Originally Posted by surehands
Team K punts the ball from the K-30. K88 interferes’s opportunity to catch the kick at the R-40 and is called for kick-catch interference. Team R accepts the penalty and takes the next snap at the K-45. ON THE NEXT PLAY ,TEAM B (FORMERLY Team K) is called for pass interference. What the options for TeamA (formerly Team R)?
When Interference with a FC (or awarded FC) is called. The offended team has several options (NFHS: 6-5-4, one of which is to choose to begin play with a snap, or Free Kick, and that option/choice continues if a foul occurs during the chosen down and that down is replayed following enforcement of the initial choice penalty.")
In your scenario, Team R could choose to put the ball in play 15 yards in advance of the KCI spot, then as Team A advance another 15 yards as a result of the PI foul, and still retain the option to put the ball in play by a snap or Free Kick.
NFHS 8-4-1a advises, "the
Field-Goal attempt shall be a place kick or a drop kick from scrimmage
or from, a free-kick following a Fair Catch or awarded Fair Fair catch. .
"A", formerly "R"s options include putting the ball in play 30 yards in advance of the initial Kick Interference call (followed by a "B" PI foul) by either a snap, 1st and 10 or attempting a Field Goal from their Free Kick line at that spot.