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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 10:28am
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Would some of you please explain to me your mechanics of a free throw. From both the Lead and Trail position.

For example: How do you signal for the bonus (1&1) when you are the Lead and your hands are full with the ball?

The Trail: Do you signal one shot, 1&1, or two shots with your hand briefly before the shooter shoots, or do you keep your hand to your side continually utill the shooter shoots?
I know I have been told to raise my hand on the last shot, "as the shooter shoots", to prepare to "chop" or start the clock on a miss.

Do you signal the score keeper on a made free throw?

Do you slide step toward the basket on the last shot of a free thrower?

Do you flick your hand, opposite side of the shooter so as not to distract him/her, for your 10 second count?

Also, I know the book says not to signal on a made two point field goal...but in my experience it is a lot less confusing for the score keepers, coaches, and fans if you signal two on a made two-point field goal that was close to the 3 point line. (Not proper mechanics though)

Thanks for your input.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 10:41am
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From the lead, signaling the number of shots is easy until you get to the one and one. I put both hands on the ball and put the two index fingers in the air as I say with my best outdoor voice, One and One.

From the trail, I breifly signal before the ball is passed to the shooter by my partner. On the final shot, when the ball goes up, and I see that there won't be a violation, I move one step towards the baseline with my hand up ready to chop the clock.

I do not signal made baskets with the exception of a two point shot taken from the three point line.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 12:05pm
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Actually, signalling a two that is close to the three-point line is proper mechanics. The manual states something along the lines of:

"The official shall still signal, however, when there may be confusion as to the number of points scored."
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 01:38pm
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Originally posted by RookieDude
Would some of you please explain to me your mechanics of a free throw. From both the Lead and Trail position.

For example: How do you signal for the bonus (1&1) when you are the Lead and your hands are full with the ball?
I say "1 & 1!", bounce the ball to the shooter and signal Before the ball reaches the shooter. There's nothing that requires that you say and signal 1 & 1 at the same time. BTW, the kids aren't watching or listening anyway.

The Trail: Do you signal one shot, 1&1, or two shots with your hand briefly before the shooter shoots, or do you keep your hand to your side continually utill the shooter shoots?
I normally signal.

I know I have been told to raise my hand on the last shot, "as the shooter shoots", to prepare to "chop" or start the clock on a miss.
Why would you wait until the last shot? The last shot may be the first shot, in a 1 & 1 situation. You should have the same mechanics on both shots of a 1 & 1.

Do you signal the score keeper on a made free throw?
Do you signal when they make a layup? No. There's no need too.

Do you slide step toward the basket on the last shot of a free thrower?
After either shot, I close down.

Do you flick your hand, opposite side of the shooter so as not to distract him/her, for your 10 second count?

Also, I know the book says not to signal on a made two point field goal...but in my experience it is a lot less confusing for the score keepers, coaches, and fans if you signal two on a made two-point field goal that was close to the 3 point line. (Not proper mechanics though)
If it's close, I signal to my partner.

Originally posted by Tim Roden
On the final shot, when the ball goes up, and I see that there won't be a violation, I move one step towards the baseline with my hand up ready to chop the clock.
Why wouldn't you use the same mechanic on the first shot?
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 05:17pm
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On the final shot or the first shot of the one and one, I am moving down looking for week side fouls during the rebound action.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 05:59pm
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So let me get this right - you guys don't signal made field goals?

That's weird....
Duane Galle
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 07:58pm
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Originally posted by Oz Referee
So let me get this right - you guys don't signal made field goals?

That's weird....
We used to, but that changed a while back.

When there is a made two pointer shot from really close to being a three pointer, most of the guys I know hold two fingers pointing down at the floor and kind of "pump" them and show it to the scorer, who is usually looking at you for a three signal.

As to the one and one, I hold the ball with both hands, drop the ball to the floor and signal one and one with one finger of each hand (wiggling them slightly) before the ball bounces back up. Then I catch the ball in both hands (I hope ), then bounce it to the shooter.

Also, I never say "two shots", only "two" (or "one" or "one and one"). I have had partners who said "one shot" and the players thought they may have said "one and one". If you give only a single number without any other words, there is no confusion.
Yom HaShoah
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 22, 2001, 08:49pm
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Originally posted by RookieDude

Do you flick your hand, opposite side of the shooter so as not to distract him/her, for your 10 second count?
The other questions have been answered; I wanted to amplify on this one.

In NFHS, the Trail makes a visible count.

In NCAA Women's, no visible count in this situation.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 23, 2001, 12:25am
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Originally posted by RookieDude
Would some of you please explain to me your mechanics of a free throw. From both the Lead and Trail position.

For example: How do you signal for the bonus (1&1) when you are the Lead and your hands are full with the ball?

As already said by others I announce 1&1 but I hold the
ball in 1 hand & signal the 1&1 with the other hand using
the index finger & pinky. I'm not sure if the hand signal
helps but it's never confused anyone.


Also, I know the book says not to signal on a made two point field goal...but in my experience it is a lot less confusing for the score keepers, coaches, and fans if you signal two on a made two-point field goal that was close to the 3 point line. (Not proper mechanics though)

If I see the shooter on the line I'll point at the line
while the shot is going up and keep pointing for a second
or 2 if it goes in. If he's clearly inside the arc I'll
just do nothing. I don't give the "2" signal.
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