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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 03, 2000, 08:07pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 64

Okay, I know that this subject has been addressed on this board previously, however, as a new official (going into my second season) I need some clarification here. According to the definitions section of the NF rule book:

4.15.5...An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting off the dribbler or after it momentarily gets away from the dribbler. There is no player control during and interrupted dribble.

Section 21: Fumble: A fumble is the accidental loss of player control when the ball unintentionally drops or slips from a player's grasp.

Okay, now given the above definitions: I have been told that it's okay for a player to FUMBLE-DRIBBLE-FUMBLE but can not DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE. Now, what's the difference between an "Interrupted Dribble" and a "DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE"?

Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard (that's what my husband says that I do). I still remember my high school coach yelling at me, "Becky, Don't think!!!...just play!!!)

Thanks in advance for your help on this subject!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 03, 2000, 08:45pm
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by doghead
Okay, I know that this subject has been addressed on this board previously, however, as a new official (going into my second season) I need some clarification here. According to the definitions section of the NF rule book:

4.15.5...An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting off the dribbler or after it momentarily gets away from the dribbler. There is no player control during and interrupted dribble.

Section 21: Fumble: A fumble is the accidental loss of player control when the ball unintentionally drops or slips from a player's grasp.

Okay, now given the above definitions: I have been told that it's okay for a player to FUMBLE-DRIBBLE-FUMBLE but can not DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE. Now, what's the difference between an "Interrupted Dribble" and a "DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE"?

Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard (that's what my husband says that I do). I still remember my high school coach yelling at me, "Becky, Don't think!!!...just play!!!)

Thanks in advance for your help on this subject!
On an interupted dribble the ball was not in the player's grasp, hence it is not a fumble.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 03, 2000, 08:46pm
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Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 378

The main difference between the two is that an interupted dribble is a dribble that has NOT ENDED YET--therefore, once the dribbler catches up to it, she can continue the dribble as long as she doesn't touch it simultaneously with both hands, grab it with both hands, or let it come to rest in one hand before continuing to dribble. "Dribble-fumble-dribble" refers to a dribble that has ended, but while holding the ball the player loses control of it (i.e., fumbles it). When that happens, she can pick it up, without penalty, but cannot keep keep the ball bouncing when it is retrieved by pushing it back to the floor. That would constitute starting a new dribble--hence, a violation.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 04, 2000, 04:17am
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totally off subject!

Doghead, I have seen a few of your posts this summer and wished you and I could correspond since we have a lot in common -- middle aged housewives starting on a new "career". We even talk alike! But when I try to contact the administrator to get permission or whatever, it doesn't work for some reason.

If the administrator sees this and intercepts it, please, sir, consider it a request for assistance.

If it goes straight onto the board, Doghead, if you'd like, I'd love to have you contact me at [email protected].

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 04, 2000, 07:12am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 64

Rainmaker, I sent you an e-mail this A.M. Hope you receive it.

Mick & Todd, Thanks again for your prompt response and thorough explanation to my question!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 14, 2000, 02:24pm
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Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
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dead e-mail


I hope you see this since this thread is kind of old. I have tried using "Reply" to send you e-mail, but it keeps coming back "undeliverable" Could you please send me an e-mail with your address typed into the body, so we can really be in touch!? thanks!

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