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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 08:39am
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Pennsylvania re-evaluating coach's box

From the Pocono Record

Pennsylvania basketball coaches may be back on short leash
High School Notebook

The Associated Press
January 25, 2007
The PIAA recently sent a memo to its basketball officials chapters advising them to enforce the basketball coaching box rules.

The rules were implemented in 2004 to permit coaches to stand within a specified area in front of their team's bench — much like college coaches who stand throughout a game. Previously, coaches had to remain seated on the bench unless calling a timeout or being called to the floor by the game officials.

In the memo, the PIAA said that some coaches are taking advantage of the rule to badger officials. As a result, the number of ejections for coaches has risen significantly.

"The number of coaches receiving technicals and being ejected has risen to a level of concern in this area and statewide," WPIAL PIAA District 7 executive director Tim O'Malley said. "The privilege to stand will be debated in the future if it's being misused. Maybe it will go back to the way it used to be."
I couldn't afford a cool signature, so I just got this one.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 10:28am
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I am well aware of this. We had an article in the newspaper this past week here locally (The Beaver County Times) about the subject. We have been told repeatedly by our interpreter to enforce the coaches box with almost no tolerance. To me it is not a problem, but the State feels it is. I point out the box in my pregame with the coaches, I give one warning. After that I have had little or no problem with coaches. If they get their T, they earned it at that point.

The thing I feel bad about are the small gyms where there is literally no room for the coaches to do anything but stand. This past week I made game management move the chairs for the teams back during halftime to allow the coaches enough room. The AD jokingly threaten to scratch me for making him work.

Is it a problem? Yes, to a certain extent, but in my experience it can be managed.
I only wanna know ...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 11:39am
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Originally Posted by Ref in PA
We have been told repeatedly by our interpreter to enforce the coaches box with almost no tolerance. To me it is not a problem, but the State feels it is. I point out the box in my pregame with the coaches, I give one warning. After that I have had little or no problem with coaches. If they get their T, they earned it at that point.
I'm just guessing here, but it's probably no problem in your area because you and your fellow officials are following your interpreter's instructions and calling the box uniformly. Coaches then know exactly what to expect, so they can adapt. That's the way it should be-for both sides.

It is a problem though if only some officials enforce the rule properly and others refuse to. Coaches don't know what they can get away with. Officials that enforce the box properly then run into coaches who wander and yap because they've been allowed to do that. It turns into a mess. And it's basically our fault imo for not enforcing the rules properly and uniformly in the first place.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 12:17pm
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The WPIAL has also asked us to include a reminder to the coaches, during pregame, regarding the intent of the coaching box and that it will be dealt with zero tolerance. While discussing this at our chapter meeting, it seemed coaches were getting tossed more for their antics than abusing the coaching box. I think the majority of coaches seem to be more effective when they can stand and coach. So while some may abuse, most are respecting the option because they see the same results. Just need to take care of the few who aren't getting it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 28, 2007, 01:41am
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We were given similar direction last year in my state. Officials were told that enforcing the box would even be a criteria used when selecting officials for the post-season. We were told that if enforcement didn't improve, the state may even withdraw the coaches box.

This may sound a bit cynical, but...

Great. Fantastic. Why should I care? The box does nothing for me except create more work. So what if the state withdraws the coaching box? How does that hurt me? If the state wants coaches to stay in the box, they can talk to the coaches. Threaten them. They're the ones that lose out if the box is taken away. Let the coaches vote whether to keep the box by cleaning up their own act.

Why is the official being stuck in the middle of this?
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 28, 2007, 03:22am
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I gotta say I wouldn't be all that concerned with dumping the box myself. I've done it both ways, and coaches are generally quieter without it. But, I've found it's easier to talk to them when their up and mobile.
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