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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 15, 2000, 03:41pm
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Do other associations have policies pertaining to facial hair, i.e. beards and mustaches, when officiating basketball? The beards/mustaches are trimmed nicely and really have no affect on one's ablility to making a call.

Also, what are some policies on travel expenses? Does the driver get all of the travel money, or does the passenger get a portion?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 15, 2000, 06:57pm
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Question Not sure what you mean

I have a question. Do you mean Officials Associations or State Associations?
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 15, 2000, 07:23pm
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You have every right to refuse to shave your beard or mustache, if that is your desire. However, facial hair is not looked upon favorably in a lot of associations. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. We're all clean shaven for the same reason we all wear the same uniform, so that we all look the same and don't stand out. I know that our state association expects you to show up clean shaven if you're fortunate enough to be chosen for a state championship game.

But think about it! Have your ever seen a major sports league or D-1 official on TV with a beard or mustache? There may have been a few but I don't remember any. Just take a look the next time you're watching a game on TV. Officials who have moved to the next level have conformed to the wishes and desires of those who control those opportunites.

If it means that much to you, don't shave if you don't want to. However, you may win the battle but lose the war. :^(

As for travel, why should the passenger get any travel pay? Travel pay is for the person who drives to offset the costs of driving to the game. However, our driver usually takes care of the refreshments.


[Edited by BktBallRef on Oct 15th, 2000 at 07:27 PM]
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 15, 2000, 08:23pm
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beards/travel expenses

I'm referring to local associations when it comes to the facial hair. Refs up here in Ak. don't expect to be seen on tv. Beards are almost a way of life here. Yes, you don't see officials on tv with facial hair. No argument from me there. However, the one's I am watching are college refs. I'm talking about high school. As for travel expenses, when we get $100 for a 200 mile r/t travel expense, I take care of my partner if I'm driving. Many of the members don't look at that way. Non stop to the game and return. I've heard of associations that pay 70/30 or somewhere in that neighborhood. Thanks for your responses. M
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 16, 2000, 10:42am
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I concer with everyone else on facial hair. You will go a lot farther in whatever you do, except lumberjacking, without facial hair. How many fortune 500 CEO's have facial hair? Not many. Same with D1 or pro Referees and Umpires.
As far as mileage goes, it is usually written into the contract between the schools and the association or you what that will be. That way Rut can't drive around the block and get more mileage.:-) Even in cases where the official lives close to one of the big mileage sites, he won't make the mileage going into town for a game but does make the mileage on the short trip to his local HS. It all comes out in the wash if the schedule is balanced properly.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 16, 2000, 09:23pm
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To answer one of your questions, in our association the driver gets .30 a mile round trip (this is for games over 50 miles away from Fairbanks) and the passenger get's $15 per diem for having to put up with the driver.

If a referee has facial hair and it is neatly kept i don't believe there is a problem, here in Alaska lots of people have beards and if you have ever seen them clean shaven your are thankfull.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 17, 2000, 11:31am
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Alaska, maybe Montana and the Dakota's are the exception, not the rule. In most warmer, more populated areas, facial hair is frowned upon. On that vain, anything on your face is a deterant. I approached one assignor last year about why I wasn't getting the games even though he and other assignors have had the opportunity to watch me work and didn't have much negative to say. He flat out told me it was the glasses. I went to my eye doctor the next day and ordered contacts.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 17, 2000, 04:33pm
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How many of the refs with beards end up doing the State tournaments up there? How about the championship games? Just wondering...called a friend of mine who is a successful coach of a small school in Anchorage (won State Champ not long ago) and asked him what he would think if two refs walked in and one had beard and other didn't. He said his first thought would be that the one without was probably the better ref...perception can sometimes be everything in this business...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 22, 2000, 09:39pm
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Facial Hair/Travel

facial hair is OK if you don't plan on moving up, especially to the college level. I am liaison for two State tourneys each year in Wa State. Can not remember the last time we had an official at state with anything other than a small moustache. it just is not perceived as being professional. Our travel here is set by each district. In the Tacoma area we pay on a "zone" concept. Anywhere from $6.00 per official to $14.00. Each official is payed travel and it does not matter if one drives or they both drive. Fortunately we do not have to drive more than about 40 miles one way.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 23, 2000, 12:58pm
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Facial Hair

Our assignors and coaches will tell you flat out that you will have difficulty moving up if you 1) wear glasses 2) have facial hair 3) have hair that bounces around when you run 4) have a sloppy uniform, including unpolished shoes and 5) are overweight. It's not that any of these things affect your ability to make the right call, it's just the perception of your commitment to your avocation. And, after all, so much of life is percepton, isn't it?

