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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 02:25pm
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Travelling or not?

Okay, I'll bite

1-Not a violation, however it is odd looking and she must pass or shoot before returning the foot to the floor. She may not begin a dribble as she has already lifted her pivot foot.

2-Violation, player may not pass to himself. It is not a dribble because the ball was not sent directly to the floor.

3-Not a violation, A2 did not have control of the ball.

4-Not a violation, A1 did not have control of the ball. Also, A did not have team control...does that matter?

5-Not a violation, as per some case book play, I believe.

6-Violation, as per case book play

7-Not a TRAVELLING violation, this is a throw-in violation

8-Not a violation, this is a legitimate shot attempt, thus no player control and no travelling.

9-Not a violation, this is a legal jump stop since his feet landed simultaneously

10-Violation, if two teammates both have possession of the ball, if either one of them moves a foot, it's a travel.

How'd I do?
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 02:57pm
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Re: Travelling or not?

Originally posted by Back In The Saddle

How'd I do?
Not bad,but you didn't get 'em all right. BktBallRef will probably tell you why after a few more people take the test.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 05:13pm
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Re: Here ya go, Rook!

Questions posted by BktBallRef


Play #1 - A1 is holding the ball. Her left foot is her pivot foot. She steps with her right foot and starts to throw a pass. However, a defender leaps in front of her at the last possible moment. She holds onto the ball put lifts her pivot foot. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: NOT..... not until the pivot foot returns to the floor.

Play #2 - A2 passes the ball to A1. A1 is holding the ball and being guarded by B1. A1 tosses the ball over B1's head and takes off around B1. After the ball hits the floor, A1 grabs it, takes one step, and shoots the ball for a lay-up. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: VIOLATION.....not sure on this one...but I don't think a player can "pass" to himself (this is NOT an honest "try" for a goal as in question #8)

Play #3 - A1 is dribbling on a fast break. He passes the ball ahead to A2, who is running down the court. He muffs the catch, bobbles the ball but succeeds in securing control before it strikes the floor. A2 took four steps after he initially touched the ball, before securing it. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: NOT.....there has to be control before a travel can occur.

Play #4 - A1 is in position for a rebound. He taps the rebound into the air to prevent a defender from gaining possession. He taps the ball into the air 4 times and takes 5 steps while trying to keep the ball away from the opponent. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: VIOLATION.....sounds to me as if these are "controlled" taps, his hand must be under the ball to be tapping (not sure if that has anything to do with it or not)

Play #5 - A1 dives for a loose ball on the floor. She gains control of the ball but continues to slide before coming to a stop and requesting a timeout. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: NOT.....if she makes no attempt to get up or rollover....this is NOT a violation.

Play #6 - A1 falls to the floor and is lying on her back when she recovers a loose ball. She sits up and passes the ball to A2. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: VIOLATION....the player made an attempt to get up....I call travel.

Play #7 - A1 is out of bounds for a spot throw-in. After the ball is placed at her disposal. She runs the baseline. Is this a traveling violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: VIOLATION.....A throw in violation, but NOT a travel.

Play #8 - A1 attempts a try after ending the dribble. The try does not touch the backboard, the rim or any other player. A1 runs and is able to catch the ball before it strikes the floor. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: NOT.....a player may catch his own missed shot attempt (when will players get "savy" enough to make it look like a shot just to get out of a bad situation? I don't care for this rule btw!)

Play #9 - Dribbler A1 catches the ball with the right foot touching the floor and then jumps off that foot and alights on both feet simultaneously with one foot in advance of the other. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer: long as the feet alight "simultaneously"...alignment has nothing to do with it.

Play #10 - Airborne A1 and A2 jointly grab the rebound and each alights simultaneously on both feet. A1 and A2 each move one foot in attempting to wrestle the ball from each other before realizing they are teammates. A1 lets go and A2 dribbles away. Is this a violation? Why or why not?

My Answer NOT.....teammates may have simultaneous control as long as neither travels.

OK...those are my answers without referring to the book....I figure I'll do that when I get corrected! (thanks Bkt)........

haven't found a witty quote yet
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 05:17pm
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
TH_Indiana? When did Tony move to Indy?

And why is he replying to his own posts?
Names Tim.....not it wrong to reply to your own posts (is that like talking to yourself??)
haven't found a witty quote yet
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 05:56pm
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Originally posted by TH_indiana
Originally posted by ChuckElias
TH_Indiana? When did Tony move to Indy?

And why is he replying to his own posts?
Names Tim.....not it wrong to reply to your own posts (is that like talking to yourself??)
Tony(BktBallRef) posts over on the McGriff board as TH. Make sense now?

