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  #121 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:28pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
I never once said that profanity = ejection.

I said, and correctly so, that the phrase in the original post = ejection.
We have long left just talking only about the original post.

Originally Posted by blindzebra
Let's look at it this way:

Profanity, by rule, is a t'able offense.

Remarks directed at an official showing displeasure about a call is also a t'able offense.

The original post had a phrase that had 2 t'able offenses in it...1 + 1 = 2 and an ejection.
Who said this was not T'able offenses? I do not recall a single person in this entire thread (please show me were anyone said this BTW) that said there would not be a T. I do know that outside of profanity, I would address situations and have addressed situations long before we get to the profanity. I do not allow questioning of calls period without myself saying something to the participant. Last night in my playoff game I addressed an issue with a coach and no profanity was used, but I felt his yelling was not acceptable to me. Now I know there are officials that will just allow similar behavior continue all game long and then T when the behavior has escalated. I bet in this OP this was not the first personal comment the entire night. I am sure other comments were let go and this was the height of the frustration of a player.

I am also not saying the officials are completely at fault. I am saying that these comments to not just the first inappropriate comments during the game. I have never had a player after the first call just curse me out when the call does not go their way. Usually this is something that escalates over time.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:31pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
Than whack him twice, bang-bang instead of one, but to keep the kid around hoping to get him again is ridiculous.
Thank you for a very intelligent discussion. If it does not agree with your way of thinking, it is ridiculous. Very enlightening.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:42pm
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Originally Posted by JoeTheRef
The comment is NEVER appropriate, EVERY referee on this board has acknowledged that. It's the punishment that we referees will pass down according to our judgement that is being questioned.

If I have a partner who's stinking the joint up, kicking calls all over the place, then feels the need to eject a player because a player makes an comment to him regarding his performance that night, I'll probably be kicking any future scheduled games back with that partner.... A previous poster said a coach will probably appeal the ejection. The state will get your report, then a copy of the tape, see how horrible you were, and probably give a monetary reward to the player for his astute on-court evaluation of that referee.
I know you're joking, but I'm still going to answer. Like I said, I don't care if I set officiating back by 30 years. Whether I think the player's comment warrants an ejection will not be affected by how I performed that evening. If I have a bad night and my partner thinks it has any effect on how much profanity a player can use, I don't care.

If you think it's an eject-able offense, don't let your previous calls affect this one. If he's just frustrated, that's different, but the comment in the OP goes above and beyond any leeway I may have given if I'm having a bad game.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:52pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
We have long left just talking only about the original post.

Who said this was not T'able offenses? I do not recall a single person in this entire thread (please show me were anyone said this BTW) that said there would not be a T. I do know that outside of profanity, I would address situations and have addressed situations long before we get to the profanity. I do not allow questioning of calls period without myself saying something to the participant. Last night in my playoff game I addressed an issue with a coach and no profanity was used, but I felt his yelling was not acceptable to me. Now I know there are officials that will just allow similar behavior continue all game long and then T when the behavior has escalated. I bet in this OP this was not the first personal comment the entire night. I am sure other comments were let go and this was the height of the frustration of a player.

I am also not saying the officials are completely at fault. I am saying that these comments to not just the first inappropriate comments during the game. I have never had a player after the first call just curse me out when the call does not go their way. Usually this is something that escalates over time.

Even if it does escalate over time, and the player has been talked to or whatever, prior to the objectionable phrase, just how does that change the punishment for the offense?

That's the major hole in your argument.

The player may have had his girlfriend break up with him just before the game. He could have issues with home...drugs...any number of things that could cause an immediate reaction.

Perhaps it did build and the officials talked to him...asked the coach to get involved before he said what he said.

None of that matters to how you handle what was said, when and if he says it.

Our job is to judge the action and penalize appropriately.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 04:02pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Posts: 30,539
Originally Posted by blindzebra
Even if it does escalate over time, and the player has been talked to or whatever, prior to the objectionable phrase, just how does that change the punishment for the offense?

That's the major hole in your argument.

The player may have had his girlfriend break up with him just before the game. He could have issues with home...drugs...any number of things that could cause an immediate reaction.

Perhaps it did build and the officials talked to him...asked the coach to get involved before he said what he said.

None of that matters to how you handle what was said, when and if he says it.

Our job is to judge the action and penalize appropriately.
There is no major hole in my argument, you just do not agree with it.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 04:08pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
There is no major hole in my argument, you just do not agree with it.

Funny, I spelled out the flaw completely, you just choose to ignore it.

The hole is so big that there is an echo.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 04:08pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
I want to know, what is profanity? Profanity means different things to different people. Is the word "Damn" a profanity that needs an ejection? Is the term "Jesus Christ" deserve an ejection? Is when someone says, "Pissed" require an ejection?

I am not saying this to start a major debate. I am saying this because it is very clear that we will all never agree with profanity is. I might have a player call me a name that is not at all considered profanity, but might result in an ejection because it has other meaning that are more direct or personal. This is why I do not have a "one size fits all" solution.
You've hit it. Just what is profanity to you may not be to me. Now in the case cited - "Whack" is all I can say. When it was said during the course of the game would not matter to me. In fact one of the few "T's" I called this year was with 26 seconds left in the game. It didn't change the result but it was earned.

If a player curses (something less than the "F" bomb) to themselves about their own failure and only they and I hear it I usually give a verbal warning to watch the language.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 04:10pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Originally Posted by blindzebra
Funny, I spelled out the flaw completely, you just choose to ignore it.

The hole is so big that there is an echo.
I ignored it because I do not agree with it and it would be repetitive to keep saying the same thing over and over again (like I am doing now). Are you someone that speaks I have to agree with? You do not address the points I make, so why are you so special?

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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