the ball. I tell him that if that's where the ball is we have a TD. Without hesitation he goes up and signals the score. The defensive sideline erupts.

After the try for point the other official comes and asks me what happens. I explain the situation and tell them that I know the sideline is upset because it looked like I talked the rookie official into calling a TD. He replies, "You did!"

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 08:19am
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Originally posted by ljudge

Now I get to hear about it in front of 150+ people at our annual end-of-the-year banquet where we have a "blunders" section where you get called up in front of everyone and the MC tells everyone about your mistake where you get to turn read as a beet as he presents you with a surprise gift (probably a fire extinguisher for me) and a fox-40 whistle.
They give you a free whistle for screwing up????

And here I am paying $8 like a sucker
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 08:35am
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A bit of background to the play...

A32 B33.
3rd and 6 on B's 10. A runs for a first down, but is stopped at B's 2.
Chains are reset, and as the R blows RFP the BJ blows his whistle for game - he had not seen the stop the clock signal.
R calls the teams back and explains, putting an estimated 8 seconds back on the clock and starts it on the RFP (A has time to organize their fieldgoal unit).

So, already we look not so good....

Field goal attempt from B's 2 is blocked (must be behind or in the expanded NZ) and comes down in the endzone.
My thought - This ball is dead.
My second thought - More experiences officials then me are not blowing it dead, maybe I am wrong.

B player lunges at ball and knocks it (no TB), A player lunges at ball and knocks it (no TD) - ball rolls out of the back of the EZ.
Other officials say it the FG attempt is over and call the game.

If A had recovered the ball in the EZ, I think everyone else on the crew would have given them the TD - it was only after I pointed it out after the game that any of them thought differently (and then it took a while to convice them). I wouldn't have wanted to have to explain (after the clock error as well) why A did not win the game.

Turned out ok, but I didn't like the way any of it was handled, and the potential was there for a real problem. I'm still not sure if I should go with my insticts and blow it dead (risking an IW), or let it play out and sort it out later...


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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 09:33am
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Only did 4 varsity games on the field this year. I can honestly say I didn't have any screwups to talk about. Don't worry, I'll have plenty next year.

One game I was on the clock and they totally screwed up an enforcement but I didn't catch it. Not a lot of good I would have been up in the clock, but I would like to think I should have picked it up anyhow.

Kickoff. Never hits the ground, then touched by K. Kick Catch Interference on K. They gave R the ball, AND 15 yards fromt he spot. Ouch. Still can't believe I didn't notice it.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 01:28pm
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Not me or my crew but between a try and a kickoff there were two 15 yards penalties of some sort on the non-scoring team. So the kickoff is moved to the R-30. The kickoff goes out-of-bounds. The officials place the ball at the R-35 because that is where you place a ball after it is kicked OOB. Would have been nice if they remembered it should have been 25 yards from previous spot.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 01:36pm
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Originally posted by Warrenkicker
Not me or my crew but between a try and a kickoff there were two 15 yards penalties of some sort on the non-scoring team. So the kickoff is moved to the R-30. The kickoff goes out-of-bounds. The officials place the ball at the R-35 because that is where you place a ball after it is kicked OOB. Would have been nice if they remembered it should have been 25 yards from previous spot.
Yikes! After penalty enforcement, K kicked from R's 30. They gave R the ball behind K's kicking line???
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 01:37pm
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Originally posted by SouthGARef
(snip)...Kickoff. Never hits the ground, then touched by K. Kick Catch Interference on K. They gave R the ball, AND 15 yards fromt he spot. Ouch. Still can't believe I didn't notice it.
REPLY: Todd, do you remember when that was a legitimate option for KCI in Federation? It lasted for a few years. Then they dumped it.
Bob M.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 01:59pm
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I don't remember that. Just got started doing HS ball two years ago.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 03:37pm
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Originally posted by jjrye22
A bit of background to the play...

Field goal attempt from B's 2 is blocked (must be behind or in the expanded NZ) and comes down in the endzone.
My thought - This ball is dead.

Did I miss something here. All kicks regardless of force in B's endzone are a touchback, aren't they? Yeah yeah I know if it rebounds off B through the cross bars it counts but here it came down in the endzone. Please un-confuse me.

[Edited by Bob Mc on Dec 2nd, 2004 at 03:40 PM]
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