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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 26, 2003, 09:43am
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Location: Cheyenne, wyoming
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In wyoming the mileage can get close to the game fees for week we have a 484 mile (round trip) game...271 dollars mileage 275 game fees, so yeah pretty close...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 26, 2003, 09:47am
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Originally posted by cmathews week we have a 484 mile (round trip) game...
That's incredible.

And people think we do it for the money.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 26, 2003, 09:58am
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This trip got started 3 years ago. For anyone who is familiar with Wyoming or cares to check a map, we work out of Cheyenne, and the game is in Gillette. 3 years ago we got a playoff game assigned to us that was played in Gillette. The coach liked the job we did so he sends our association one contract per year, usually a rivalry game or what they think will be a hard fought contest...We have begun to couple this game with staying overnite and seeing how much differently golf balls travel in the NE corner of the state compared to the SE you are exaclty right BBR..not for the money

BTW 4 or 5 years ago I had a game that was over 600 miles round trip...again from Cheyenne to a place over by Evanston called Mountain View....that was a loooooonnnnngggggg day

[Edited by cmathews on Sep 26th, 2003 at 10:10 AM]
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 29, 2003, 12:06am
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Talking Game fees

In Il, the Land of Lincoln, in the the past 20 years
the game fees have went up $20-25 in my area, I know,
in the "suburbs" it might be slightly higher than
downstate. However, fees have certainly not paralleled
the cost of living.
We all, hopefully, don't do this for the money, but
a slight increase would be welcomed.
An earlier post mentioned the cost of knickers.
Game fees should be increased, so that if we have to put
gas in our car we should have enough left to still buy
a pizza. JMO
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 29, 2003, 09:34am
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SD Game Fees for FB normally are between $50 - $70 per official, based on a 4 or 5 man crew.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 01, 2003, 10:17am
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by ump76
I think this is a bad topic to discuss. That's like me at work discussing with all the employees, what they make for negotiating. I hope I am not over-reacting but..... This topic to me is a little odd.
Hmmm...what's the harm in knowing what other states are paying game officials? It's certainly not unusual for officials to discuss such information.

And I have to disagree with you. It's not like two employees having this discussion at work, and then creating a hostile work environment because one makes more than another. That's inappropriate because of the situations it can breed in a singular workplace.

Apples to oranges, IMHO.
I certainly respect your opinion....but I have to agree to disagree with you.

I work for a large corporation and even in other states it is not good to discuss. What if we have an official that says" In Texas they get a portion of the gate and travel money, Why can't we get that?"
To me this is a little funny. But like I said earlier I do respect everyones input and thoughts.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 01, 2003, 10:35am
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Discussing pay, as it relates to officiating is a healthy way for officials to 'gage' how their area is being compensated. Officiating is different than working for a company with a standard pay scale or for those who work on salary. At the work place where you interact with multiple level of employees daily, I agree that discussing your personal compensation is not right.

In general there is not an individual tier system for pay for the type of game you officiate. Officials work as independent contractors and as independent contractors we work on a 'piece' basis. We work a game (piece) we get paid for the game.

The information that is shared here is just that, information that can be taken to an association or state board or even a school and used for negotiation purposes. The bottom line is that fees around the country are negotiated and we as officials go after the amount that we can get from the area we live in.

I would love to see keep track of game fees as it relates around the country and post that as a free area. If they would keep this info current, it would provide a service to officials for future negotiations.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2003, 02:39am
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To Ump76:

I can see your point about how discussing different fees can be a hard point to contend with. I wasn't sure that it was anything important until this last summer when my hockey officials association started negotiating for raises with the local ice rink. We come to find that men in Georgia are paying less to play more games than us while their referees get paid $10 more per game, plus extra fees if the game goes into overtime or starts late. We also found that the men's leagues in Seattle, WA play a few more games a year than our leagues and charge the same amount to their players, yet their ref's get paid from $40 to $60 depending upon the rink and level.

In my town we get paid $25 a game, nothing extra for OT, nothing extra for late finishes, and worst of all: Nothing extra for doing a game alone. While our economy is a bit tough and the rink is under new ownership (that seems to know how money works and is already doing something the previous owner of the rink couldn't do: make money), we were able to use information from several other leagues and officials associations to negotiate for a small pay raise this year and one for next year. It's a start, and with 22 adult teams playing with enough new players to make 2 new teams a year coming in, we've got a good argument that they can't refute. Moreover, we're the only officials association in 90 miles. Nobody else wants to come to our town to officiate and the players won't settle for untrained officials. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place, but we had to show them the hard place and they discovered the rock when the talked to the team captains.

While we certainly can't demand $40 a game, we have the leverage to get our first raise in 6 years. And we wouldn't have had that leverage if we didn't know what other professionals in our line of work were earning.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2003, 10:10am
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In Kentucky the state policy board has set our varsity fee at $45 per official per game. This is the minimum fee that can be paid in the state. Local policy boards can vote to pay more and most have. Our association receives $50 per official per game. We have found that the fees across the area range from $50 to $65 depending on your association affiliation.

For JV and Freshmen games, the game fee is set at $120 per game. This money is split depending on the number of official who call the game. If 4(the recommended crew size) call the game then each official receives $30. If 3 call then each official receives $40. If 2 call then each get $60. If you call it by yourself you get the entire $120.

For grade school we get $35 per official for an 8th grade game and $30 per official for any grade level below the 8th.

We are having problems in our area covering the sub-varsity games Monday thru Thursday because of Volleyball and girls grade school basketball being played. Our officials pool is relatively the same and now we have added sports during football season and the pool of officials is being stretched to the limits. It is really causing problems. My opinion, which of course doesn't really matter, Title IX has struck again and the only ones who have had to cancel and reschedule games are the boys and football. We are discussing the fees and possibly increasing them to make it more favorable to officiate the sub-varsity games Monday thru Thursday.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2003, 10:24pm
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As we are independent contractors, there is nothing improper about talking about game fees.

For those of us lucky enough to be able to negotiate fees, this is valuable information.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 08, 2003, 11:25am
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Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
As we are independent contractors, there is nothing improper about talking about game fees.

For those of us lucky enough to be able to negotiate fees, this is valuable information.

Very good point I did not think about.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 08, 2003, 11:42am
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Originally posted by jimmiececil
.... If you call it by yourself you get the entire $120.
There wouldn't be a game if I were the only official present. That game fee would barely cover the first hour at your attorneys office!
Surely, no one would work a game alone done there. Right?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 08, 2003, 08:40pm
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In the original post Michigan is listed as $60 in some conferences. These unfortunately are not in the Detroit metro area.

$50/varsity (5 man)
$75/sub varsity DH (4 man)
$35/middle school (3 man)
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