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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 13, 2015, 07:09pm
High Five Master
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Time out question

Last night in the Nat'l Homeschool tourney, we had a loose ball. I'm at trail. During the scrum for control, both teams were batting the ball around. White Coach calls for time out and me, in my moronic state, I granted it just as Blue player gained control of the ball. I know in my head I screwed it up but at the time, I couldn't figure out a way to make it right.

My thought now is this: Inadvertant whistle, ask White if they still want the time out, however, the ball will be placed at the disposal of Blue? Or Would it be best to go IW and then AP arrow? Thanks for the replies!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 13, 2015, 07:35pm
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Originally Posted by BlueDevilRef View Post
Last night in the Nat'l Homeschool tourney, we had a loose ball. I'm at trail. During the scrum for control, both teams were batting the ball around. White Coach calls for time out and me, in my moronic state, I granted it just as Blue player gained control of the ball. I know in my head I screwed it up but at the time, I couldn't figure out a way to make it right.

My thought now is this: Inadvertant whistle, ask White if they still want the time out, however, the ball will be placed at the disposal of Blue? Or Would it be best to go IW and then AP arrow? Thanks for the replies!
You have an IW, that's not in dispute. Assuming NFHS rules:
Once you grant the TO to the coach, he gets the TO. Blue's ball at the nearest spot out of bounds following the timeout. This assumes Blue actually had the ball controlled at the time you blew your whistle.

In practice, many will give white the option of taking or refusing the timeout since he was likely trying to preserve a possession with the TO, but the rule doesn't support that.

If you blew your whistle prior to blue getting control, the procedure depends on what happened prior to the ball becoming loose. Who was in control? That team gets the ball OOB following the timeout. If no one was in control, such as a shot attempt where the rebound had not yet been controlled, then you'd go to the arrow.
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