By the way,
I was watching something the other day, (sportscenter I think) and up came a shot of LeBron James, wearing a headband with the NBA logo on it. Not allowed by NF rules. Talk about reluctant to call something. Make him turn it around, or take it off. Had a game earlier in the year, where almost every kid on the team had an illegal headband on. One had IVERSON in big silver letters! THey said, "nobody has said anything all year" Uh....... OK. Made him turn it around anyway. He probably took it off and had a reverse block letter IVERSON plastered on his forehead. |
Drake, a logo is ok on a headband, as long as it doesn't exceed 2 inches wide. (FED 3-5-2, exception 2; NCAA 3-7-6).
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only! |
Wow, Drake. Great catch! The NCAA book specifically says "manufacturer's logo", but the Fed book says only "logo/tradmark". Interesting. So the NBA headband is illegal in college, but legal in HS!! Who knew?!?
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only! |
While looking at this issue after the research shown in this post do you think you missapplied the rule? Was the player correct when he said, "nobody has said anything all year." Now I feel your pain when working multiple rulebooks, but what is your view now for your next High School game? |
-Posted by: Anal Andy! PS-if they got something on their headband,and it ain't way too big or happen to be obscene,I ain't gonna worry about it. [Edited by Jurassic Referee on Jan 31st, 2003 at 09:48 AM] |
I have viewed players wearing ther NBA logo headband and since the NBA markets its own brand of headbands (no team association other than inferred color)this IMO fits w/in the manufactuers logo as long as it fits the size requirements. Unfortunately LeBron is legal and I guess so is his HumVee
I believe the Fed book also give a statement about the uinform something like; anyhing inappropriate, distracting or unsportsman like cannot be worn.
IMO a kid/team should not wear such items. I will not allow IVERSON on a headband no matter how big or small.
"Enlisted men are stupid, but very cunning & deceitful & bear considerable watching." - Officer's Manual 1894 |
Actually, the federation DOES NOT allow any other logo than a Manufacturers.
Fed 3-5-3-2 exception 2, does not state that, but Later in the rule it makes it clear. (3-6) I believe. Kirtley, yes It was Emery! And of course the kid would say that nobody told them to do anything about it. I guess he gets "A" for effort. Tim, The Iverson logo was SO HUGE, it would be illegal anyway! It wasn't even good looking. But like I said, after further research, the rule follows the NCAA ruling. By the way, anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a clothing cop. But when in Rome... Our Association/State wants that stuff taken care of, so I do it. |
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