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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 01:11am
certified Hot Mom tester
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Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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NF rules. After the opening tip, A1 gets the ball back in the post. B1 fouls airborne shooter A1. While A1 is in the air, A2 fouls B2. Before the ball enters the hoop, B3 goaltends the shot, and then comes down and fouls A3. At the same time, A4 punches B4. Both coaches come off the bench onto the floor. As the officials sort things out, the scorer tells them A5, who was on the floor, is not in the book. Not only that, the teams were going the wrong way. Furthermore, B5, who was on the floor, is not on the team, but is their mascot and is wearing an illegal numbered mascot costume.

Finally, the officials realize they are in the wrong dimension.

How would you call this?

BTW - Juulie, I have the tape.
Yom HaShoah
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 07:36am
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett

BTW - Juulie, I have the tape.
Yer speeding. 55 is too fast for you, Mark.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 08:10am
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
NF rules. After the opening tip, A1 gets the ball back in the post. B1 fouls airborne shooter A1. While A1 is in the air, A2 fouls B2. Before the ball enters the hoop, B3 goaltends the shot, and then comes down and fouls A3. At the same time, A4 punches B4. Both coaches come off the bench onto the floor. As the officials sort things out, the scorer tells them A5, who was on the floor, is not in the book. Not only that, the teams were going the wrong way. Furthermore, B5, who was on the floor, is not on the team, but is their mascot and is wearing an illegal numbered mascot costume.

Finally, the officials realize they are in the wrong dimension.

How would you call this?

BTW - Juulie, I have the tape.

If this is the last of your 4 game tourney set you declare the game over, get your money & go home. You might be asking "Who wins?". If you are then you need remedial training and you must stay to work the next 3. In any event the answer is: "who cares?".

If not the last game then you have someone get the league director and let him sort it out. By the time they find him & he figures out just what each coach is trying to tell him it will be time for the next game. Refer back to the first part of this answer to determine the contest winner.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 08:38am
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ok im just gonna try this for fun im still relitively new in basketball so dont rip me two hard. call in parentheses

B1 fouls airborne shooter A1 (Personal foul caalled against B1)

(goaltending on B3 count the basket one shot for A1)

(Flangrant techinacal charged to A4 for punching he is ejected)

Direct techinical foul to both coaches for coming onto the floor without being beckoned)

As the officials sort things out, the scorer tells them A5, who was on the floor, is not in the book. (indirect tech to coach A and change the book)

B5, who was on the floor, is not on the team, but is their mascot and is wearing an illegal numbered mascot costume.

(Direct techinical foul to the coach of B for use of an ineligible subsitute at this point thats 2 directs on coach B so hes gone, and the mascot is ejected)

Not only that, the teams were going the wrong way. (simple send bot teams going the right way)

**Now you can say youve seen it all**
Dylan Ferguson
IHSA Official 52010
Firefighter/Paramedic, B.S.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 01:16pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
NF rules. After the opening tip, A1 gets the ball back in the post. B1 fouls airborne shooter A1. While A1 is in the air, A2 fouls B2. Before the ball enters the hoop, B3 goaltends the shot, and then comes down and fouls A3. At the same time, A4 punches B4. Both coaches come off the bench onto the floor. As the officials sort things out, the scorer tells them A5, who was on the floor, is not in the book. Not only that, the teams were going the wrong way. Furthermore, B5, who was on the floor, is not on the team, but is their mascot and is wearing an illegal numbered mascot costume.
I'm surprised you haven't gotten an answer yet, this one shouldn't be that difficult to anyone who's been on the board for a while. Or for DeNucci, I can't believe he hasn't chimed in yet.

But since I'm the first, I get the trophy right? So here goes --

This is just yer basic False Triple Intentional Personal Foul with a Double Back Flagrant Technical, and a Single Toe Loop in the backcourt. A gets four shots, B gets three, both head coaches are ejected, A4 is DQ, the scorekeeper is replaced, the mascot is tied up in the corner, and B finishes the game with four players,...

Mark, please get back on your meds before we have our games together on Friday. Thank you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 03:14pm
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And Juulie sorted all that out, while working backwards in high heels and not breaking a sweat.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 26, 2003, 04:12pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker

Mark, please get back on your meds before we have our games together on Friday. Thank you.
Even without my meds, I know our games are on Thursday. Maybe you'd like to borrow some of mine?

BTW - you forgot the icing call on the cheerleaders.
Yom HaShoah
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 27, 2003, 10:29am
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by rainmaker

Mark, please get back on your meds before we have our games together on Friday. Thank you.

Even without my meds, I know our games are on Thursday.
I know, it's this darn Memorial Day holiday that keeps throwing off my sense of time.

BTW - you forgot the icing call on the cheerleaders.
Doggone it, it's always the simple things that throw me off!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 27, 2003, 12:47pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
NF rules. After the opening tip, A1 gets the ball back in the post. B1 fouls airborne shooter A1. While A1 is in the air, A2 fouls B2. Before the ball enters the hoop, B3 goaltends the shot, and then comes down and fouls A3. At the same time, A4 punches B4. Both coaches come off the bench onto the floor. As the officials sort things out, the scorer tells them A5, who was on the floor, is not in the book. Not only that, the teams were going the wrong way. Furthermore, B5, who was on the floor, is not on the team, but is their mascot and is wearing an illegal numbered mascot costume.

Finally, the officials realize they are in the wrong dimension.

How would you call this?

BTW - Juulie, I have the tape.
Did you mean "who would you call?" If so, I'd call Rod Serling.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 27, 2003, 02:50pm
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Originally posted by Camron Rust

Did you mean "who would you call?" If so, I'd call Rod Serling.
That would be a local call, since he lives in my head.
Yom HaShoah
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 29, 2003, 09:43am
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10 second back court violation before all of this happened.
T's on both coaches for coming on the floor.
T's on both coaches for using illegal players.
B4 is ejected for fighting, and so is A4, 'cause you know he started it.
6 shots for each team.

Alternate dimension version:
Ref (paraphrasing Bob Knight): "Okay, guys. That was a stupid way to start a basketball game. Would you like to start over?"

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