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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 20, 2013, 01:17am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 51
Game Management says about fan "I think he is high on something"

Freshman boys. Two small schools. The home team is clearly inferior. The home fans from the start have made it their goal to ride the officials, as to help the team in any way possible. Probably 80 people total in the gym, so you don't need to talk loud to be heard. Our problem area was about 10 people sitting a few rows off the foul, opposite the table.

Frustration boils and we get an intentional foul for a push during a fast break, in the 2nd quarter. As we are shooting the free throws I heard a fan aggressively say something to the effect of "if you are going to push him then really lay him out next time". I realized this fan has been saying things like this to entice his team to unsporting play all half. He had instructed a player to toss an elbow a few minutes earlier.

I didn't know who the fan was, since their was a clump of people, but with only a minute until half I waited and then told game management. They understood we couldn't have that since the game was spiraling out of control despite our best efforts. I told GM that one more word from that guy and he was done. I asked her to talk to that group and let them know they would be kicked out if things continued.

When GM came to get us at 3 minutes she told us she thought the fan was high (what??) and that the people around were going to keep him quiet. At first I was thinking some crazy PCP/Speed high where he was going to rush the court and murder us, but I guess he was just baked and not himself. This fan was a 60 year old guy with long gray hair and a weird beanie. Go figure.

We did have another intentional after the 3rd quarter ensued. Someone yelled "That's what I'm talking about!!! Get another flagrant foul!!" I would have bet big money it was our guy. I made eye contact with GM, who had moved near our trouble area, and gave the "he's out of here" finger point. She went over to the area... but didn't do anything except sit nearby... Later she said that everyone in the area vouched and said the original guy hadn't said anything... While administering the intentional I wondered why he wasn't getting the heave-ho, but didn't want to bust up the game to find out. We didn't have any issues the rest of the game, and things really cleared up.

All that to say I've never even considered tossing a fan like that or having someone with an altered state of mind commenting that aggressively. I also wasn't sure when I should have gone to game management. The same comments made in a crowded gym could be ignored, but in that situation fans from the other side of the court could have easily heard and reacted to the comments.
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 20, 2013, 02:28am
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: SoCal
Posts: 172
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Surprised GM let him stay since he was under the influence of a substance while on school property. I thought most every school had a zero tolerance policy for this sort of thing?
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