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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 02:24pm
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What'cha got on this?

Youtube video I just came across:

YouTube - Technical & Unsportsmanlike Foul

As you can see, Head Coach already given a technical foul just before the shooting foul. What would you do in this situation? I don't know what happened after this, the video just cuts off right when the players fall down.

So, What'cha got?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 02:36pm
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Interesting case, and it depends on which team he coaches. If he's the defensive coach in this play, count the basket (assuming it went in), shoot two for the intentional and then two for the technical foul.

If he's the offensive coach, discount the basket. Shoot two for the coach's T, then the shooter will take two free throws for the dead ball intentional technical foul that happened on the "shot."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 02:42pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Interesting case, and it depends on which team he coaches. If he's the defensive coach in this play, count the basket (assuming it went in), shoot two for the intentional and then two for the technical foul.

If he's the offensive coach, discount the basket. Shoot two for the coach's T, then the shooter will take two free throws for the dead ball intentional technical foul that happened on the "shot."
That's what I probably would have done if the ball went in. However, if the ball misses the basket? And would you call that foul a flagrant or intentional foul? Only difference is whether the fouling player is ejected or not.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 02:50pm
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If the basket misses, it only matters in the first scenario, with the coach being of the defensive team. In that case, the shooter gets three shots instead of two.

Since the shot wasn't taken, technically, in the 2nd scenario, it doesn't matter. The "shooter's" team still gets two free throws for the technical foul. The player technical in the 2nd scenario would simply be intentional, IMO.

Also, another difference in the two scenarios: offensive coach means it's an intentional technical (or flagrant technical if you desire), because the ball is dead. Defensive coach means it's a personal foul, which means the fouled player has to take the FTs (but means he will either get the 3 points or an additional FT). The inbounds spot is also affected.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 02:56pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Interesting case, and it depends on which team he coaches. If he's the defensive coach in this play, count the basket (assuming it went in), shoot two for the intentional and then two for the technical foul.

If he's the offensive coach, discount the basket. Shoot two for the coach's T, then the shooter will take two free throws for the dead ball intentional technical foul that happened on the "shot."
First, I assume continuous motion rules apply to technical fouls as well. If so, then I agree with all (if we're talking NFHS here), except in the first scenario you describe, shoot the technical foul shots first, then the intentional personal second, then ball out at the point nearest the foul. The technical came before the intentional...

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:00pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Also, another difference in the two scenarios: offensive coach means it's an intentional technical (or flagrant technical if you desire), because the ball is dead. Defensive coach means it's a personal foul, which means the fouled player has to take the FTs (but means he will either get the 3 points or an additional FT). The inbounds spot is also affected.
Take a look a the realtime part of the video (before replay is shown). You can see, if you look quick enough, that right after giving the T with both hands, the referee looks and sees an intentional or flagrant foul and goes to give the signal for intentional/flagrant foul just before it cuts to the replay. I definitely going with at least an intentional whether it was the offensive or defensive coach. No reason for that kind of force that defensive player had on the shooter.

Other than that, I do agree with you on the rest. Thanks for your insights Snaqwells!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:05pm
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Snaqwells is saying it's an intentional either way - but whether it's an intentional personal or intentional technical depends on which coach the technical foul was called.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:12pm
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
First, I assume continuous motion rules apply to technical fouls as well. If so, then I agree with all (if we're talking NFHS here), except in the first scenario you describe, shoot the technical foul shots first, then the intentional personal second, then ball out at the point nearest the foul. The technical came before the intentional...

Yes, it does apply, and you're right. Tech then Int.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:12pm
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
Snaqwells is saying it's an intentional either way - but whether it's an intentional personal or intentional technical depends on which coach the technical foul was called.
oh ok, I misread what Snaqwells wrote. My bad.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:16pm
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Originally Posted by representing View Post
Take a look a the realtime part of the video (before replay is shown). You can see, if you look quick enough, that right after giving the T with both hands, the referee looks and sees an intentional or flagrant foul and goes to give the signal for intentional/flagrant foul just before it cuts to the replay. I definitely going with at least an intentional whether it was the offensive or defensive coach. No reason for that kind of force that defensive player had on the shooter.

