Tue Oct 03, 2000, 08:45pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by doghead
Okay, I know that this subject has been addressed on this board previously, however, as a new official (going into my second season) I need some clarification here. According to the definitions section of the NF rule book:
4.15.5...An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting off the dribbler or after it momentarily gets away from the dribbler. There is no player control during and interrupted dribble.
Section 21: Fumble: A fumble is the accidental loss of player control when the ball unintentionally drops or slips from a player's grasp.
Okay, now given the above definitions: I have been told that it's okay for a player to FUMBLE-DRIBBLE-FUMBLE but can not DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE. Now, what's the difference between an "Interrupted Dribble" and a "DRIBBLE-FUMBLE-DRIBBLE"?
Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard (that's what my husband says that I do). I still remember my high school coach yelling at me, "Becky, Don't think!!!...just play!!!)
Thanks in advance for your help on this subject!
On an interupted dribble the ball was not in the player's grasp, hence it is not a fumble.