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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 12:44am
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Okay, we've had a month now with the new free throw mechanic, and I've got a question. With substantially fewer players on the lane, there is now significantly more for the trail official to keep track of. Almost always an offense-defense pair in backcourt, often two pair. All of that plus three lane slots, PLUS the shooter equals seven players and lead with three that seldom move. It's too much for me. I've been backing way up, almost to the sideline sometimes, and then cheating back toward the new lead, but still not always beating the ball back. Is that a reasonable set of compromises? What's a poor trail to do??
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 03:14am
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I guess it's a matter of adjusting. I see what you're saying, though. You also have to watch to see if the shooter crosses the line as well. All of that gets to be a bit much.

Chances are that 9 times out of 10, those two players from Team A and the one player from Team B are going to be up close to the 3-point line (not exactly right on the line but you get the gist.) and not way back in the backcourt. But when they are, I tend to get way back toward the sideline because the wider the view, the more you can see. Also--the old lead can call those lane violations if need be.

This is definitely something that has to be discussed in pre-game.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 03:39am
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But Juulie, the Fed says they adopted this new line-up in order to make free throw situations EASIER to officiate!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 07:59am
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1) Just my opinion, Juulie, but I think you ought to be on the sideline anyway. The trail official doesn't need to be any closer than that.

2) Square your body to the court. Instead of angling your body so that you are directly facing your partner, put both heels on the sideline boundary so that you are directly facing the opposite sideline. This opens up your field of vision and enables you to see the backcourt players with a slight turn of the head instead of requiring you to look over your shoulder.

3) Go ahead and cheat a couple of steps toward the backcourt. As long as you can quickly get back into position in case of an "offensive" rebound.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 08:52am
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I see the difficulty

In 2-man/woman mechanics, but for 3 man/woman, it should not be a problem. Just about all HS here is 3M, but at lower levels with 2M it will be tricky. Good point.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 09:43am
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Originally posted by KingTripleJump
Chances are that 9 times out of 10, those two players from Team A and the one player from Team B are going to be up close to the 3-point line (not exactly right on the line but you get the gist.)
In the last month, when our summer leagues have been using the new line-up, it's been 9 out of 10 with AT LEAST one pair in the back court. Last night, one team was pulling ALL four players anytime they were shooting, then the other team pulled all but two of theirs. Everyone stayed back far enough that when the shot went up, it was the big fast break, before the ball ever hit the rim, and lead was standing there watching one player (on the low block) with me taking everything else. I just skipped the shooter entirely, and sprinted like crazy. Got caught in the action once or twice, and never beat the ball down. Guess it's time to work on those college level suicides.

Chuck -- you're right, of course, about squaring up to the court, heels on the sideline and cheating back one or two steps. I appreciate you saying it, cuz it's not the HS way to handle it. Once I get the hang of this, I'll have to figure out how to handle the dings on the evals for being "out of position."

The varsity games I've been doing, the shooter places her feet carefully, and those feet never leave the floor, so that issue becomes moot. Lead can catch any obvious lane violations and the worst one are about all that get called, anyway. I just wish they'd change the mechanics to make all this legal.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 10:45am
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
1) Just my opinion, Juulie, but I think you ought to be on the sideline anyway. The trail official doesn't need to be any closer than that.

2) Square your body to the court. Instead of angling your body so that you are directly facing your partner, put both heels on the sideline boundary so that you are directly facing the opposite sideline. This opens up your field of vision and enables you to see the backcourt players with a slight turn of the head instead of requiring you to look over your shoulder.

3) Go ahead and cheat a couple of steps toward the backcourt. As long as you can quickly get back into position in case of an "offensive" rebound.

#2 is good advice. By squaring up a few quick turns of the head to the backcourt will let you keep tabs on the players there. If the players in the backcourt seem like they're looking for trouble I would say reverse the procedure: keep your eyes on them with quick glances to the lane. Once the ball is up you can go back to looking for FT violations & any subsequent rebounding action, 99.99372% of the time the players in the backcourt will behave once the game is going.

As for #3....well....personally I try not to cheat backwards. Ever.

BTW, a good partner will see that you're focussed on the players in the BC and will pick up the slack for you. Good to pregame this.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 01:57pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Okay, we've had a month now with the new free throw mechanic, and I've got a question. With substantially fewer players on the lane, there is now significantly more for the trail official to keep track of. Almost always an offense-defense pair in backcourt, often two pair. All of that plus three lane slots, PLUS the shooter equals seven players and lead with three that seldom move. It's too much for me. I've been backing way up, almost to the sideline sometimes, and then cheating back toward the new lead, but still not always beating the ball back. Is that a reasonable set of compromises? What's a poor trail to do??
Even before the new rule, I had often seen teams not fill the lanes and position players in backcourt. It can be challenging in two-person officiating to have all players in view when they are using the entire court. Back up to the sideline as far as possible to get a full view like you do as lead on a full-court press when there are players scattered everywhere. The new rule is designed to reduce rough play when rebounding and give the defense more of an advantage. From my limited experience with it so far, it seems to accomplish that.


[Edited by zebraman on Jun 27th, 2003 at 01:59 PM]
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 02:26pm
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Lightbulb In two man..............

there is always going to be some sacrifice. You are never going to see everything. But in my years of officiating I have not seen one time where the players in the backcourt or not on the FT lane was a problem. And I personally have seen more players with the new set up, stay close to the 3 point line. So you can stay in your position and still see the players on the lane as well. I also like the new set up, mainly because now you can see the lane violators much easier. You do not have to look around the top spot on your side of the court anymore.

But in 3 man this is not even an issue. Now the trail has a little more to do.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 03:55pm
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Re: In two man..............

Originally posted by JRutledge
there is always going to be some sacrifice. You are never going to see everything. But in my years of officiating I have not seen one time where the players in the backcourt or not on the FT lane was a problem...

Agree that the opponents behind you are almost never a problem. Problem is you should never have unwatched opponents behind you, this goes double during a dead ball or lull in the action such as FT.

Sh1t only needs to hit the fan once.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 04:13pm
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Re: In two man..............

Originally posted by JRutledge
I also like the new set up, mainly because now you can see the lane violators much easier. You do not have to look around the top spot on your side of the court anymore.
I agree with this!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 27, 2003, 06:53pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Last night, one team was pulling ALL four players anytime they were shooting, then the other team pulled all but two of theirs. Everyone stayed back far enough that when the shot went up, it was the big fast break, before the ball ever hit the rim, and lead was standing there watching one player (on the low block) with me taking everything else.
Don't think I didn't appreciate it.

BTW - thanks for the extra games this Sunday. After the upcoming "Dave game" next week, I'll give you a report on how we did with "Eddie Munster".
Yom HaShoah
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 02:29am
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What is the new free-throw mechanic?
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 03:36am
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Lightbulb Re: Re: In two man..............

Originally posted by Dan_ref

Sh1t only needs to hit the fan once.
One of the reasons you do not see much two man anymore around here. There are not as many sacrifices to make. And you have another official that can concentrate on that if need be.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 03:00pm
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My suggestion from what NBA two person does... If you are about the 28 ft mark out toward sideline ( about where you'd ref from trail any way) you'll have a good angle. It's not that hard once you get used to it...

You dont lose that much in rebounding becaue you should have weakside and perimeter from trail.
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