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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2001, 06:48pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 149

Team A is down by 1 point with 1 second remaining in the game and A1 is fouled as he starts the process of shooting to the extent that there is no doubt that he has begun his habitual throwing motion. Yet, the buzzer goes off before the ball leaves his hand. Of course the shot would count if it went in in regulation time, but after reading the rule book--Rule 6, section 7, article 9, exception 3, I,m confused. It says the ball does not become dead until the try ends when a foul is committed by the opponent of a player who has started a try or is in the act of shooting before the foul occured, PROVIDED TIME DID NOT EXPIRE BEFORE THE BALL WAS IN FLIGHT. I understand that in a normal non foul situation, the ball would have to be out of the shooter's hand before the final buzzer sounds. Does this same rule hold true in a foul situation? Of course, if the shooter never got the shot off, we would simply clear the lanes and shoot 2 or 3 free throws after the buzzer. But if he did get the shot off and it went in, would it count even though the buzzer had gone off before the ball left his hand? Until someone can enlighten me about this rule, I would wave the shot off if it went, clear the lanes and shoot free throws. I've got 5 years officiating behind me but I've never seen this happen, but when I do I'd sure like to get it right. Please explain the rule. Thanks for the help--this message board has been the best learning tool for officials I've found these last few years. Ralph.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2001, 09:48pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616
Ralph, you are correct. If the continuous motion has started, then you have a player fouled in the act of shooting. But he is still must get the shot off before the buzzer for the basket to count.
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