Btw,you did good on the test. Not perfect,though!
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 08:54pm
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Well, we have a 60 and a 70 so far, in no particular order.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 30, 2003, 09:12pm
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Well, we have a 60 and a 70 so far, in no particular order.

BktBallRef rules.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 31, 2003, 02:35pm
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Well, we have a 60 and a 70 so far, in no particular order.
So I'm dying to I get the C or the D?
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 02, 2003, 01:54am
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Traveling quiz--Take 2

Since nobody else has jumped in, I figure it's fair game to retake this and actually do the homework this time

Originally posted by BktBallRef


Play #1 - A1 is holding the ball. Her left foot is her pivot foot. She steps with her right foot and starts to throw a pass. However, a defender leaps in front of her at the last possible moment. She holds onto the ball put lifts her pivot foot. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. 4-43-3 ...After coming to a stop and establishing a pivot foot: a) The pivot foot may be lifted, but not returned to the floor, before the ball is released on a pass or try for goal. See also case 4.43.3 C

Play #2 - A2 passes the ball to A1. A1 is holding the ball and being guarded by B1. A1 tosses the ball over B1's head and takes off around B1. After the ball hits the floor, A1 grabs it, takes one step, and shoots the ball for a lay-up. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Since A1 allowed the ball to hit the floor before touching it again, she/he began a dribble. See case 4.14.4 E

Play #3 - A1 is dribbling on a fast break. He passes the ball ahead to A2, who is running down the court. He muffs the catch, bobbles the ball but succeeds in securing control before it strikes the floor. A2 took four steps after he initially touched the ball, before securing it. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Traveling is moving a foot or feet in any direction in excess of prescribed limits while holding the ball. A2 is clearly not holding the ball during the four steps, nor is he in control of it. See case 4.43 A

Play #4 - A1 is in position for a rebound. He taps the rebound into the air to prevent a defender from gaining possession. He taps the ball into the air 4 times and takes 5 steps while trying to keep the ball away from the opponent. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. 4-15-4 Note 2: A player is not dribbling while...he/she bats a rebound or pass away from other players who are attempting to get it. The player is not in control under these conditions. No control, no holding, no traveling.

Play #5 - A1 dives for a loose ball on the floor. She gains control of the ball but continues to slide before coming to a stop and requesting a timeout. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Case 4.43.5 B: A1 may pass, shoot, start a dribble, or call a time-out.

Play #6 - A1 falls to the floor and is lying on her back when she recovers a loose ball. She sits up and passes the ball to A2. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Case 4.43.5 B: If flat on his/her back, A1 may sit up without violating.

Play #7 - A1 is out of bounds for a spot throw-in. After the ball is placed at her disposal. She runs the baseline. Is this a traveling violation? Why or why not?
Not a traveling violation 4-41 note: ...Pivot foot restrictions and the traveling rule are not in effect for a throw-in.

Play #8 - A1 attempts a try after ending the dribble. The try does not touch the backboard, the rim or any other player. A1 runs and is able to catch the ball before it strikes the floor. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Team control ended with the shot, therefore A1 is entitled to recover the ball and dribble, pass, shoot, etc. Case 4.43 B

Play #9 - Dribbler A1 catches the ball with the right foot touching the floor and then jumps off that foot and alights on both feet simultaneously with one foot in advance of the other. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. 4-43-2-a-3 See also case 4.43.2 A

Play #10 - Airborne A1 and A2 jointly grab the rebound and each alights simultaneously on both feet. A1 and A2 each move one foot in attempting to wrestle the ball from each other before realizing they are teammates. A1 lets go and A2 dribbles away. Is this a violation? Why or why not?
No violation. Neither player has moved his/her pivot foot. Case 4.43.2 B
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 02, 2003, 09:30am
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Originally posted by mick
Many are old enough, wise enough and gentlemanly enough to save the end of a story for the storyteller.
Amen,mick. Especially when the storyteller spends so much time and effort to tell the story.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 02, 2003, 06:14pm
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Thumbs down

" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 02, 2003, 09:22pm
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Awwwww . . . . cheer up, Tony!

"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 02, 2003, 11:42pm
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Thanks, Mick. Being young, I tend to get overeager sometimes.
With apologies to Tony, the post has been deleted.

[Edited by Nevadaref on Aug 2nd, 2003 at 11:47 PM]
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 03, 2003, 07:22pm
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
Thanks, Mick. Being young, I tend to get overeager sometimes.
With apologies to Tony, the post has been deleted.

We live.
We learn.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 03, 2003, 09:07pm
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Send a message via AIM to ChuckElias
Originally posted by mick
We live.
We learn.
Wow, mick, I didn't realize you were a fan of Alannis Morissette!
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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