Other than that, I do agree with you on the rest. Thanks for your insights Snaqwells!
First of all, that is not the signal for a flagrant foul, it's the signal for an intentional foul which would work regardless. Secondly, this is such an uncommon situation that I wouldn't take the official's preliminary signals as any indicator either what was actually ruled or what should have been ruled. This scenario is bound to momentarily screw up anyone's mechanics.

Yes, taking away the coach T, this foul is an easy intentional (due to excessive contact), which is why I said it should be ruled as such even if the coach is the coach of team B (the defender). If he's Coach B, the ball is live until the shot goes in or misses; that's why the foul is personal rather than technical. If he's Coach A (offense), the ball is dead immediately, making the player foul a technical.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:24pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
First of all, that is not the signal for a flagrant foul, it's the signal for an intentional foul which would work regardless. Secondly, this is such an uncommon situation that I wouldn't take the official's preliminary signals as any indicator either what was actually ruled or what should have been ruled. This scenario is bound to momentarily screw up anyone's mechanics.

Yes, taking away the coach T, this foul is an easy intentional (due to excessive contact), which is why I said it should be ruled as such even if the coach is the coach of team B (the defender). If he's Coach B, the ball is live until the shot goes in or misses; that's why the foul is personal rather than technical. If he's Coach A (offense), the ball is dead immediately, making the player foul a technical.
I just looked in the book. There is no signal labeled as flagrant foul. But at our chapter we were told that the flagrant foul signal is the same as the intentional foul signal. Since there's no official signal for flagrant foul, what would you do signal-wise?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:27pm
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I've seen the intentional signal used. I don't use a signal. You're going to need to go to the table to report it anyway, and actually tell the coach. A signal isn't really necessary, IMO.

Personally, I wouldn't use the X because it's not an intentional foul. I don't use the baseball "heave ho" signal, because there's no need to escalate emotions. It's a call best delivered cold, IMO. YMMV, however.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:31pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
I've seen the intentional signal used. I don't use a signal. You're going to need to go to the table to report it anyway, and actually tell the coach. A signal isn't really necessary, IMO.

Personally, I wouldn't use the X because it's not an intentional foul. I don't use the baseball "heave ho" signal, because there's no need to escalate emotions. It's a call best delivered cold, IMO. YMMV, however.

and yes, it actually would be better to deliver it cold to the coach rather than stir up the whole gym to hate you even more.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:31pm
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FIBA clip so here are the fiba rules.

Type C technical foul on the coach

The contact foul is an "unsporting foul" ( much like North America's " Intentional" foul).

That is the signal the official is giving. Both arms overhead, one hand grasping the other wrist.

Foul penalties are enforced in the order they occur. That being said, fouls of equal penalty cancel out and you got POI.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 06:18pm
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Originally Posted by constable View Post
FIBA clip so here are the fiba rules.

Type C technical foul on the coach

The contact foul is an "unsporting foul" ( much like North America's " Intentional" foul).

That is the signal the official is giving. Both arms overhead, one hand grasping the other wrist.

Foul penalties are enforced in the order they occur. That being said, fouls of equal penalty cancel out and you got POI.

99.99999999999% correct. There is no POI (defined) under FIBA rules. When penalties of equal weight occur and you can start cancelling penalties (i.e. Coach A T - Team B Unsportsmanlike = 0) the correct resumption of play in this case is AP.

In the case where there is Team Control and a double foul or offsetting technicals occurs the ball goes back to the team that was in control when the foul occured.

Double foul where there is a basket scored. The team that was scored on gets the ball OOB for the throw in.

Last edited by Ref_in_Alberta; Thu Dec 17, 2009 at 06:20pm. Reason: bad gammer
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