Here in Ohio, we don't get travel expenses except for state tournament assignements. But then again, distances aren't all that great east of the Mississippi River.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 23, 2000, 08:59pm
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Well folks i just answered a thread with what i have seen in my 20+ years of officating in Alaska. I am not going to give up my job and loose my retirement for the chance to be on TV (not that that's a bad thing) if it works for you great. I have worn a mustache for almost 40 years and i will not shave it off!

I go out and work hard to do be the best that i can every night. If i did shave my stache would the "coach" like me more? Would the assignor give me more games? I can answer "NO". Don't get me wrong, i love officating basketball but if for some reason i could not referee anymore i would not "DIE" because of it.

To all you striving for the the next level i sincerely hope all your dreams and asperations come true.

Good Luck
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 23, 2000, 09:24pm
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Originally posted by Alaska Ref
Don't get me wrong, i love officating basketball but if for some reason i could not referee anymore i would not "DIE" because of it.
But it sure sounds like you would "DIE" if you shaved. :^)

No one is advocating that you should shave your stache off. If it works for you, that's great. If it doesn't bother the coaches or your assigner, that's wonderful. But that's not the case everywhere. Judging from the responses, there are prejudices regarding facial hair around the country. And if that's the situation that a person is faced with, he must decide which is more important to him.

It's almost time to toss the roundball!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 29, 2000, 07:49pm
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Thumbs up NO Big deal.

It is no big deal if you have facial hair or not. Your judgement in games and the way you administer a game is what counts. Now, if you come out with facial hair down to your gut...yea, then it will matter. I believe in neatly trimmed facial hair.

Be in good shape, hustle all the time, sprint when necessary, and understand the difference between the two.

I have a goat on my face and have had for 13 years. I work all the big games around the different leagues. Facial hair in Ohio to my knowledge is no big deal.

I do not know the standards for college officials or the pros. If the politics of those in control run so deep as to control a policy for facial hair, then those in control miss the point all together. They should be concentrating on helping improve all officials and getting more younger officials involved.
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Alaska Ref
Don't get me wrong, i love officating basketball but if for some reason i could not referee anymore i would not "DIE" because of it.
But it sure sounds like you would "DIE" if you shaved. :^)

No one is advocating that you should shave your stache off. If it works for you, that's great. If it doesn't bother the coaches or your assigner, that's wonderful. But that's not the case everywhere. Judging from the responses, there are prejudices regarding facial hair around the country. And if that's the situation that a person is faced with, he must decide which is more important to him.

It's almost time to toss the roundball!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 30, 2000, 09:02am
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Cool Beards and travel expenses

I've been officiating basketball for 11 years,and one thing that was taught to me early on was,A official should allways look the part.From a clean shirt(not coming up out of your slacks),To a pair of neatly pressed slacks,Also important if your wearing slacks, Is to make sure you have on black socks with your shoes shined. To top off your great looking uniform when you step on the floor,A official who is clean shaven and well groomed looks like a Excellent official even before he or she even makes there first call.And just remember first empression is a lasting one.
Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Basketball!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 30, 2000, 11:35am
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clean shaven vs. hair on face

Hustle and knowing the game of Basketball rules and knowing how and when to administer the rules gains one the respect that you need to have to move up the ladder.

First impressions of a good clean cut, well pressed uniform means nothing until the ball goes up for opening tip. The whistles that happen there after will determine and make the impressions needed.

I am 6'5" 235 lbs. I Hustle, have a well pressed uniform, call a good game in my standards. I work the big games and the small ones all around Ohio. I have had a goat on my face for a while and it does not detract from my being able to do my job on the floor.

Barnie Fife could walk out on the floor well pressed, clean shaven, and not be able to administer the game appropriately. His first impressions might have helped initially...but when the whistle starts going...Barnie has problems.
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