Originally Posted by budjones05
Let me give this one a try. I'm sure JR will help me out.
Rule 4-19-8 A double personal foul is a situation in which two opponents commits personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time. Play resumes at POI
Rule 6-4-3 .... an alternating possession throw in shall result when g. double personal, double technical, or simultaneous fouls occur and the poi is such that neither team is in control and no goal, infraction, nor end of quarter/extra period is involved.
True -- and note that the AP throw in is ONLY when there's no Team Control (or a throw-in or FT).
1) If there's TC, resume with a throw-in by the team in control (at
2) If there's a throw-in or a FT, resume with that.
3) If neither of the above is true, use the arrow.
And, any throw-in in 1) or 3) is at the spot nearest the ball location (place last in contact with the court or a player), not the spot nearest the foul (although the two spots might be the same).