Anything directed personally is a 'T'. Saying the call was bad, sucked, or horrible, depends on the tone and antics of the coach, and/or the game situation. Swearing should be a 'T', again tone and antics of the coach
BUT --> All hinders on your association. What???? I know it sounds irrelevant. But, I am in an association where it all depends on how they want it called. Under one assignor, he would penalize you for calling 'T'. Why? He was friends with most of the coaches. He is also hired by a board made up of three coaches in the area. In fact the worse offenders were those coaches. The new assignor, however, wants the 'T's called, but his stipulation is that he does not want a phone call after the game about it from anybody. Take care of business is his stance.
What did I do? I called the 'T's as necessary as I have been trained and with my experience. Guess what? I sit home a lot. Mind you the other two associations I was in the top 5. Here, the good ol' boy system is very much in place with coaches and officials together. SOunds ridiculous, I know. The critique I get is that I don't let the coaches get away with the things like the other officials.