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Jurassic Referee Wed Feb 06, 2008 09:53am


Originally Posted by kblehman
Wow, I must be an anomoly. :confused:
Been working for 25 months, 295 games, no T's.

You've either got the greatest number of coaches and players in the history of the game who actually believe in true sportsmanship gathered together in one small geographic area......or you're deaf.:)

Btw, I thought that I read a while ago that you were a rookie with about 60 games under his belt. :confused:

mbyron Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:03am


Originally Posted by kblehman
Regarding T's for profanity, are there any unofficial guidelines? Is it just the F-bomb, or does G-D and the S-word qualify as well? And does it have to be a loud outburst, or does a kid who, for example, says "s**t" or "damn!" to himself for missing a layup, qualify for a T?

If you're doing NFHS games, any of the FCC's "7 words" should probably qualify. As for "GD" and others, that's going to vary by region. I wouldn't call it, but in some parts of the country that's profanity.

Adam Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:24am

As for GD, I'm particularly annoyed at that one, but generally rule this based on whom it's aimed toward and how loud it's uttered. Same with JC.

kblehman Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:31am


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You've either got the greatest number of coaches and players in the history of the game who actually believe in true sportsmanship gathered together in one small geographic area......or you're deaf.:)

Well, I will say that I've been real close a number of times, and had a few of those close calls come this year, my streak would've been broken. I think in my first year I let the coaches complain more because when they did it made me wonder if I got the call wrong (which wreaks havoc on your concentration if you're not careful). Let's face it, it's a confidence issue for us when we're rookies, right?


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Btw, I thought that I read a while ago that you were a rookie with about 60 games under his belt. :confused:

FWIW, the 295 games includes a lot of kids' tournaments, especially when I was first starting, because I wanted to learn and get comfortable with mechanics & positioning, etc before working school games. I still do a lot of AAU tournaments, etc of all ages--up to HS--as well as some HS leagues. At any rate, my count for official school games is about 100 or so, from MS level up to JV. (Haven't done varsity yet--getting home at 11pm for the extra $5 isn't worth it to me, and I have no ego involved.)

One more bit of clarification: Although I'm a 2-yr rookie I was 48 when I started. Also, I have a fairly calm but firm demeanor, so I may not act as much like a rookie as other younger rookies do. At least, I hope not, since I'm 50 now and I think I do a fairly good and consistent job for both teams. And yes, I've been pretty lucky with coaches; the few situations I've had with coaches I've been able to diffuse. And no player situations at all yet.

All that being said, my fuse has gotten just a bit shorter this year--it's grown shorter in proportion to my gain in confidence as an official. Plus, I've learned some tricks from you guys (the stop sign, not discussing every call) that have helped as well. I just wish our local association had the same sort of mentoring mentality as I've found in here.

kblehman Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:33am


Originally Posted by Snaqwells
As for GD, I'm particularly annoyed at that one, but generally rule this based on whom it's aimed toward and how loud it's uttered. Same with JC.

So if they're just mad at themselves (and don't yell it out or direct it at a player or official) you give them a pass?

Jurassic Referee Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:40am


Originally Posted by kblehman
I have a fairly calm but firm demeanor, so I may not act as much like a rookie as other younger rookies do. At least, I hope not, since I'm 50 now and I think I do a fairly good and consistent job for both teams. And yes, I've been pretty lucky with coaches; the few situations I've had with coaches I've been able to diffuse. And no player situations at all yet.

If it's working for you and the game is kept under control, no need to change. It doesn't matter <b>how</b> you get there....just that you <b>do</b> get there.

Having said that, you <b>will</b> be in a situation somewhere down the road where you <b>will</b> have to nail somebody. That's true for all of us. Don't ever think that it's some kind of failure on your part when you do have to "T" somebody up. You're simply reacting to what you run into. It's just another call.


Jurassic Referee Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:46am


Originally Posted by Snaqwells
As for GD, I'm particularly annoyed at that one, but generally rule this based on whom it's aimed toward and how loud it's uttered. Same with JC.

How about Allah? Buddha? Zeus? Odin? ....Woody?

What do you do if players shout any of those out?:confused:

M&M Guy Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:51am


Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee

Automatic ejection.

Jurassic Referee Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:02am


Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Automatic ejection.

Agree. Taking His name in vain should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Adam Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:03am


Originally Posted by kblehman
So if they're just mad at themselves (and don't yell it out or direct it at a player or official) you give them a pass?

If I'm the only one who hears it, they're more likely to get a pass. If the kid throws a pass out of bounds and screams "Sh!t!" he's getting the T.

just another ref Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:06am

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee


Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Automatic ejection.

Woodpeckers are sacred.

Scrapper1 Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:12am


Originally Posted by mbyron
If you're doing NFHS games, any of the FCC's "7 words" should probably qualify.

I thought those were George Carlin's seven words. . .

M&M Guy Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:15am


Originally Posted by just another ref
Woodpeckers are sacred.

I don't know about sacred. I think wood peckers are just scary.

M&M Guy Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:16am


Originally Posted by Scrapper1
I thought those were George Carlin's seven words. . .

Aren't George and the FCC good buddies?

Rusty Gilbert Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:35am

I work approximately 50-60 games a year. Awarded a coach a "T" last week---first one on a coach in 3 years. Can only remember a couple of player "technicals" during the same 3-year period.

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