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The_Rookie Tue Oct 28, 2014 08:43am

Lane Spots
Discussion last night at a meeting about the Lane Spots for FT.

We know that when A1 is shooting FT..B1 and B2 are to be located in the first marked lane spots.

Question: If team A elects not to place players in the lane spots next to B1 and B2, can B3 and B4 take those spots? Can they move down a spot?

Have you seen this done in a game?

JRutledge Tue Oct 28, 2014 08:45am

I have seen it a couple of times, but most players/teams have no idea they can do this.


Raymond Tue Oct 28, 2014 09:10am


Originally Posted by The_Rookie (Post 942502)
Discussion last night at a meeting about the Lane Spots for FT.

We know that when A1 is shooting FT..B1 and B2 are to be located in the first marked lane spots.

Question: If team A elects not to place players in the lane spots next to B1 and B2, can B3 and B4 take those spots? Can they move down a spot?

Have you seen this done in a game?

I believe NCAA-W are the only ones with a restriction, NCAA-M and NFHS have no such restrictions.

Was anybody able to find any references in the rule or case book during your discussion?

Rob1968 Tue Oct 28, 2014 09:32am


Originally Posted by BadNewsRef (Post 942508)
I believe NCAA-W are the only ones with a restriction, NCAA-M and NFHS have no such restrictions.

Was anybody able to find and references in the rule or case book during your discussion?

Case Book 8.1.3 b) covers the situation, noting that "...The offense chooses not to occupy the second marked lane spaces. . . .four defensive players are permitted in any of the first three vacant marked lane spaces."

Raymond Tue Oct 28, 2014 09:44am


Originally Posted by Rob1968 (Post 942511)
Case Book 8.1.3 b) covers the situation, noting that "...The offense chooses not to occupy the second marked lane spaces. . . .four defensive players are permitted in any of the first three vacant marked lane spaces."

Exactly ;)

ballgame99 Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:04am

One interesting note from our rules meeting last night regarding free throw spaces that I did not know; while the lane space extends back 36 inches, the player occupying that space must have at least one foot in the proximity of the lane line (inside the lane space markers).

Rob1968 Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:12am


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 942515)
One interesting note from our rules meeting last night regarding free throw spaces that I did not know; while the lane space extends back 36 inches, the player occupying that space must have at least one foot in the proximity of the lane line (inside the lane space markers).

That restriction appears in 9-1-3 g) " A player shall position one foot near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line. The other foot may be positioned anywhere within the designated 36-inch lane space."
"...near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line." is usually interpreted as "within 12 inches".

Camron Rust Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:55am


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 942515)
One interesting note from our rules meeting last night regarding free throw spaces that I did not know; while the lane space extends back 36 inches, the player occupying that space must have at least one foot in the proximity of the lane line (inside the lane space markers).


Originally Posted by Rob1968 (Post 942516)
That restriction appears in 9-1-3 g) " A player shall position one foot near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line. The other foot may be positioned anywhere within the designated 36-inch lane space."
"...near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line." is usually interpreted as "within 12 inches".

Yes...that is a rule change they made a couple years ago that. Not sure why they made it, however. I don't see an problem it solves.

Rob1968 Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:12am


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 942520)
Yes...that is a rule change they may a couple yeara sgo that. Not sure why they made it, however. I don't see an problem it solves.

I agree.

The statement first appeared in the 2009-10 Rules Book, as a "Major Editorial Change", and was characterized as a "clarification." No further explanation was noted in the POE's or Comments.

Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:37pm


Originally Posted by The_Rookie (Post 942502)
Discussion last night at a meeting about the Lane Spots for FT.

We know that when A1 is shooting FT..B1 and B2 are to be located in the first marked lane spots.

Question: If team A elects not to place players in the lane spots next to B1 and B2, can B3 and B4 take those spots? Can they move down a spot?

Have you seen this done in a game?

Yes: NFHS and NCAA Men's

No: NCAA Women's, FIBA, and NBA/WNBA

MTD, Sr.

Kansas Ref Tue Oct 28, 2014 02:35pm

Now what I've seen 100% of the time is that those vacant spots are left vacant. I"m not sure if coaches/players know if they can occupy or not--but then again, what useful purpose would it serve to occupy those spaces when you already have two players on the same team and there is no "competition" for the rebound?

ballgame99 Tue Oct 28, 2014 02:44pm


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 942520)
Yes...that is a rule change they made a couple years ago that. Not sure why they made it, however. I don't see an problem it solves.

Our state association director of officials stated that it was so a rebounder couldn't stand back 36 inches from the lane and get a running start at the rebound.

justacoach Tue Oct 28, 2014 03:45pm


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 942531)
Our state association director of officials stated that it was so a rebounder couldn't stand back 36 inches from the lane and get a running start at the rebound.

That is just his opinion but no such reasoning was ever voiced by NFHS authorities when the editorial change was implemented.

JRutledge Tue Oct 28, 2014 04:11pm


Originally Posted by justacoach (Post 942541)
That is just his opinion but no such reasoning was ever voiced by NFHS authorities when the editorial change was implemented.

There are a lot of reasoning for things that do not get voiced publicly. It might be an educated opinion or one that has talked to someone that makes the final decisions or was in the meeting.


Camron Rust Tue Oct 28, 2014 05:55pm


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 942531)
Our state association director of officials stated that it was so a rebounder couldn't stand back 36 inches from the lane and get a running start at the rebound.

Why would that be a problem?

And remember, it was called an editorial clarification, not a rule change.

It may have been that someone had been imposing that restriction upon players in their games for years and got the change pushed through as an editorial to make themselves correct retroactively.

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